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    Tuesday, May 25, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2 has steadily increasing viewership on Twitch, go support your favorite content creators !

    Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2 has steadily increasing viewership on Twitch, go support your favorite content creators !

    Guild Wars 2 has steadily increasing viewership on Twitch, go support your favorite content creators !

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:35 PM PDT

    Ganymede the Mesmer (future mirage) with Colors! :D

    Posted: 25 May 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    I like how this game has simple skills with concise descriptions

    Posted: 25 May 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    Imagine having this feature in GW2.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    I made a post on the forum, about the Guild Wars 2 twitter giving RT to an influencer ..

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    I made a post on the forum, about the Guild Wars 2 twitter giving RT to an influencer .. submitted by /u/Victorsouza02
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    Ask me a GW2 question and after I answer, edit your question to make me seem ridiculous.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    A fun and popular theme that is usually seen over various subreddits. This is your chance to have a unique opportunity to make this average GW2 redditor seem insane. Note I will not edit my comments so I'll look forward to checking back to this thread every few minutes.

    Disclaimer: I am a sane Guild Wars 2 player who's been playing for a while. Definitely not crazy.

    submitted by /u/RazorNion
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    First blood in WvW - unfortunately it was mine lol

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:21 PM PDT

    Went in to WvW to buy some infusions. It's always been pretty empty before (for me) so I decide to look around. Five minutes later I've been unceremoniously gang-banged, royally thumped & my soulless blood splattered & tattered remains left to rot ... by a fast moving tsunami of players who (as it tuned out) were the "enemy" ( I was admiring a zerg and wondering who they were, when I realised too late that the lettering under the blue triangle was red lmao ).

    Spent 1 point on the Warclaw ... I believe I'm hooked.

    submitted by /u/MostlyAgnostic
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    I like taking screenshots, this game is so beautiful. So I made "The tales of Gorseval and pugs in 20 seconds" Hope you'll enjoy! :)

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    The complete season 1 movie no longer viewable on youtube

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    I'm currently replaying all of GW2, and as I approach the end of the base game I decided to ready the long recap of season 1 for viewing, only to find out it has been copyright struck by SME and is no longer available.
    I have recommended this video countless times over the years and I'm really saddened to see it no longer available, does anybody have a mirror of the movie so I can at least watch it for myself?

    submitted by /u/CertifiedSoft
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    I've never played any build or strategy in any game as overpowered as Deadeye is in WvW

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    This class is (and apparently has been for the past 4 years according to old forum posts) the most broken thing I have ever played.

    I'm fairly new to WvW at this point, having played for a few months now, and I can unequivocally say that deadeye is the most overpowered thing I have ever seen in a multiplayer videogame that has survived a balance patch. After playing it myself as well, I can confidently say, it's not just broken, its easy as hell too.

    As a deadeye you have total control over every single fight. Permastealth is easy to maintain, and accessing it is as easy as dodge rolling. Or stunbreaking, because blinding powder has a stunbreak and stealth on it. That means that the INSTANT the fight starts not going your way, you are gone. Back into stealth, regening to full HP quickly, removing conditions. Doesn't matter when, who, how many, the instant you start losing you can vanish and regen to full health, without even waiting for OOC. Reflects? Blocks? Adorable. Open with a couple shots, and back into stealth. You have more dodge rolls than they have anti-projectile cooldowns.

    But that's not nearly all. A thief has massive amounts of dodge frames from ridiculous endurance regen, meaning that you can still brawl pretty easily since you can dodge just so damn much with even mediocre timing.

    But here's the real juicy part: most deadeyes I see running around are power crazed mongoloids, and that is the only reason they die. They are so used to being overpowered, they have no care about overextending to the max. And this is the ONLY time a deadeye can die, when they get greedy and caught out. I have both fought against and as a deadeye that takes their time. Get a few skills off, then immediately back into stealth. Don't even let them react. Besides, after coming out of stealth, the bizarre netcoding of the game keeps you invisible on enemies screens for up to 2 seconds after being revealed. Your Death's Judgement with the telltale targeting beam? You are invisible the whole time you are channeling that ability on their screen, they can't even target you (though they can see the beam).

    In short, after a few weeks of playing around with deadeye, I am thoroughly disgusted with myself. This class is so overpowered it doesn't even give the illusion of a fair fight, and that is NOT hyperbole. I have no idea how it has persisted in this fashion until now.

    I'm not going to start straight up shaming people for using what is effectively a cheat code in an MMO... but I feel dirty using this elite spec. My thief is sitting in PvE until Anet pulls their pants up and gets this sorted out.

    I am quite heartwarmed though to see a small amount of the PvP community (including the thief youtube PvP community) share this sentiment, basically viewing playing deadeye as outright cruel. Hopefully someday Arenanet will attempt to balance this unparalleled spec, and let those of us with dignity play it again.

    submitted by /u/Renegade_Cumquat
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    Guild Wars 2 Original Soundtracks now available on Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, YouTube Music/Google Play, Pandora, and more!

    Posted: 25 May 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    "Entanglement" dev interview from 2014 [link to full transcript in comments]

    Posted: 25 May 2021 02:32 AM PDT

    Ive fallen for Elementalist and i cant get up.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    I've been playing for some time now but just picked up ele for the first time. I'm familiar with most of the games content but have found myself struggling in all game formats on ele. I always knew it was squishy but feel I might be missing something. I've loved the play experience of the class and both elite specs but I've quickly become the weak link in my group of friends since I've played it. Any advice, builds, or guides y'all veteran elementalists would recommend?

    submitted by /u/Agnes_de_Lazulis
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    Guild Wars 2 Weekly Events Schedule: May 24 – May 31 – GuildWars2.com

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Most beginner friendly class?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    I've been looking for an mmo and gw2 is ftp so I'm gonna give it a try. What class should I start with that's really easy?

    submitted by /u/AverageHeavyEnjoyer
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    Redrew my dude but as a firebrand this time

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    What's the current state of the game like? (WvW/PvP)

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    Been away for what feels like a year. Last time I played would've been when they released 'No Quarter'.

    I mostly play WvW/PvP. I keep up with the LS but truthfully only really do it for rewards/achieves.

    In particular, how is WvW meta? I do zerging + roaming. Is firebrand still a must have for support? What are the guilds currently running on reset... still pirate ship meta? I am fond of melee train and being in the action.

    Thanks in advance if you can answer my questions.

    submitted by /u/KronosWvW
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    Hopefully history won't repeat itself...

    Posted: 25 May 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Join me on my new Zero to Hero!

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:28 AM PDT


    It's me, Ludo! I have this crazy idea to make a new Zero to Hero playthrough. Would you like to join me?

    In essence, Zero to Hero means that you start a new character and you aim for the stars! I've also set a few challenges for myself:

    1. New European Account on the Blacktide server.
    2. No drops, buys, or donations! All gear must be crafted on-demand (help from a Zero to Hero crafter friend is okay)!
    3. Can't skip dead people or things! Must play with solidarity!
    4. Challenge settings: Instant Targeting and No AoE Circle Indicators.
    5. No Guardian profession!
    6. Stream stuff for my friends to giggle at!

    Sounds interesting? Feel free to set your own challenges! By the looks of it, I'm making a mighty Norn thief! I'll also likely be making a new guild to go with the new character.

    If this is your jam, please hit me up in-game. I'll be online tonight. See you in Tyria, friends :)

    - Ludo.9517

    submitted by /u/Ludo_9517
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    5-man Sabetha, 5:56 kill

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    We're some old player that came back recently to the game, and we realised after some fun low-man run that the Sabetha record would be easy to beat with the current DPS. This record was possible thanks to the torment update as well as the alac Mirage doing its job too well.

    A 4-men is definitely possible now, but we don't know how tomorrow's balance patch will affect the class we are using.

    Reasoning behind the composition:

    Alac Mirage for might, alacrity and overall good DPS, as well as the teleports making handling heavy and timed bombs easy.

    qFB for quickness and a greatsword to help with pulling.

    Condi Renegade for their good DPS. They are also able to do canons fast despite being condition based.

    Scourge brings some utilities as well as a respectable range DPS kiting Sabetha. The barrier is allowing us not to take a healer.

    We're doing the last southern cannon to avoid having both southern and northern cannons at the same time, we end up with only the northern and western cannons active.


    Player Role PoV
    Mapoe cRene 1-3 youtube
    Ketuja cRene 2-4 youtube
    Sakura Scourge kite No PoV
    Ferny qFB youtube
    ZorkroZ alac Mirage youtube

    We're currently building a french-speaking roster [BO] to compete in the raiding league. Contact jerem.1453 if you would be interested in joining us.

    submitted by /u/zorkroz
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    Alternatives to get dungeon coins

    Posted: 25 May 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Hi beautiful community, wanted to seek for your wisdom with a question that is troublesome to my mind. I'm new and I'm finding out that is not easy to find a group for the dungeon (US) Citadel of Flame and I need 500 Flame Legion Charr Carvings to craft my first legendary. What are all the posible alternatives to get that currency? Thanks, and good loot!

    submitted by /u/justlurkingdnd
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    Interesting Color Pallete

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    Improving GW2 game play style

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    How to get "Unstuck" in GW2; ask for help from your guild (HardStuck?)

    I'm a big fan of GW2 who wants to get better and enjoy all of the more difficult GW2 content, feel more comfortable joining group content, and feel more connected to the greater GW2 community. Although I have been playing almost every day since about 5 months after launch, and I have completed all story content fairly easily, I currently don't feel like I am part of the community and don't participate with any of the guilds I am a member of, but I really want to change this. I don't think I am alone in this situation (but could be wrong), and feel that there are probably many more players of GW2 like me, who want to improve and feel more connected to the community, but for one reason or another, have not been successful in finding the right methods, or group to join in with, which will help us move into a higher level of game play and enjoyment of GW2. I'm writing this down to help me organize my thoughts about this problem, in hopes that if I share it with the right people, together we will come up with some helpful answers, not only for myself, but for hundreds, or thousands of other players, who, like me, want to improve their game play, and also want to feel like a part of the greater GW2 community.

    So, how can we come up with easy ways that average players can become above average players, who feel comfortable doing Raids and T4 Fractals w/CM's? In my opinion, it all begins with knowing how to play your chosen profession, and then learning about all of the effective build types for that profession, and choosing which of those build types you want to become "expert" at first, such as Condi-Soulbeast, as opposed to Power Ranger, or Healing Druid. Once a player has chosen which profession and elite specialization they wish to concentrate on learning first, they can then focus on choosing a specific build for that specialization, and learning everything about all weapon choices for that profession and elite specialization combination. That is my opinion on where to start, but I would like to get your feedback on what you think is the best place to start, and a step-by-step process of how to become an expert, for any profession and elite specialization combination. I hope that the experienced players will realize that helping players like me to improve my game play, also helps the whole GW2 community by increasing the number of players with enough skill to participate in PvP tournaments, Raids, and T4 Fractals w/CM's, so it is in their best interest to help elevate other player's skill level, because it will improve the health of the GW2 community.

    Personally, I think it is not enough (at least it isn't enough for me) to simply pick a profession, go to Metabattle, or Snowcrows and find a meta build that matches the profession and elite specialization I've chosen, and then finally go into the raid training area and memorize the suggested best "optimized" rotation, to achieve the highest DPS. That method does not teach players how their profession works, for example, what stun breaks, or "cc" skills, or what boon shares are available to them in their chosen profession and elite specialization? Also, IMHO, most Raid training videos are sadly lacking when it comes to explaining how the mechanics of the Raid are working, so repeatedly watching those videos doesn't teach players what to do when something goes wrong, as they don't know what is really going on in the Raid, or what to do when their group ends up doing things differently, or the group needs to improvise to make up for any mistakes that are made. No one likes having to "gg" and start over in a Raid, and they really don't want to do it twice for the same reason, because one of the players doesn't fully understand a particular part of the Raid mechanics. I have noticed that a couple of Raid guide creators have begun to include more thorough explanations of each raid mechanic, in their videos, which is great, and gives me hope that the trend will continue to improve. I would like to see what your opinions are, for what struggling players should do to improve their game play, so they can comfortably move into doing Raids, and T4 Fractals w/CM's.

    What I'm hoping for is to open up a discussion between many of the top GW2 content creators, so the discussion will be seen by the largest number of average GW2 players, and the suggested answers will have the biggest impact on creating new players, who are comfortable at joining the experienced players, in doing the more difficult GW2 content. My other goal is to create a sub-group of players within the guilds that I am a member of, who want to join me in improving our game play, so that after we are successful in improving our game play style, we will begin playing Raids, and/or T4 Fractals w/CM's together. I hope that I am correct that there is a large segment of the community that wants to experience Raids and T4 Fractals w/CM's, but for one reason or another, just haven't found the right way to improve their game play, so that they feel comfortable joining groups doing those harder contents within GW2. Please share your thoughts, and spread this discussion to other places, so we can encourage as many players as possible to express their ideas about the best ways to raise the game play of the average GW2 player. I'm hoping for lots of brainstorming from dozens of experienced players, which will result in a list of suggested ways for average players to attempt to improve their play style, and join the ranks of the "above average" players.

    submitted by /u/Recent_Instance_3277
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