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    Tuesday, October 26, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Lost Lore: The Quaggan Goddess Mellaggan

    Guild Wars 2 Lost Lore: The Quaggan Goddess Mellaggan

    Lost Lore: The Quaggan Goddess Mellaggan

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 10:45 PM PDT

    I was researching some lore stuff recently about magic and Tyria, and I came across a part of the lore I realized hadn't been put together yet (that I could find) about the Quaggan and their goddess Mellagan that I thought was cool and wanted to share.

    In the personal story, we have a mission where our job is to free some prisoners from a krait encampment to prevent the Pact from losing recruits in the area. When we succeed in our mission, we're told by a high priority prisoner that the krait had been discussing a magical orb that was warding off Zhaitan's corruption. The area was free of risen, so we decide to check it out.

    We then seek out a largos who was also imprisoned there to inquire about the orb and find Sayeh al' Rajihd, who asks us to prove ourselves before she will address us. Once we prove ourselves worthy, she tells us this orb is a legendary magical artifact known to those who dwell in the deep and that it is extremely powerful and known to counter Zhaitan's corruption. She also informs us the krait are shepherding it between their strongholds to keep them safe from corruption.

    The player then chooses how they want to take the orb from the krait, and through either choice we get our hands on it but lose a valuable ally in the process.

    We take the orb to Fort Trinity, and it ends up being instrumental in our defense against Zhaitan's minions there. Without it, we likely would have been overrun and the Pact soundly defeated. A pretty big plot point if you ask me.

    Now the history of the orb and how the krait found it is unknown, but we know a bit more about the krait themselves. They came from the depths around 50 years ago, and during that time they decimated and enslaved the Quaggan, who also fled the depths to avoid a great danger below. The Quaggan royal family was killed, the Quaggan were enslaved, and their sole goddess, Mellaggan, was murdered during the krait insurgence.

    So this is where it gets interesting.

    The Quaggan, having fled the deep sea and the krait, came inland into Tyria from multiple directions and now occupy the shallows of many of the maps. And in Gendarran Fields, there is a group of them who have erected a shrine to their fallen goddess around a sunken sculpture of Melandru. The pastkeeper there will tell you about how their goddess was killed and assure you that she is not lost but dead by the krait's doing. Okay, so what's the point?

    Well, in Frostgorge Sound you'll find another group of Quaggan (this time the northern variants) preparing their remaining tribes for a sort of Quaggan Olympics. In order to start these games, however, you first have to help an old competitor retrieve an item called the Shimmer Bauble of Mellaggan. You explore the depths of the area and she eventually scoops up what looks like a huge pearl, which she notes is the Shimmer Bauble, an artifact used to honor their goddess Mellaggan. It seems largely symbolic, but now let's consider the lore of how the krait acquired the Blue Orb that we used to save Fort Trinity.

    We can't be sure when exactly, but we know that the Krait acquired it in the depths at some point in the last 50 years; around the same time they had been rampaging through the Quaggan's homelands. Now some might say it's just coincidence, but I think the Blue Orb is actually what the Quaggan are calling the Shimmer Bauble of Mellaggan; the real one.

    The legendary artifact we used to save the Pact was actually a relic either given to them by their goddess or in her possession in the Quaggan homeland when she died. When the Krait rose from the depths, that's when they killed Mellaggan and the royal Quaggan, thus acquired it. Then 50 years later, we kill the krait and take the orb to Fort Trinity to turn the tide against Zhaitan.

    So not only is it suggested that the Quaggan were in possession of an incredibly strong magical relic capable of repelling an elder dragon, but also that they had a goddess in the depths that was murdered, is known and revered by Quaggan from complete opposite ends of the world, and is somehow similar to or associated with Melandru.

    But maybe you're not conviced? Here's the coolest part.

    If the connection between the pearl-like object from the northern Quaggan and the Blue Orb seems like a stretch, the devs put a sneaky clue back in Gendarran Fields. The Qauggan there have surrounded the shrine with their highly recognizable light balls at the feet of the statue of Melandru, but in her arms they placed a sole blue light ball; likely to symbolize the Blue Orb (Shimmer Bauble) of Mellaggan.

    This is probably the most insane easter egg I've ever seen in a game, and it has so many interesting lore implications, so I had to share it. If the world building in EoD is even half as good as for the core game I'll be stoked, and hopefully they'll touch on some of this neglected deep sea dragon lore there too.

    Anyway, thanks for listening, and if anyone has more info on this stuff than what I could find, I'd be stoked to hear about it.

    submitted by /u/mandala30
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    I'm now officially poor but fabulous ✨

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    For the love of all the Six, can Anet please give us more build equipment template slots?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 09:20 PM PDT

    Please kind sirs, 1? 2 more? Hopefully double? It sucks that such a good feature was monetized and then we will have another expansion where more elites will come in making our already 6 slots super tight.

    No, making another character shouldn't be an excuse to do this, and this is from someone who have 30 character slots. There is absolutely no reason why there are only 6 slots, this game have way too many modes! This downtime is the perfect chance to give this, PLEASE ANET

    submitted by /u/Nebbii
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    Mounts unlocked (high to low) – gw2efficiency data of 340.000 accounts

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    So how many infusions does this person have? ��

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Am I the only one hoping for a hype song in character selection?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    Honestly, to me, the PoF song is just flat and kind of boring. Nothing will ever beat up tempo HoT character selection, that had like a slight sense of haste and incoming dread? I get that the situation in PoF was slightly different, but Balthazar was not less of a threat. I just want a song that gets me hyped up to play, that's all lol.

    submitted by /u/Erxxy
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    Hardstuck Benchmark Competition Beta Week 3 | 26th - 28th October!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit!

    Welcome to the third iteration of the Hardstuck Beta Week Benchmark competition!

    From October 26th to the 30th we can have as much fun as we want and use the whole week to Unleash some epic Jade Buster Cannons, and see very Well what these 3 Untamed Elite Specializations can do!

    Submissions close on the 28th at 9PM UTC and will be shown live on Stream on the 29th at 3PM UTC Live on stream at Twitch.tv/Mela


    Total 3000+ Gold, Prize pool can be increased by sending items over to Mela.2918

    Split between the Top 2 per each Specialization.

    1st Place - 650 Gold

    2nd Place - 350 Gold


    • All entries must be recorded with chat FULLY visible with the golem damage per second numbers

    • ArcDPS log must be provided with the submission (Edit) ArcDPS logs will not be functioning for this competition. Showing all of your currently in use Gear, Traits and foods will be enough for submissions

    • Golem Size Average Enemy (4 Million health) Medium Size

    • You are allowed to copy your boons to your pet on Untamed (See list of boons that you're allowed to take below

    • 1 Mesmer Ally without any gear on for Clones is allowed to be used when Trying the Spectre Spec, no other players are allowed to be in the instance when Benchmarking Untamed and Mechanist

    • Racial abilities are not allowed

    • You are only allowed to do damage with your currently equipped Build and Gear - Pre-casting any Weapons Skills, Utilities, Traits, Runes or Sigils that you don't intend on using in the actual benchmark is not allowed.

    • Night Sigil is not allowed

    • You may use any Non Lifesteal Ascended Nourishment, and Enhancement. Writs are not allowed.

    • Pre-casting food is not allowed, neither is swapping food in the middle of the benchmark

    Boons and buffs to use:

    • 25 Might, Fury, Quickness, Swiftness, Alacrity, Regeneration, Resolution, Aegis and Vigor. You can copy these to your pet on Untamed

    • Frost Spirit, Sun Sprit, Spotter, Banner of Strength, Banner of Discipline and Assassin's Presence.

    Conditions to use on the golem:

    • 25 Stacks of Vulnerability

    • 1 Stack of every other condition (all the other ones)

    Submit your entries to Mela#4287 on Discord in private.

    We are very eager and excited to see what all of these Specializations are capable of in terms of dps and also utility, we'll see what fun builds and rotations you come up with and if the new Specter spec can finally bring some major changes to PvE balance once it is fully released into the game!

    If you want to stay up to date with all ours events, make sure to join the Hardstuck Discord and the Hardstuck Competitive Discord.

    Hope you enjoy the new specs and also pressing your buttons very fast in various orders on the poor cute Kitty Golem, and stay tuned for more events!

    The Hardstuck Team

    submitted by /u/Hiimmela
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    Hakuna Matata!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    I met Weenie the Pooh first and now Optimus Prime lol can't wait to see who else I see

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Hidden asura room in Bitterfrost frontier

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    Got inspired by the dead afk Revs post, so 2 of my boys came along to pull the champion sand shark. Happy ending: we killed a few and they started leaving the instance and awkwardly changing spots, eventually leaving as well!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    Quick Fluffy Raid Post

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    Quick Fluffy Raid Post


    People like to post screens of empty LFGs on off hours or of the two raid sellers as if it makes a point, but I never see a typical primetime LFG posted. So here's just a fluff post of reset night (probably the most active time on NA every week) because it made me feel good to see. It was hard to get a screen without blank spaces because there were so many parties popping up and filling.

    This is also a reminder that raiding is great and everyone should try it.

    Grab your exotic gear and a Snowcrows build and start with Wing 4 if you can!

    Happy raiding, everyone.

    submitted by /u/Kipados
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    Why didn't anyone tell me GW2 story was soo good?!?!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    When GW2 was released I played through the game and it was all fine and dandy. I enjoyed it. For some reason I stopped playing within a year of the game releasing and sort of forgot about it. I recently decided to check it out again and got the expansions and some of the pay parts of the story. Holy crap! These last couple weeks of game have been some of the best rpg experiences in recent memory. There is sooo much story and it's all awesome! That said I probably should find a guild at some point since I've been playing the game like a single player rpg and just enjoying the incredible story.

    submitted by /u/busybox42
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    This champion ettin bounty in jahai bluff had an interesting bug

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 06:35 PM PDT

    [fluff] I am stuck in here....come find me!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    What happened to the Trading Post connection?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    I came back to Guild Wars 2 for the past few months and one thing that I find pretty annoying nowadays is the fact that to connect to the TP in game takes forever, fails often and when connected also takes a long time to load most of the time compared to the earlier days, why is that? Any veterans noticed this as well?

    submitted by /u/StunningScholar
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    Petition to move this guy to your home-instance after Redeeming him.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    I often cannot enjoy or take PvP in their game seriously.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    So many times people afk or are super toxic and crap. Honestly it's mental. I lose rating because of it, so what the heck is the point to try to get to higher tiers if it happens, it makes it more difficult. People can't handle being 100 points behind so they afk even though the game is still in its early stages and can still be won. So many times people afk and ruin it for everyone. Sometimes they afk just because they don't like another teammate so everyone has to lose ratings now. Childish behaviours.

    I'm tired

    submitted by /u/Cosminion
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    Foefire legwraps are unaware that Asura wear mom jeans, resulting in the legendary croptop

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    how would you feel about the rules for reviving in PvE being similar to the ones in WvW?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    i was just thinking about it; people constantly need to remind others to waypoint if fully dead in boss fights because others will lay around waiting for a res, or theyll outright ask for a res repeatedly in chat and get annoyed when people say theyre too busy.

    i think the ability to revive people in combat in PvE causes them to be lazy at times, even when youre seconds away from a waypoint, they won't revive-- and i won't even lie, it makes me lazy too from time to time, because i know some well-meaning player will spend time trying to revive me if i wait around.

    in WvW, you cannot revive a full dead ally when in combat, but you can revive a down state ally while in combat. people are focused on staying alive, helping their squads stay alive, and supporting their allies who do manage to stay alive, instead of pausing for a few seconds at a time to revive leroy jenkins.

    if this was implemented in PvE, people would still be able to be revived after the boss is defeated and everyone is out of combat, but do you think it would benefit anything at all? would it make it worse? why or why not? argue about it in the comments.

    submitted by /u/wowlame
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    New WvW player here: Why is there no system against WvW supply trolls?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 01:58 PM PDT


    It seems kinda insane that a single person can constantly drain your keep's supply all day building useless siege, have it count towards your map siege limits, and apparently there isnt a system to counter this? This guy on Tarnished Coast has been doing this for over 8 hours, keeping the supply in the double digits.

    I'm sure this isnt a new problem, so why has nothing been done? Does this need to be a bigger problem before a serious conversation happens around it?

    Exhibit A

    Exhibit B

    submitted by /u/Jogindah
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