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    Tuesday, September 21, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 PSA: WvW Bonus Event starts today. Some suggestions for newcomers and people on the fence about giving WvW a go

    Guild Wars 2 PSA: WvW Bonus Event starts today. Some suggestions for newcomers and people on the fence about giving WvW a go

    PSA: WvW Bonus Event starts today. Some suggestions for newcomers and people on the fence about giving WvW a go

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    BIG WARNING : if you play WvW this week trying to progress but do it with the new beta Elite Specs, that progress will go to waste. To take advantage of the Bonus rewards you need to stick to your current characters.

    This post is for newcomers and more veteran players who never tried WvW or are intimidated by it. There is no reason to lock yourself out of the one game mode that GW2 does better than any other mmorpg. It's tons of fun when you are prepared for it and know a few things beforehand!

    I know most players are itching to try the new beta specs in a PvE environment later today, me too, but it's also a great time to go into WvW as a newbie for a few reasons:

    • WvW Bonus reward event! Best time to level up and to farm a few Gifts of Battle for your Legendaries. Call of War will give you +100% XP gain, +25% Reward Track progress and +50% Magic Find.
    • WvW's massive fights are a type of game play you can't experience in any other part of the game or most other games, it can be epic!
    • Many WvW veterans will be learning new specs and that will close the skill gap and make it easier for you to keep up.
    • Get to know more about Alliances and decide if you want to start searching for a WvW Guild you might want to join before this feature is fully implemented.

    So, if you are curious about it, here are a few steps I'd recommend to follow so you don't go in blind and get lost or confused, ending up hating the game mode because you have no idea of what is going on, dying repeatedly to random enemy roamers.

    Join your server's Discord

    Here are discord links for both EU and NA servers:

    Or ask in /team chat for your server's discord. You should definitely join it (might need to get verified to join voice channels, there will be a section in the discord that explains how to do it in a couple of easy steps), so you can follow open squad commanders to experience the big fights to their fullest.

    DON'T NEED A MICROPHONE AT ALL. Many players are shy, fear the thought of having to use voice to communicate. You should know that nobody will ever ask you to talk or bother you with questions about it. Most people join the voice channels muted and never talk, and that's perfectly fine and respected by everyone across all servers.

    The main goal of using voice is just so everyone can listen to the commander and know what to do. Don't let that be the reason why you are avoiding to experience those massive fights, it's totally worth it and much more fun when the squad is organized and winning fights because people are listening. It's a game changer, it really is. You play better, you learn more, and it just feels good to convert all of that into dead enemies!

    You might also meet new people, maybe find guilds that you want to join for the Alliances, and get notifications to know when your commanders are tagging up.

    Get a build

    It's important to go into WvW with proper builds, PvE ones will only get you killed within seconds most of the time because they don't have as many defensive traits and utilities like stun breaks.

    If you have no gold to spare to invest into proper gear stats, know that you can go with cheap alternatives and be somewhat viable. WvW is more forgiving in that respect than Raids or Fractals. For example, buy a mix of Cleric and Magi gear pieces from the Trading Post if you can't get Minstrel ones, and slowly upgrade with time. Also don't forget that some places like Verdant Brink let you buy exotic armor pieces with selectable stats with map currency.

    Here are some places where you'll be able to find useful builds:

    I'd recommend sticking to big squads until you are more comfortable with the game mode and don't miss any action, and therefore give the meta builds a try. Firebrand, Scourge, Spellbreaker, Herald and Scrapper will always be useful to your squad and a safe bet. Don't be afraid to go a bit tankier than the recommended builds at first to help you survive, if you are playing damage dealers.

    How to play, types of play styles

    The goal is simple, to capture and hold objectives, to upgrade them, and to kill enemies.

    There are three ways players like to approach this:

    • Roaming. 1 to 5 players roam the maps together, trying to kill the enemy players that are on their own, capturing fast objectives like camps, preventing the enemy teams to upgrade bigger objectives. These players are usually somewhat skilled, and if you see they outnumber you and have no backup it's better to just avoid them. They mostly play Thief and Ranger so they can run away from any danger.

    • Havoc. Up to 10 maybe 15 players, usually guilds. They like roaming too, but practice a lot so they can play a bigger role than roamers, by either supporting the main commander getting kills on the side during blob fights, or straight up fighting outnumbered against big enemy squads all by themselves to try to outplay them.

    • Blob. These are full 50 man squads, usually commanded purple/blue tags and open for everyone to join. They will either avoid fights and focus on capturing objectives if the commander is not confident or not on voice, or maybe organize fights against enemy blobs and not bother with objectives, or a mix of both. This is where new players should try to join so they can learn fast about how the game mode and their class works.


    I won't go much into this, because the wiki will do a better job at explaining than what I can

    Basically it goes like this. You want to maintain Tier 6 Participation to get max rewards, which is achieved by just killing enemies and capturing objectives. This will progress both of the reward systems in the game mode, the Reward Track and the Skirmish Chests.

    Then as you level up, you will gain more pips which in return give you faster weekly progression for the Skirmish Chests. Read about pips in the Skirmish Reward Track link.

    Few tips


    Try a few builds, find a class that you like, meta classes for zergs preferably, and stick to it until you learn it. Feed it all your boosters to progress faster and get much better rewards. If you can afford to have a character exclusively for WvW those boosters won't go to waste.


    If you are a booster hoarder and have lots of them in the bank, now is the time to use them. You can literally cut the time to finish a Reward Track by half. Get a Gift of Battle in 4h instead of 8h!

    Same with XP, you can more than double the speed at which you level up, allowing you to unlock more traits like auto loot and gliding much faster.

    WvW Traits


    I'd recommend unlocking first level of gliding straight away, so you can follow commanders easily, then go with Provisions Master so you can auto-loot and not miss on any bags dead enemies will be dropping.

    EDIT : Also unlocking Warclaw is very important too. Even tho you still get the speed buff from teammates around you who are using it, if your build doesn't have any movement skills, you might fall behind at times and be chased by roamers. Until you unlock it, make sure to be aware of where your commander is to avoid bad situations.


    Join commanders, join voice, don't be afraid. It's really night and day as a new player to have someone to listen to calling the shots.

    If you are not confident about your skill, going alone and dying instantly to veteran enemy roamers will only make you hate WvW. And you'll be missing out on a lot of fun!

    See you out there!

    submitted by /u/Js_T
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    "DX11 itself isn’t a magical fix for frame rates on its own" - Arenanet

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 10:26 PM PDT

    I see a lot of people expecting too much from the DX11, overhyping it or throwing around FPS's numbers they expect etc. That will only cause people in this subreddit to cry about no real changes, just a few fps more or it is not as good as the mod.

    I would say look at the first announcement of the DX11 announcement again and expect what Anet says.:

    An important note is that the upgrade to DX11 itself isn't a magical fix for frame rates on its own. Some players may not notice a difference at all.

    Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-july-2021/

    It would be nice if it did more, but expect nothing to change or no at least not to change much.

    submitted by /u/Marok_Kanaros
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    I got a really intense screenshot of my character.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    For the few people who would like to try Vindicator because of the “Dragoon-like” leap from FF14, I would like to share my Dragoon inspired fashion wars for my herald. (Apologies for the bad camera angle)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 02:17 AM PDT

    Hardstuck Benchmark Competition Beta Week 2 | 21st - 23rd September!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit!

    Welcome to the second iteration of the Hardstuck Beta Week Benchmark competition!

    From September 21st to the 25th we can have as much fun as we want trying out these 3 new Elite Specs in every content in the second Beta Week for End of Dragons!

    It's time to sharpen our Hammers, Greatswords and GUNBLADES to see what we can make these classes do in the Training Area!

    Submissions close on the 23rd at 9PM UTC and will be shown live on Stream on the 24th at 3PM UTC Live on stream at Twitch.tv/Mela


    Total 3000+ Gold, Prize pool can be increased by sending items over to Mela.2918

    Split between the Top 2 per each Specialization.

    1st Place - 650 Gold

    2nd Place - 350 Gold


    • All entries must be recorded with chat FULLY visible with the golem damage per second numbers

    • ArcDPS log must be provided with the submission

    • Golem Size Average Enemy (4 Million health) Medium Size

    • You must be the only player hitting the golem, no allies allowed

    • Racial abilities are not allowed

    • You are only allowed to do damage with your currently equipped Build and Gear - Pre-casting any Weapons Skills, Utilities, Traits, Runes or Sigils that you don't intend on using in the actual benchmark is not allowed.

    • Night Sigil is not allowed

    • You may use any Non Lifesteal Ascended Nourishment, and Enhancement. Writs are not allowed.

    • Pre-casting food is not allowed, neither is swapping food in the middle of the benchmark

    Boons and buffs to use:

    • 25 Might, Fury, Quickness, Swiftness, Alacrity, Regeneration, Resolution, Aegis and Vigor.

    • Frost Spirit, Sun Sprit, Spotter, Banner of Strength, Banner of Discipline and Assassin's Presence.

    Conditions to use on the golem:

    • 25 Stacks of Vulnerability

    • 1 Stack of every other condition (all the other ones)

    Submit your entries to Mela#4287 on Discord in private.

    We are very excited to see what all of these Specializations are capable of and what fun builds and rotations you come up with!

    If you want to stay up to date with all ours events, make sure to join the Hardstuck Discord and the Hardstuck Competitive Discord.

    Hope you enjoy the new specs and also pressing your buttons very fast in various orders and stay tuned for more events!

    The Hardstuck Team

    submitted by /u/Hiimmela
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    ArenaNet finally getting into Twitch? ��

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    See you next year Festival of the Four Winds!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    Can heart- or eventrelated items just disappear from the inventory after the event/heart is completed?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    Yeah, title.

    Happened too many times that after doing some open world stuff for a while, I end up finding tons of items in my inventory that I can't explain where they were coming from. After checking the wiki, alot of times I find myself having items that literally only exist for progress in events or hearts. Am I the only one bothered about this? Because yeah, Inventory clogging is a general issue in this game, but so far I think I never have seen someone bring this exact thing up.

    For example today, I was cleaning my Inventory and found "Evidence of Massacre". Checked Wiki; needed for two things: finishing an event where you need to collect and give those evidences to an npc, and an achievement (give 10 evidences to said npc). But... I don't know, I don't see a reason for the game to keep those items in your inventory after the event is done (except for farming it to complete later events instantly, but come on... who does that for 99.9% of events in the game).

    So, again.. am I the only one annoyed by this exact thing? I never really have seen anyone mention this ever.

    Removing those items automatically after the event/heart is completed (except if you can use this item to buy things) would help so much with the clogging issue this game has, in my opinion at least.

    submitted by /u/Drainsow
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    Old content relevance appreciation post

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    I play gw2 casually for 9 years now and one thing that I really appreciate is how even 6 years old expansion maps are always full of people participating in events. Diversity of environment is brilliant and there is very little obsolesence to old content, at least in open world.

    I also play world of warcraft for 15 years and most of the old maps are esentially dead and far from relevant. The only thing left in elder maps like Ashenvale, Winterspring or Grizzly Hills is nostalgia - because the places are empty and long forgotten.

    Guild wars does this so so much better, the whole world feels alive, worth exploring and worth spending time in. I think it is masterclass in utilizing what's already been created, instead of just throwing it away and moving on.

    Shoutout to Anet!

    submitted by /u/DrewDrewGulp
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    A brief pause in the mountains

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    Sometimes I think Boons as they exist are the problem

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    I know the title may come across as hyperbolic, but it's a thought that's been floating around my head. I'm not entirely sure I can articulate it as well as I imagine, but I'll do my best.

    There's always a lot of talk (and seemingly a lot of frustration) about classes & their viability, and I feel like the fundamental frustration is with the nature of boons rather than with the imbalance between classes' access to them.

    For instance, it's not so much that Alacrity can only be provided by Revenants and Mesmers that's the problem, it's that Alacrity provides an absolutely absurd 25% skill recharge rate, and going without it can make you feel like an idiot.

    Likewise, it's not that Quickness can only be viably provided by a handful of specializations: it's that it provides an absolutely unreal 50% increase to attack/action speed, and going without it can make you feel like an idiot.

    And it's not that party-wide Fury can only be given by certain classes that's annoying, but that the power spike that 20% flat critical strike chance provides is absolutely insane, and going without it can make you feel like an idiot.

    It's not so much that Might is hard to get, but that a permanent max stack of Might provides more than 25% of one's base Power even if wearing DPS gear, and going without it can make you feel like an idiot.

    It's not that party-wide Stability is the luxury of a particular build, it's that a blanket, long duration denial of knockdowns/stuns is straight up game-breaking. If you thought Vigor provided an opportunity to avoid mechanics, Stability's just silly by contrast, and going without it can make you feel like an idiot.

    It's not that Protection is particularly difficult to get ahold of, it's that 33% damage reduction is an absolutely asinine amount of mitigation, when sustained over long periods of time, and going without it can make you feel like an idiot.

    You get the idea.

    In a nutshell, I've been wondering exactly why Boons are as strong as they are. Was it really necessary to have such massive power bound to each of these buffs? Could they not have been a quarter or half as effective as they are while still feeling impactful?

    And then there's the added problem of how boons are distributed, namely that they're given to allies around the origin point, in a (mostly short) ranged AoE. If you're a bit tired of the entire game devolving into a stacking fiesta, I'd be happy to lay the blame at the feet of boons as well.

    The boon dance that results in 100% uptime of supposedly temporary (but insanely potent) benefits feels way more important in many scenarios than anything else you could be doing.

    To be clear: I'm not saying boons are mandatory to complete content, but rather that the way they're designed makes them feel mandatory when they absolutely are not. Their individual power is out of this world, on top of compounding one another; I'm not sure that's a good thing when you account for the level of achievable boon duration/stacking. If at least some of them were mutually exclusive, perhaps? I don't know.

    I've been playing this game for too long now to expect a change to the "Boon juggling/stacking" core of Guild Wars 2, but I know for sure I wouldn't be opposed to a complete redesign on that front. The game has classes doing interesting things of their own, mobility-wise and skill-wise, to the point where I'm fairly certain boiling all of it down to "CAN U GIEF BOON UPTIME???" isn't ideal.

    But maybe it's just a jaded vet talking. I'm fresh off of yet another T4 + CM run, and feeling a bit melancholic.

    Ah well.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorNox
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    We made a Triple Trouble mini game - spin off!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    We made a Triple Trouble mini game - spin off!

    We are a team of 3 who enjoy Triple Trouble so much. Enough to make a parody mini game.

    We made this tiny fangame for fun and to give a twist to the wurm plot. Took a week because we clearly like the adrenaline of deadlines.

    It's called "Zergslayer" as a parody of the Wurmslayer achievement. It's FREE and you can play it in your browser. We are looking to make improvements in some future so all your feedback and comments are highly appreciated.

    Embed link if you want to check it out: Zergslayer <

    Don't forget to check the notes in the website

    We hope you enjoy it!

    Rulste, Aprahcot and scorpAKWAL.

    submitted by /u/scorpakwal
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    DX11 Support Coming Tomorrow!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    What the article says in as simple terms possible:
    Current DX9 Renderer takes 16ms, blocks processing next frame for ~3ms
    New DX11 Renderer takes 6ms and doesn't block

    16ms is roughly 60fps
    6ms is roughly 160fps

    Keep in mind, these numbers are taken from that particular viewpoint in LA, not WvW or somewhere that there is a lot more action happening.

    Another thing to note, the main thread appears to be the limiting factor in the games actual framerate. Once you add the time it takes to calculate and send information to the renderer the FPS difference is less dramatic.

    DX9: 22ms ~ 45 FPS

    DX11: 19ms ~ 52 FPS (here you can see it no longer has that 3ms block)

    Thus the claim the graphics is no longer a limiting factor is born. Unfortunately this means it is now the main thread.

    submitted by /u/vipero07
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    PSA: If you want to optimally play these elite specs tomorrow and you don’t have full legendaries, throw your ascended items, runes, sigils in the bank before the elite spec beta test patch tomorrow

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Unless ANET changed the gear boxes this run (doubtful), I would recommend putting your optimized gear, sigils, runes in your bank slots so you can use it on your beta characters this week. You won't have access to the TP.

    These patches take a snapshot of your account this week so you won't lose anything.

    submitted by /u/goliathsgrasp
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    Look how proud he is :) <3

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    Is there a way to disable this notification? I don't have enough Mastery points to spend, leveled all the ones I can at this moment, It's getting annoying having this popup every 2 minutes.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    According to this article, ANet is not opposed to the idea of someday adding new weapon types

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Anet should turn this version of Rhoban into a mini

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    WvW Bonus Week

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    Just a small confirmation, please: All we gain with beta test characters is not maintained. So if I play with the beta elites, all the extra WXP will be wasted, right?

    submitted by /u/Bseven
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    Do we actually get, wvw alpha, dx11 alpha, and 3 eod prof beta tomorrow!?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    My fellow rangers, what do you want for the next elite spec?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    So we know for a fact that in less then a month we will know what the next ranger elite spec is. We also know what weapon it is wielding. So what would you want?

    Personally, I would love to see a warden. It would be tanky and have 2 pets out. Maybe have some traits to buff them as well. For the trade off, there's a few routes you can go.

    1. Decrease in player stats in some way (bad idea and totally unnecessary)
    2. Can no longer res the pet
    3. Little to no traits affecting your power
    4. Increased cooldowns on pet abilities

    I think number 3 is the best option. I don't believe you need much of a trade off when you are focusing on the pet. But that's just me. You could also have a spirit beast as a 2nd pet. It would be dependent on your current pets archetype.

    If anet were to do this, it would be crucial to do number 4 in pvp. As having 2 smokescales or a wyvern and a smokescale would be AWFUL. So maybe make it so the 2nd pet loses access to cc abilities? Or just go down the spirit beast route and make it just purely for damage/healing/ boon support.

    This would definitely be a pretty hard thing to balance in comparison to something like soulbeast. But it's just personally what I'd like to see. Because if we got a get rid of pet spec, I would be really sad. As I play ranger primarily for the pet. I'm a huge pet guy in real life so this was the natural fit for me. But that's just me. Fingers crossed we get something cool for the ranger. As I find druid and soulbeast pretty lame. I mostly rock core ranger as it's the most fun to me.

    I'd also like to say, in no way shape or form am I asking to sit back and let my pet do the work. I just want my pet in some way to be stronger. As I feel like it's time to finally get something like that. We got druid, which made the pet weaker. We got soulbeast, which is most effectively played but staying merged 24/7 in pve. I think it's time we get something like this. I know there's a lot of people who hate the pet, and that's fine. But you've got soulbeast for that. So yeah, that's what I'd want.

    submitted by /u/dattodoesyeet
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    Infusion and enrichment effect moves to hand on certain animation of ele staff 1, is this a bug?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 12:49 AM PDT

    Can anyone familiar with Canthan lore speculate what kind of ranger pets we should expect please?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    Catalyst should have a trait to make Jade Sphere follow around.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    For example the grandmaster trait 'Sphere Specialist' could make the sphere follow you around but use 3 energy per second instead. Also maybe reduce the boon increase to 33% as a tradeoff.

    Honestly I would also love to see another grandmaster that makes the field more offensive oriented, like replace the boons with condis.

    I really like the design on other classes where the grandmaster traits modify the core mechanic of a class and I feel like the Jade Sphere would be such a mechanic that could profit a lot from this and make it flow better with the diffrent weapons and playstyles of the class.

    What do you think about that? Do you think the Jade Sphere mechanic is well implemented in that it only provides boons? (Plus some combo potential)

    submitted by /u/Ajapay
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    How do I approach GW2?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm another WoW refugee trying to find a new world to be apart of. I've taken some time off from MMO's and focused on learning about popular MMO's and their respective communities.

    While learning about GW2, I couldn't fathom how gear at some point reaches an end in regards to power, I guess this is the WoW part of me that will never leave. I don't know how to get used to that idea. Also, how are dungeons/strikes/fractals/raids? Is there a community still doing these activities?

    submitted by /u/Nomoremetayo
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