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    Sunday, June 27, 2021

    Guild Wars How I quit A-Class drugs 15+ years ago Thanks ANET! Still clean

    Guild Wars How I quit A-Class drugs 15+ years ago Thanks ANET! Still clean

    How I quit A-Class drugs 15+ years ago Thanks ANET! Still clean

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Test Krewe

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    So, I read on the wiki that a GW Live Test Krewe was put in place in 2009 and I was wondering if anyone had more info about what they did and if it really had an impact on the video game. Also, when was it disbanded? with the release of GW2 I guess? I've looked around a bit but very few things are said about the Krewe, prob because they had to sign a nda. Wondering if someone today still knows some things about them? i'd be glad to know more!

    submitted by /u/thatjango
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    More 7 hero builds

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    More 7 hero builds

    So here are some more builds I tried and honed over some time to work their best:

    Non-mercenary "full mesmer comp":


    This build as title suggests, aims to substitute this:


    We only have 3 mesmers, so for the other 2 remaining we have to make do:

    1) The Elemesmer

    The elementalist build works wonders. Every single skill deals armor-ignoring damage. Just try it. The hero deals like 142 damage from obsidian flame at 20 earth magic (same damage for ineptitude at 16 illusion magic), and overcast triggers both the effects of magnetic surge and magnetic aura.

    Ineptitude,wandering eye and signet of clumsiness still have nice damage at 16 illusion magic. With domination magic the problem is that both eSurge and mistrust have 2s cast time and lower damage which is a problem without fast casting.. Wandering eye might be a little slow with 2 seconds cast time, but compensates being non-elite nearby big AoE and also its low cost helps with energy management.

    That leaves that hero with 4 AoE armor-ignoring skills (i am counting magnetic aura since the hero is always overcast and uses it really well) and 2 single-target armor-ignoring skills.

    This is the best substitute for a mesmer I found and works wonders in practice.

    2) The Minion mesmer

    This is as simple as having Aura of the Lych save time for the hero to either keep the minions alive with blood of the master or spike with its domination magic.

    Its purpose differs from mesmers a little bit but I found it the other best substitute overall.

    At level 20 death magic the minions are quite overpowered and survive thanks to their high armor and hp, even at foundry the hero kept at least 2-3 minions at least, and lots of times kept 12 minions alive.

    This works well with ST. Spirits in theory are supposed to die due to minions leaving the team unprotected but I rarely found this true, I found the complete opposite as more minions helped survivability of the team a lot.


    The minion master could be replaced either by an air magic hero with Glimmering Mark, by a SoS ritualist to abuse splinter weapon. Flesh golem could substitue AoTL if you keep 12 minions all time and never die but I found AoTL superior in almost all other situations.

    You could add another elemesmer aswell but it loses some potential due to duplicated Magnetic Aura and Magnetic Surge.

    Bonus build: 7 hero beastmasters


    This build abuses 33% extra pet damage in PvE and the fact that heroes use all shouts (especially feral aggresion) and Heal as One for 12+26=38 extra damage per hit without counting multipliers.

    The high expertise allows spamming brutal strike over and over, dealing up to 90 damage to foes les than 50% hp.

    Otyugh can be kept with 100% uptime at higher beast mastery and is really important as not only adds armor but it also makes them unblockable, removing the majority of counters to melee.

    I know that symbiotic bond might be controversial, but it solves the problem of heroes taking a long time to revive dead pets by adding huge survivability and adds a nice +4 health regeneration.

    Lightnig reflexes is just there for your spear-bearing heroes to spam attacks faster buffed with either brutal weapon and splinter weapon. Investing in spear mastery further could be a thing or you could even use lower req spears, but I prefer scaling pet damage.

    The not-so-obvious thing is the barbs necromancer. Heroes do not cast weapon spells on pets and Orders only work on party members, not in alllies. Strength of honor could be an option but it gets ripped every time and is a pain to recast all time and have -3 pips of energy. But with barbs the necro adds a 20 extra damage every time to both pets and heroes alike which lasts 30s which is much more reliable, and also consider mark of pain which is great.

    If you want to use this build to the maximum vs really tough enemies keybind all 3 Heal as One and everytime your pets wipe spam them and resucitate over and over. At +19 beast mastery hero skills get only 1 second disabled after pet dies.

    About the paragon build:

    I add lots of armor shouts like Save Yourselves, Watch Yourselves or even Stand your Ground in the necro. They might be redundant, but you don't want to have open spots where your entire team gets hit by some Fireball or Liquid flame and you catches your heroes with only 60 armor. +24 armor means the difference between having full damage or only 0.6598*(skill damage) reducing it roughly a 35% (formula is more complex, but you get the drill).

    Also don't forget about signet of aggression, which you can use when blind or hexed and grants 2 adrenaline and makes you keep at least +24 party-wide armor with Watch Yourselves and helps build adrenaline for Save Yourselves to avoid spikes.

    You could add also For Great Justice instead of the Signet of Return if you feel it.


    Just some aclarations. You can add 'They're on Fire' to refresh HR , but if you don't want to use it every 10s, remember that the hero with anthem of flame will use it every time and automatically keep HR.

    Also the x3 Fall Back keep HR while you move and provide constant movement speed increase. Remember Fall Back it affects allies too, thus affecting minions and pets too.

    submitted by /u/NewAgeWorld
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    What a nice game!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    I remember the day when I was with my dad at a gamestore. We often went to buy games to play together. I choosed "Guild Wars - Eye of the North" because I liked the cover (I think this happened more than 10 years ago).

    My dad looked at the box and said that it wont work. That is just an expansion and we have to buy the full game to be able to play it. I said nah, trust me.

    We got home and of course it didn't work. Next day, back at the store and bought the Prophecies campaign.

    I haven't played this game in a while but the nostalgia is amazing. I remember that after I came back from school I directly went to finish my homework fast so I can play GW. I only managed to finish Prophecies and get few level 20 characters on Factions and Nightfall, but never finished them.

    Unfortunately, my dad didn't like the game and I played it alone but for me it was one of the best games ever created.

    I would give anything to fly back in time to play this when players were flooding in Ascalon and asking for a run to LA and there was another destination.. i don't remember the name - it was a town in the middle of the mountains covered in snow...

    Such great memories! How about you? When you first started playing?

    submitted by /u/Escuciar
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    This game is so beautiful.. Jaya Bluffs Pigs & Lonely Cat in the Bonusmission The Tengu Accords

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    This game is so beautiful.. Jaya Bluffs Pigs & Lonely Cat in the Bonusmission The Tengu Accords submitted by /u/savior_of_Tyria
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    How do I get Juvenille Termite Legs? Do I need to scrifice my cat to Grenth or something?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    I've been farming this stupid Need More Stuff quest for over an hour now. Killed well over 150 termites at this point. I haven't gotten a single goddamn drop and I'm frankly getting a little pissed. This drop rate is completely broken, is this bugged or something??

    submitted by /u/ThatDudeWithTheCat
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    GW Ironman playthrough interest?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I recently put together a good pc, as well as all the required equipment for producing videos/steaming. GW1 is my all time favourite game and I've taken years off but popped in every now and then. There's definitely better players out there but I know the majority of tricks and such. Was wondering if there would be any interest in a playthru ? If so would you prefer video or stream? There's already unreal series out there like doombox and wooden potatoes early version so if yall feel its enough then no worries.

    submitted by /u/MountainFriend96
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