• Breaking News

    Monday, October 28, 2019

    Guild Wars 2 Actual picture of our sun released by NASA! King Thorn is coming!

    Guild Wars 2 Actual picture of our sun released by NASA! King Thorn is coming!

    Actual picture of our sun released by NASA! King Thorn is coming!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    Just Wanted To Say - You Guys Rock

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:34 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I'm celebrating my first month playing Guild Wars 2. I had an itch a while ago to try a new casual MMO (being a new father I don't get as many gaming hours as I used to), and the guys at r/mmo recommended Guild Wars 2.

    I'm an old gamer (I guess 36 is not that old today, but still), and I had my fair share of online gaming - FPSs, MMOs, MOBAs, Strategy and more. With time I learned that online interaction can be brutal (people leaving matches in a middle of a game, trolling or just being nasty talkers), and tried to avoid it playing mostly single-player games. So I didn't came with high hopes to Guild Wars 2.

    I guess experience can vary, and I might have been lucky - but everyone are super nice! Mentors hanging in the newbie zones, helping new people. Random people want to help you when attempting a jumping puzzles. Using /map was always a pleasure, with people enthusiastic to help me when I have a question. Someone asked once a question about a Mini, and I asked what 'Mini' is - I received like 7 mails from different people. Each attached a Mini and welcomed me to the game. On another occasion when asking about crafting, I had to refuse to more than one person who wanted to give me 50-100g to kick-start me into the game and help crafting. And let's not forget the people who constantly advice and answer question in this reddit help thread.

    So, a month has gone by and I just wanted to say thanks everyone, you guys rock - keep the community warm and welcomןמע to new-players - this makes me want to be active and help other players back - and that's a wonderful cycle.

    I'll see you around in Lion's arch ;-)

    submitted by /u/Tall-Guy
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    On behalf of the moon, I will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you! ����

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:15 PM PDT

    The Commander And The Seeker

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:51 AM PDT

    My incredibly painted commission!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:03 PM PDT

    PSA: 1 Week left to claim your free 80-100g. Dont miss it!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:42 AM PDT

    Only 1 week left until halloween is over. Dont miss your free Royal Flame Weapon Coffer. Currently valued at 90g, + free loot from tot bags. Open 1k tot bags before halloween is over.

    submitted by /u/unrivalled123
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    While waiting for the build templates, I created a little program to store my upcoming builds locally on my PC

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    While waiting for the build templates, I created a little program to store my upcoming builds locally on my PC

    Introducing Build Bank

    Screenshot of Build Bank

    It is a simple program that stores your builds into a local database on your computer.

    You will be able to copy the build code just by left clicking the entry on the list and from there can be pasted anywhere.

    The program will create a file "Builds.db" in your Documents folder, which contains all the saved builds and can also be shared with others or move to another computer.

    It is open source and downloadable from Github

    The program will check that the name field isn't empty and since I don't know how to build template code is constructed, so at the moment it will only check that to code is between "[]" brackets.


    I am pretty much a beginner in programming, but I used this as an opportunity to practice.

    Feedback would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Miss_Jazy
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    How do I Sort a Raiding Squad?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:11 AM PDT


    So the past few months I am steering towards raiding, gearing my characters, adopting some builds and participating in Raid training.

    Past few weeks however I started making my own training squads primarily for Wing 1. "Practice run, know mechanics, need xyz-classes" in LFG and it fills in like 10 mins.

    However I am yet to figure out the part where I need to sort the squad i.e. put 5 players in sub-group 2 or something. I don't know which players, classes nor for what reason I should do that.

    If anyone could elaborate this part I'd be very thankful!

    • Kind regards
    submitted by /u/Intreductor
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    Pact troops, move out! meta event in Malchor's still broken after many years

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:30 AM PDT

    I have recently come back to the game and whenever I do my logging at the Malchors tree node I always check for this event as it's probably the best meta chain on this map and rewards for Orr maps are always pretty good to do. But I was dissapointed to see that after all these years, this event is still bugging out so often probably the most out of everything else I've seen in the game.

    It has been non functioning for the past week in what seemed to be the only instance in the EU, and we finally got a map reset today but they are broken yet again, this time at a different spot. They always get stuck at the entry of the map or a little down further (they never get to the first encounter) and the meta chain never starts.

    Why does this keep happening and why doesn't anet fix this after so many years? Since this is pretty much the best meta chain on the map, doing any trains here becomes pretty much pointless if your best one is always broken.

    Why can't they fix this, was this ever mentioned or looked at on their side?

    submitted by /u/neocodex87
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    Pumpkin Carving 2019. My two favorite light armor classes!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    Unwanted account bound and soul bound items.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    What to do with them other than destroy it? Can't sell it, can't salvage it...

    submitted by /u/ssddsquare
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    How to cheese the JP [Not my content]

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:52 AM PDT

    ⚠️Revealing Build Template Tab price and Slot price.⚠️

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    Hello there, as title states, this is not a speculation or whatsoever.

    In right mindset you would think an extra tab price would be around 500 Gems, you were close enough but not really.

    Extra build template Tab is around 700Gems to 800Gems with (2 slots unlocked for free -subject to change), each tab around $10 total of $30).

    That will leave you with 110 slots locked, which total slots is 120 slots if you're going unlock all of them.

    Price to unblock all 110 slots -> 15000 Gems to 16,500 Gems (Keep in mind this price is subject to be changed when patch of build template is up)

    Therefor each slot is 136 Gems to 150 Gems.(subject to change).

    P.S: No source about the price information, nope I don't work with ArenaNet, nor partner with them.

    See ya during build template patch. you may quote me if i was wrong :) I'll be happy to edit what I've stated.


    submitted by /u/moxceo
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    Just Started, Got A Few Questions

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:35 AM PDT

    I looked through the Wiki but didn't feel like reading/watching information from 2015-2016. I've been on a bit of a MMO search recently for something that fits my preferences and although I'm only level 20 I feel like I've made a good choice with deciding to play GW2.

    My current goals are to just play the game and enjoy the journey doing so. I'm planning to 100% each zone as I level through them, I'm aware there are several starter zones for each of the Races that I assume can be traveled to for extra XP?

    I've seen a lot of high level players with high mastery ranks, super cool mounts and amazing looking armor/outfits. I'm all about stuff like this and it makes me excited knowing there is a lot of content ahead of me to explore, collect, etc.

    So onto the questions!

    • Solo/Grouping - Seems like my days of playing with friends is hit or miss as we all have different taste and always end up playing different games. Will I hit a wall if I plan to play this game Solo, I mean I imagine I'll join a Guild if not but I was curious about that?

    • Crafting - Playing a Thief so I went Leather Working. Is it better to level this once I get max level, get a mount and can move through the world freely to gather materials to level it up faster later? I've honestly not spent a lot of time messing with it so far, seems like it has an interesting Discovery mechanic for getting new recipes.

    • Character Progression/Power Creep - In the past I've been a bit OCD with min/maxing and all that and frankly I think it's ruined the experience of some games. I'm intentionally steering clear of looking up whatever is meta in this game and simply playing what I want to play and how I want to play it. Ideally I'd like to just play the game, get to end game and start working towards collecting mats to eventually craft myself some really strong gear.

    GW2 seems like it's something I can chill out on vs all the other stuff I've tried in the past. Would love to hear any kind of helpful input! I ended up typing out a lot..thanks for reading if you did!

    submitted by /u/Quikbeard
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    Took a short break, fell in love with gaming again.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    TLDR: Took a short break from GW2 to play GW1 and Hollow Knight. Ended up having the time of my life and reevaluating why I sink so much time into GW2.

    So I've been playing GW2 pretty consistently since launch. It's been my go-to game, a comfort zone. It's a place where I can just chill or go explore and go on adventures. The combat is fluid, the world engaging, and my own characters have had a lot of love poured into their "personalities." Plus, it's effectively free. What more could I ask for?

    As I've been trying to turn my life around from anxiety/depression and the bad habits that have formed from those, I ended up taking a break from GW2 after Bound by Blood. I started playing two other games instead, just to shake things up.

    The first was Guild Wars, the original one.

    It still felt familiar, not too much of a shock from the world I was so familiar with. I'd played it plenty before but I decided to focus my efforts on the Nightfall campaign and actually building a Hero team so I don't absolutely suck at most of the hard content.

    It's been incredible.

    Elona is beautiful. From Istan to the Desolation, every location feels vast and unique. The war against Varesh's Kournan army felt like an actual war that I had to spearhead.

    And damn, despite the "Nobody Likes You Kormir" meme, honestly Kormir wasn't around that much. I felt like the war effort was in my hands. You actually get a choice between going to save Kormir from her prison and going to kill a demon that threatens to corrupt the area, and I ended up leaving Kormir behind. Nightfall felt totally different than how I expected and that was just a part of why.

    I got to ride Junundu (I finally understand the hype GW1 vets had for that), met Joko (surprisingly well-spoken and intimidating, despite how many GW1 vets said he was a joke character), and felt like the continent of Elona was generally just so much more rich with culture than I ever felt in GW2.

    I played with my own build and the builds of my Heroes, looking at old build guides to try to make a team that has synergy instead of just a bunch of random professions running around together. Some skills I needed required me to go to other continents or hunt down various bosses to capture them myself. Very little was just handed to me. And having a good team build is a total game-changer.

    More than that, I felt like I was actively having fun. Something about the atmosphere and presentation of GW1 just works (I'll get to that later). Plus, like I said, I was having to work for everything.

    Oh right. Also, whenever I got stuck, veteran players would flock to my aid if I walked into Kamadan and asked for help. So cool to see that happen.

    The second game I played was Hollow Knight.

    I'd heard so many good things about this game, but my complacency with GW2 kept me from spending the money on it. Finally, I got the last little push I needed to pick it up and play it.

    Holy. Shit.

    This game is beyond amazing. The combat is so fine-tuned. Everything you get, you have to earn it first. The world is beautiful and complex with so many hidden elements and pathways.

    More importantly, it taught me a lesson I desperately needed to succeed: know your limits.

    So many games give you countless abilities to cut through enemies one after the other. They teach you that being defensive is a good way to get yourself overwhelmed. They tell you to be the reckless hero if you want to have fun. (GW2's meta is guilty of this too.)

    Hollow Knight does the opposite. Every boss is bigger, beefier, and hits harder than you do. The only advantage you have is your speed and maneuverability, and you end up almost dancing with each boss rather than straight-up fighting them. You work around their mechanics and hold on to your own life, then sneak in one or two hits when they're exposed. It doesn't go easy on you, either.

    But there are so many ways to keep yourself alive, from pogo-striking (slash downward and bounce on the enemies) to all the movement abilities you earn later in the game. The Watcher Knights were maybe the most brutal boss for me, and I got such a rush of relief when I finally beat them that I felt like I was going to pass out. But never once did I feel like I was being jerked around. Every failure was a mistake of my own, not the result of unfair mechanics.

    Not to mention the platforming itself is stellar. Every new ability you unlock opens a new world of movement until, by the end, you're darting through areas like the most graceful ninja in existence.

    So, what have I learned?

    GW2 is still a great game. The way it's managed can be infuriating most of the time, but it's still fantastic. Fantastic enough to have kept me content, then complacent, then stagnant for years. But it's not perfect.

    I didn't realize just how much I missed games that ask me to try. Games that push me to my limits and say "you can still do this. Just a little further." Games that challenge the way I play games, demanding patience or ingenuity, or being tough enough to encourage me to play with others.

    And like I mentioned earlier, GW1's presentation just works. What I mean by that is that, like, GW2 has an atmosphere of pressure. There are hardly any meaningful stakes in the game, so when things get "intense," they kind of just get depressing. GW1 feels like I'm a hero fighting for a world that cares. I'm up against impossible odds but I have a team and I meet people along the way who all push me closer to my goals. It's not just me and the world's greatest plot armor fighting against stressful enemies with the conflict spread thin over the course of a year. I'm so sick of this hurry-up-and-wait storyline. I'd rather wait a year for a big expansion than keep up this drip-feed of story.

    I still love GW2. I don't know what it would take for me to actually quit. But this little adventure made me remember why I've wanted GW2 to improve so badly. Because all these positive and engaging elements from just two other games filled me with such joy in ways that GW2 has failed to capture for me in so long.

    Some of that is just because I've played long enough for the game to feel mundane. I understand that. But there's still something to be said against an MMO that can't invigorate its veterans anymore.

    So uhh, moral of the story: don't be like me. Don't get complacent. Branch out. There are so many amazing games out there and they all have the chance to do something different. If you aren't feeling satisfied with GW2, find something that scratches that itch for you. I promise you'll find something that makes you love gaming again. And GW2 won't disappear in the meantime.

    submitted by /u/Chiorydax
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    Desert Borderlands: 4 Years Later

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:24 AM PDT


    I'm very curious about the community's perspective about the Desert Borderlands after 4 years of its existence.

    From what I can tell, it is still considered an unpopular map. Very convoluted, slow to navigate (Although Gliding and Warclaw may have resolved some of these issues) and so on. Considering what I've experienced, almost no one or very few enemy worlds would touch Red team's borderland. Seemingly giving the red team a free pass of points cause no one wants to play in it.

    I wish to as a few questions to get a better understanding of the current mindset of today's players regarding the map. Please answer each question as thoroughly as possible:

    1. When it comes to your current WvW experience, how often do you play in the Desert Borderland Map?
    2. Do you enjoy your time playing in the map if at all?
    3. What makes playing this map enjoyable/unenjoyable/both?(Positives and/or Negatives)
    4. Has the additions of Gliding and Warclaw made things better when it comes to traveling in there?
    5. What makes Alpine more appealing to play in than Desert if you do not like Desert?
    6. What make Desert more appealing than Alpine if you like Desert?
    7. If there are any positives or interesting implementations to the Desert Borderland that you like, what are they? If there are any, would you want to see these be added to Alpine or a possible Green Borderland?
    8. Would you want Desert Borderland to be reworked or redesigned? If so to what extent? Small redesigns or a full rework/remake? Please explain.
    9. If there are any lessons that Anet could learn when redeveloping or making something new for the future designs of borderlands (if they ever do), what would they be?
    10. Here answer with any additional thoughts or opinions on the matter at hand.

    Looking forward to learning more.

    Kind regards,

    submitted by /u/XTheMaskedGamerX
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    Good zerker build for progressing open world PvE & LW /expansion stories.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:56 AM PDT

    My biggest issue is that almost every veteran and/or above is handing my ass to me.
    My current build.

    What should I change? Because a lot of the times i find myself downed not even in zerker mode.
    I've had an awfull experiance running LWS-3 when you find out that Joko has Taimi and you have to plow yourself through a horde of Inquest, and that Scruffy fight was just disgusting.... Never seen downed window that much ever...

    So any hints? I do like the zerker, but I feel way to squishy.

    submitted by /u/Exitl0l
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    Level 80 boost - Help? [Question]

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:17 AM PDT


    Apologies for the vague post title but I am a bit confused on what to do and I tried reading the starter guide and a few resources online but they were more geared towards perhaps a player who has never played GW before and I couldn't find, or rather didn't know how to find, any information to help me.

    I bought the standard edition to get the expansions and invest in the game sine I was having fun and wanted the full experience. It came with a Level 80 boost so I boosted my warrior to Level 80 and got a set of gear and a bunch of other items.ly enjoying it. Here is my mistake:

    I bought the standard edition to get the expansions and invest in the game sine I was having fun and wanted the full experience. It came with a Level 80 boost so I boosted my warrior to Leevl 80 and got a set of gear and a bunch of other items.

    I have no idea what I am doing.

    I played some WvW last night and I had the most fun ever, and 5v5 PvP is a blast too. But, I don't actually know what I am supposed to be doing or how I can be improving my character. Where can I get the better gear than my 80 boost items, how do I progress my character onwards? there seems a plethora of places on the map that I have no idea what is there. Just need help finding my feet after an 80 boost really

    submitted by /u/powermadmatt
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