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    Saturday, December 4, 2021

    Guild Wars Completed Prophecies - Solo Ironman Necromancer

    Guild Wars Completed Prophecies - Solo Ironman Necromancer

    Completed Prophecies - Solo Ironman Necromancer

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 02:34 AM PST

    Good morning!

    I'm back once again having beat prophecies solo with yet another class: Necromancer (Youtube Playlist). This one was much tougher than either Monk (reddit link) or Elementalist (reddit link) and makes 3 of 6 classes I've beaten the game solo with Ironman rules. Huge shoutout to /u/Candyboyodt who provided a ton of feedback and thoughtful discussion in my effort to complete this run.

    So why was Necromancer harder than Monk and Elementalist? Well, two reasons in specific:

    1) First, only CandyB has beaten prophecies solo on a Necromancer with Ironman rules. So this gave me very limited optimized builds to work with. There's even one mission in specific where I disagreed with CandyB on his build (Abaddon's Mouth). You can see Candy's run here and mine here. Notice the very different builds.

    2) Another challenge is the necromancer class in itself. There's a reason necromancer was the last class to have beaten Prophecies solo-- its severely lacking toolkit. With Monk and Elementalist, I had anti-casting skills to rely on (Spellbreaker and Obsidian Flesh) whereas with Necro I had to engage and kill every enemy in my way. Besides the lack of defensive skills, Necromancer's primary heal is Blood Renewal. This is somewhat of a challenging skill to use because you're sacrificing 15% health to use it. It also stops any natural regen when you use it because you're doing damage to yourself- unlike mostly all other heals. And it's an enchantment whose spike healing effect doesn't occur until 7-8 seconds after you've used the skill, meaning you have to just keep casting it all times. The upside of it is that it only costs 1 energy.

    So what was good about Necromancer? Was there anything it excelled at better than Monk or Elementalist? Yes, actually. It brings to the table two really good skills in my opinion: Life Transfer, the elite skill, and Life Siphon.

    Life Transfer at 14 Blood Magic is a +8 health regen to the user and a -8 health degen to the enemy and adjacent foes. And at 14 Blood Magic lasts for 14 seconds with a 20 second recharge and a 1 second cast time. There's only 7 seconds when it isn't active. Total damage is 224 per cast per enemy. This skill makes most fights trivial. Especially if you can group up your targets or kite in and out of their aggro. And unlike most skills, this does the job of both healing and damage.

    Life Siphon, the other good skill, acts like a damage over time that you can set and forget. A prime example of this is at the start of Ice Caves of Sorrow. This skill at 12 Blood Magic does -3 health degen over 22 seconds. Or 132 total damage. If you can manage to cast it on a single target just as it runs out over and over again, you'll eventually kill it. Of course, this doesn't work if they can self-heal or have a monk present, but in all other cases this is a pretty easy and reliable way to kill things.

    So then what's next? Mesmer. I'm already at Thunder Head Keep with my mesmer, so I expect to be done with it within the month.

    I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that there is a solo community! Our discord is Shade_the's discord: https://discord.gg/PKUv9Ahu. And our wiki is http://gwsolo.wikidot.com/. I try to update the front page of the wiki with the latest news bi-weekly. All are welcome. You don't need to follow any specific rules in-game to be a part of this community-- just enjoy playing GW1 in challenging ways.

    submitted by /u/L4in
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    2 man+heroes DOA HM run under 1:30.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 09:36 PM PST

    Finally archieved gwamm !

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 01:58 PM PST

    Crossposting from GW2 sub because I think it will be appreciated here as well. A bunch of "concept arts" made by neural network. Mostly Cantha.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 03:22 AM PST

    Anyone doing desert runs?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 02:08 AM PST

    I would apriciate it if someone can run me to all the outposts in the crystal desert.

    If interested please wisp me ingame. Brahmanse Krag

    submitted by /u/Geruisloos799
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    Displaying weapon spell damage?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 09:34 PM PST

    I don't play ritualists a lot but I've been trying to acquire into them more. I'm wondering if there's a way to display damage from weapon spells I cast on someone else to appear on my screen. Basically I just wanna see the numbers on my screen so I feel like I'm doing something with ⠀weapon of three forges

    submitted by /u/CurrentlyLyingSo
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    Pre-searing Charr kit

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 12:07 AM PST

    Hello Guildianer,

    I am farming char Kits since 1 Week. Asking in ascalon. Bit nobody have or offer one.

    Is here anybody with a charr kit to sell?

    Love you und wish you all the best.

    IGN: Isaac darkwood

    submitted by /u/Fzfy
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    What kind of content do you want to see in r/GuildWars? [POLL RESULTS]

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 12:01 AM PST

    What kind of content do you want to see in r/GuildWars? [POLL RESULTS]



    Data visualisation is my passion

    The results are in! It's interesting that by accident this ended up being two separate polls (Reddit's native one choice only, and a 3rd party multiple choice) , with sample sizes of 161 and 155 respondents respectively. So - what do the people want?

    When given only one choice for what they wanted, the most popular selection was Opinions / Discussions / Debates, at 27%. While no option was selected by an overall majority of respondents (no category had 50%+) this one won out over the second most popular, Jokes / Memes, at only 25%. When asked to give only one option a top priority, Fanart / Fanfic came in dead last at 4%, almost half as much of a priority as Facts / Trivia. As we can see, the single choice only scenario is much more polarizing with the largest deviation between categories.

    In multiple choice, as many options as the interviewee wanted to select were available. As a result, we can see a much more balanced response. Here, too, Opinions / Discussions / Debates was the most popular choice, with 21% of the 155 respondents selecting this one. While a top priority for very few poll-takers, Fanart / Fanfic rests within the standard deviation of the rest of the responses, at 14%, just barely above Screenshots / Videos / Streams.

    So what does this all mean for the future of r/GuildWars?

    While every kind of post is more or less evenly favoured as indicated in multiple choice, certain categories are not a top priority. Viewers overwhelmingly do not come to r/GuildWars specifically because they want to find Fanart or Trivia / Facts about the game. This may be because other outlets such as DeviantArt and Tumblr exist for art, and the GW wiki exists for facts and trivia. When this kind of content is encountered in r/GuildWars, however, visitors will generally engage with it and enjoy it as much as (sometimes more than) looking at a video, a sceenshot, or a how-to Guide. At the end of the day, however, discussion is king. Users here lean towards reading and sharing opinions, as well as debating Guild Wars content, above all else.

    So what should be done to support an online space centred mainly on debate and discussion? I think that means accepting that people and their opinions are diverse, everyone playing the game has different experiences and expectations, comes from different cultures across the world, and has different styles of communication. (Not to mention, varying ability levels in the de facto language of r/GuildWars, English, which can put many non-USA users at a disadvantage during debates even with just a single incorrect word). This appreciation of diversity means accepting that someone's opinion can be different to yours, but that doesn't make their opinion "bad" or "wrong", it's just different. The Guild Wars community as a space for discussion is already at a huge advantage compared to others: opinions about what spells we like or professions we think are overpowered aren't (shouldn't be) big, divisive, harmful, or dangerous to anyone. For the most part, no one should feel threatened about a Guild Wars opinion. I think this is a good starting point for a healthy debating atmosphere.

    As users are mostly here to specifically look for and share opinions and debate ideas, I think the best way to support these discussions is, when necessary, to adopt an "agree to disagree" stance on people's opinions. Instead of trying to shut down discussions with "your opinion is wrong, you don't understand this as well as I do, if you can't accept my opinion, don't respond", encourage the discussion you came here for with: "I appreciate that's your opinion but it's not one I share or agree with. Can you tell me why you think that way?" or even easier "I don't agree with that, but perhaps someone else here does?" I also think that healthy debate is predicated by just a modest about of politeness as well, particularly when disagreeing. "Thank you for taking the time to deliver a TED talk on why you would add sentient potatoes as charmable animals. However, I have to say that I do not agree, because..."

    Even a simple article like this one is a great start to developing a sense of how to take part in discussions and debates in a productive way: https://www.wikihow.com/Be-Tolerant-to-People%27s-Opinions.

    What do you think? Why do you take part in this subreddit? Are you here specifically to share opinions and discuss ideas?

    submitted by /u/Koudelka_Lasant
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