• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 15, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Bladesworn (Warrior)

    Guild Wars 2 Bladesworn (Warrior)

    Bladesworn (Warrior)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    I guess now you knows which class it is!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 02:17 AM PDT

    Rookie Update: Well, after I saw those weird looking chocos in the city, I have completed all the activates in the city and in the starting zone! I even got my first kill on the world boss in the swamp! Now on my way to lvl 20, I will now embark onto the next zone: Kessex Hills! Wish me luck!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    Ten Combat Tips for New Players

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    Tips for New Players (updated)

    1. If you can run out of a circle, don't waste your dodge. You only have a limited number of dodges. Actually if you're dodging, you don't even have to dodge out of circles, since dodging, timed correctly, makes you immune. If you're in a corner, stacked with other players, you can dodge into a wall to avoid damage, even if you remain in the circle.

    2. You can use terrain to make combat easier. The vast majority of creatures can't attack you through a wall. By ducking behind the wall, you can draw them into you, where they're stacked together so you can AOE them down.

    3. Move, all the time. Moving instead of standing still while fighting will get you hit less. Learn to circle strafe if you can. It can help a lot.

    4. Don't be worried about breaking combat, particularly if others are fighting a creature. If your heal skill is on recharge and it looks like you're going to die, you can run back out of combat, since you heal faster out of combat.

    5. Don't rez people if you're going to die doing it. Very often the best way to rez someone is to kill the creature they're attacking before they die. Going down yourself isn't helping anyone.

    6. If you die at an event, and there's a waypoint anywhere near (assuming the event isn't just about to end) waypoint and run back. Otherwise you're just scaling it up for other people who have to fight harder.

    7. If you're at an event, and you need help, call it out in map chat (unless you're a free to play player, because you can't use map chat). If you have tag, even a mentor tag, feel free to pop it. If you build it, they will come. Also if you're calling it out in map chat, try to link a waypoint or nearby point of interest. The more direction you can give, the more people will show.

    8. Learn your break bar skills. Some creatures have teal bars underneath their health bar. This is called a break bar (or more properly the defiance bar). This bar can be broken by CC (crowd control) abilities. Anything like knockback, knockdown, stun, daze, even cripple and blind can help. Learn to CC creatures with break bars. It's really important in end game. Breaking the bar does different things in different situations, but generally anything with a break bar is immune to all CC effects. They can't be knocked down or stunned. But breaking the bar usuallyi stuns them for a period of time, and causes them to take increased damage. In the case of Wyverns it often prevents them from taking off (where you can't hit them at all) and in the case of Djinns it dramatically increases the damage you do to them. Djinns are probably more susceptible to break bar damage than anything else in the game.

    9. Don't forget to take food and utility even in the open world. The experience bonus will help you level faster and the food and utility can help you survive by either doing more damage, or giving you more health. Even after you reach 80, you'll still need experience to level your masteries. You don't have to use expensive food, there's plenty of food floating around that's dirty cheap.

    10. Generally speaking, killing faster is the best way to survive in this game. Coming from other games, you might be tempted to take a lot of extra toughness or vitality. If you have to, take as little as you need and try to ween yourself off of it. Because killing faster is always better than trying to survive longer and whittling stuff down. Every defense stat you take means you have to survive longer to get a kill, giving creatures more time to hit their big attacks, and other creatures you might have already killed time to respawn.

    11. Stun breaks and condition removal are important too. If you find you're in an area where you're getting rooted or dazed or stunned, a stunbreaker is your best friend. Also if you find you're in an area with a lot of poison or bleeding or burning, condition removal becomes really important.

    12. Unbind your turn keys, and just use strafe. Learn how to mouse turn. Turning with a mouse is much much faster than trying to turn with turn keys. You can rebind the keys you freed up with important skills. I have E as my heal skill and Q as my elite. Actually, you should look to rebind your keys in the way that works for you. Different people will be comfortable with different setups.

    Edited based on suggestions in the thread.

    submitted by /u/nagennif
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    It's beautiful...

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    [Art] Rogue Commission

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    Anyone else?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    I know your face from my dream! [OC]

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 07:32 PM PDT


    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    Today is 1 year anniversary of Sunqua Peak Fractal! ��✨

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    I spend a lot of time on fashion wars. Here are my favorite characters :)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 09:46 PM PDT

    That's fine, I didn't want to teleport to this half of the map anyway.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    New Elite Spec Animations...

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    I am praying that allot of these old, recycled animations are placeholders. Every time an elite spec is shown I feel let down just seeing how many skills are reused from older classes. For me, the thing that is the most exciting about playing new specs is actually feeling like im playing something new and fresh with its own unique flavor and style of combat.

    Take Willbender for example, the martial art style concept is amazing and the icons for the skills look like kung fu poses, but then nothing it does looks like cool new martial art animations, but rather just copy pasted skills from daredevil (whirling light being the exception) The same can be said for the new revenant, I only noticed one new animation from everything shown. I don't like to complain, but to me this is the most important aspect of the game. We play these same classes for years at a time so when a new spec comes along and everything it does looks exactly like what I have been seeing for the last 3 years...well.. it just feels very bad.

    In short, I really hope Anet is aware that reusing animations is lame, I pray all the reused stuff really is just placeholder. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SiSheng9
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    Raids poppin today! :D

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 06:54 PM PDT

    Kept you wanting, huh ?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 07:05 AM PDT


    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    To be 100% honest, we also dodged and swapped weapons. It first started as a different project, we wanted to see how much damage can any DPS class do, by utilizing weapon skill 1 only. The DPS classes would have every boon and buff they needed provided by the supporters which are allowed to use everything they want. We wanted to take this one step further and also allow the supporters to only use their autoattack.

    The rules are as follows: You are not allowed to use the active of any heal, utility or elite skill. You are not allowed to use any weaponskill but weaponskill 1. You are not allowed to use profession skills (F1-F5 default)

    You are allowed to dodge. You are allowed to swap your weapon.

    Boons and Conditions

    First of all we had to solve boons. We decided to go with one staff Mirage tank who can provide Might and some Fury for the Squad. Alacrity was irrelevant. We realised, that it is impossible to provide permanent quickness by using only weaponskill 1. Some classes have traits that occasionally give you some quickness randomly but nothing comes as close as to having any form of decent quickness uptime. We had to take it as it as and live without quickness.

    For conditions on the boss we decided to go only for vulnerability and there are actually a lot of different options to inflict it. Sword skill 1 from Revenant, Mesmer and Staff skill 1 from Daredevil provide permanent 25 stacks of vulnerability if you take some of those. We decided to go with Daredevils first, because they could utilise their dodges to do some extra damage and to gain some modifiers out of it.

    The Team Composition

    Daredevils have very good sustain thanks to Invigorating Precision and do not rely on any additional healing source. However they only heal themselfs when they do damage, meaning that they are simply downing while bringing out the bombs on Dhuum. We scrapped the comp and went for something different.We realised, that the staff Mirage did more damage than the Daredevils. We decided to go for Condition Axe Mirages since they can do even more damage also thanks to their unique profession mechanic. However stacking Mirages was not the way to go here because they cant survive this encounter without any help and also cannot inflict any vulnerability.

    To solve this, we added 4 Power Core Guardians who used Hammer skill 1 that creates a symbol upon every third autoattack strike. These symbols apply vulnerability, grant protection and heal allies. For some more sustain the Guardians took Signet of Courage, which passively heals the group.

    Our Kiter was also a Core Guardian, who outsustained himself and healed the Reapers with his dodge.

    The Encounter

    First we wanted to tank Dhuum in front of his throne but we quickly realised, that we cannot stealth the reapers to lure the enforcer towards the squad. We went for side tanking instead.

    To cleanse the torment during the Soul Split, we used Sigill of Cleansing on the second weaponset.

    The 10% Phase happened to be the hardest part of the whole encounter. Without superspeed, protection or swiftness, activating the marks and making it back alive to Dhuum is not that easy. The 10% damage reduction food helped here a lot. Mirages could survive this phase easier than the guardians so the guardians had to take the superspeed orbs to make it.

    Log: https://dps.report/QkF2-20210913-225207_dhuum


    Core Guard | Crosis | https://youtu.be/xDSFTuRN-Yw

    Core Guard | Koszkaty | https://youtu.be/QmALnMEem0Q

    Core Guard | Moe | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOEnCgZwCso&ab_channel=Moe

    Core Guard | Joiend | https://youtu.be/HpP8n0UuNzg

    Mirage | Frenzy | https://youtu.be/G_KkSfVpMmA

    Mirage | Snappy | https://youtu.be/TytMMG1Vo0s

    Mirage | Seatek | https://youtu.be/2bzdhazbPA8

    Mirage I ster I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7NZU0_h_Rw

    Staff Mirage | Holo | https://youtu.be/TYnV-GXdDJU

    Core Guardian Kite | Nightmare | https://youtu.be/B8aQw03_2bQ

    submitted by /u/hologramm0815
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    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 02:30 AM PDT

    Just wanted to say, I started playing seriously for the first time ever...

    I got an ascended weapon box off of tequatl, I popped off a little.

    I love this game have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/Double_Dime
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    Can we have more build and more importantly gear templates?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 12:24 AM PDT

    Basically what the title says.

    With EoD right around the corner I think it's high time we get more than 6 Build and Gear templates. As endgame orientated person with maxed out template setup on several of my classes I am already struggling to fit all of the builds that I need and some heavy compromises have been made. Adding another set of elite specs would only make the situation worse. I really don't want to bring the good ol' arc template debate, but back then we had no limitation on how many builds we could have. Yes, I am aware that Anet ended up giving us total of 6 because of stability limitations, but I really hope ever since their release they have worked upon those issues and have managed to get rid of them. I would be really bummed if we don't get at least one or two extra slots with EoD.

    Thank you for coming to me TED talk.

    P.S. I know having multiple characters would fix my problem, but that is a very whacky solution.

    submitted by /u/Amarranthine
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    ArenaNet is looking for an Unreal Engine 4 experienced Gameplay Engineer

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    Maybe they start working on another project besides GW2 again? I hope this time it works out for them and it does not come again to dismissals.

    What do you think they are working on? Will the speculated console title be resumed? Is it GW3?

    Link to the job offer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/3091498

    They also looked for one two years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/ec15oo/arenanet_is_looking_for_lead_unreal_4_engineer/

    submitted by /u/kinglucis
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    Just finished a clay tablet for the revenant. Which profession should I do next?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    Hardstuck Conquest League Returns October 2nd!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit Gamers!

    We started the Hardstuck Conquest League many moons ago but then the era of scourge descended upon us.... Scourge is still here but not quite as much and that justifies a glorious celebration of 5v5 Conquest PvP prowess!

    The Hardstuck Conquest League returns in October with the same format, an Open Bracket and an Invitational Bracket!

    Open Bracket

    The open bracket is where new legends are forged! Everyone not directly invited to the invitational part of the tournament is allowed to sign up and play with no barrier to entry whatsoever! There will certainly be some strong teams in the open bracket but it's set up to be a place for new teams to develop - you won't have to worry about teams like The Lakerz or Team USA! However the top 2 teams from the open bracket will have the opportunity to test their mettle against the very best in the Invitational Bracket if they wish! Both EU and NA have a separate open bracket to participate in so get in there and show us what you've got!

    The open bracket has a 10000 gold prize pool for the top 4, teams that don't finish in the top four will receive 100 gold per match won!

    Invitational Bracket

    The invitational bracket is where the pinnacle of PvP will be on display! Cheer for your favourite teams from both regions and watch as the best of the best to battle. The top two teams from each region will be found and then the final champion will be crowned in the global finals!

    With great competition comes great reward and the invitational bracket is no exception! There is a 40000 gold prize pool for the top 4 teams and 400 gold per match win for teams outside the top four spots! To further raise the stakes the invitational bracket also has a base $2000 cash prize pool powered by legendary GW2 eSports enjoyer Ashmite!

    The Plan

    We are going to be running this tournament every 3 months to grow the competitive PvP scene but that's not all! There is much much more in the works from Beta 3v3 Tournaments, double gold daily automated tournaments to ranked bounties for grinding the leaderboards! Read all about it in the Hardstuck Competitive Roadmap and join our Discord to stay up to date.


    Hardstuck Conquest League 2 Starts October 2nd 4PM GMT - learn more & sign up here!

    Prepare to watch it live here!

    Join the discord to stay up to date with competitive events!

    Read about our plans for future competition in GW2

    Open Bracket EU : 2nd October 4PM GMT
    Open Bracket NA : 3rd October 7PM GMT
    Invitational Bracket Regional Finals : 16th October 4PM GMT
    Invitational Bracket Global Finals : 17th October 4PM GMT

    50000 Gold & 2000 USD Prize Pool Contribute here!

    Thanks for reading, we hope to see you on the battlefield!

    The Hardstuck Team

    submitted by /u/MightyTeapot
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    I played with Bobby Stein in wvw yesterday!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 06:14 AM PDT

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