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    Monday, May 31, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 100% Professional Legendary Scepter Concept: Bubbles

    Guild Wars 2 100% Professional Legendary Scepter Concept: Bubbles

    100% Professional Legendary Scepter Concept: Bubbles

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    "It's not just a phase, mom!"

    Posted: 30 May 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    Guild MM Presents: Champions of the Mists Trailer and Launch!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Greetings gamers, as some of you saw in our previous post we are launching a GvG tournament to find out who is the best of the best. Well today, today is the start of the Champions of the Mists.

    A quick recap of the tournament:

    • 22 EU guilds and 12 NA guilds are battling it out from today, May 30th to June 19th
    • The top 8 EU and top 4 NA guilds will fight to be the best of their region from June 19th to June 24th
    • The Top EU and NA guilds will battle in the global finals on June 27th

    Currently the gold pool is at around 130k Gold. This will be split amongst the top 8 guilds (4 from each region). Donations are certainly welcome, and can be sent in game to:

    • guild mm.4269
    • MightyTeapot.2093
    • Roy.5639

    Please make sure you specify that you are donating for the GvG Tournament. You will be honored in our end credits scene so thank you very much <3

    We will have several streams throughout the duration of the Tournament. Most GvG's, and specifically the Regional/Global Finals will be streamed on either:

    Guild MM

    Secondary streams will also be available, either as Guild PoVs or for some of the qualifier matches. They can be found at:

    https://www.twitch.tv/ebattletv (Spanish cast)
    https://twitch.tv/berk94 (German cast)
    https://www.twitch.tv/luna_darkblade ([Name] PoV in German)
    https://www.twitch.tv/armageddongamingtv (Italian Cast)
    https://www.twitch.tv/majorfullofmiss (sQ PoV)

    Our team worked hard on getting a hype trailer built for today's reveal so please enjoy our hard work.
    Champions of the Mists Trailer

    Thank you all for your love and please please please cheer on your favorites over on the official tournament discord.

    submitted by /u/ShW_Atros
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    Tom Abernathy: Bringing Out Character in Guild Wars 2 | Deeg Chat (Podcast)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:07 AM PDT

    Just some new player thoughts

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm brand new to Guild Wars (started GW2 ~3 days ago) and I wanted to discuss some thoughts I have about the game. For some background, I started out with necromancer thinking it would be like Path of Exile where minions would steamroll everything while I do nothing, and while it kinda felt like that (level 1-20), I read in some other Reddit posts and forums that it isn't a viable strategy. I ended up creating a ranger and loving it, as I still want some sort of NPC by my side and I do enjoy a support role (planning to make a Druid if I end up buying the expansions). I am currently at level 28 with the ranger, so my knowledge is still very limited.

    1. It feels like there is no overwhelmingly powerful profession i.e. the game is very balanced. To the people who just scoffed reading that, let me know why I'm wrong! I just don't feel like there is a character that is good for every situation, and if there is, then it doesn't excel in every situation. I've seen some memes about a "Chronomancer" class being OP, but I haven't really looked into it. On the other side, it doesn't feel like there is a profession that is "trash," or unplayable. HOWEVER, I do NOT see this as a bad thing at all. I think this is a VERY GOOD THING. Let me know what you think! Again, my knowledge is very limited so please, enlighten me. :)
    2. There is a lot of ambiguous information about character builds out there, and I feel like that's because there's no single build that's good for everything. Again, a very good thing; I want to be able to build my character however I want and not have it be trash in practice. For example, I want my ranger to be effective in supporting other players, but also output a decent amount of damage on my own. This "hybrid" build seems to be working well, even though I'm not following any builds I've found online. I want to know if I should be following builds online, or if it is indeed viable to make a build I think is good according to my playstyle.
    3. The community is... nice?? I haven't play a lot of MMORPGs so idk if this is a normal thing, but people have been very helpful to me in-game when it comes to learning new things, or just little favors like people going out of their way to revive me. At the very least, I haven't bumped into any toxic players. Let me know if I just got lucky !!

    I have to say, I really love this game a lot. It feels so... convenient. Too convenient. I mean, an MMORPG like GW2 without a subscription sounds too good to be true (then again, I just recently got into this genre), but also, a sizeable portion of the game is... FREE? Prices aside, it is simply a very comprehensible, user-friendly, fun game; I haven't ran into anything I find annoying about it, especially when trying to play with my friends (I'm looking at you, FFXIV). Of course, this type of slow-paced, grindy game isn't everyone's thing, but it's certainly is mine right now. :)

    Thank you for reading my huge block of text.

    submitted by /u/PiKyrschu
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    I recently finished a few collections with my Sylvari in mind and couldn’t be any happier!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    The Commander And Communication

    Posted: 30 May 2021 09:25 PM PDT

    Can i skip wvw entirely?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    Everytime i've tried playing wvw there is never any players on my server while the other 2 have 20 player zerg groups so i can never get anything done so i tend to avoid the gamemode. My question is do i need to play the gamemode for things outside of wvw as i hear some legendaries require you to play it or can i get these items through alternative routes?

    submitted by /u/Und3adHam5ter
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    Phytotoxin Enthusiast & Graphics Settings

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    So the achievement in the title is the last I have left for Triple Trouble. I know what I need to do to get this, and when. The issue I have is that I can not see the red cloud at all. I have the same issue later during the Crimson fight - I can see the teardrop markers over each cloud that I need to take to the extractors, but I can't see the clouds themselves. Since the earlier cloud for the achievement isn't marked in the same way, I have no chance of finding it at all.

    I mentioned this during my last run, and another player had the same issue. There were no comments on what I might do to fix this though. I realize this is most likely a graphics setting, since I'm generally playing on an old laptop with a lot of things turned down (I don't care typically, until it affects something like this).

    Does anyone know what settings need to be turned on/up in order for me to see these clouds? During the fight is kind of a bad time to be testing, kwim? Or barring the specific settings, anyone know a non-meta source of a similar cloud that I could figure it out on beforehand? I'd really like to get this done so I can just join whichever of the 3 fights actually needs bodies instead of being locked in a blind attempt to stumble into the cloud on my own. The last run someone actually did announce "cloud here" but despite running immediately from a short distance and standing on the person, no achievement, so I think I was either too late or in the wrong spot, or both.

    submitted by /u/tyrsa
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    Anyones has the gw2 season 1 3hour long movie avaiable?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    The gw2 story recap of season 1 made by dreamyabaddon is sadly umavaiable at my country due to authoral rights or some bs. Does anyones have it hosted somewhere that i can download to watch it?

    submitted by /u/-Zackh
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    Dragon Bash Boogie | Guild Wars 2, Dragon Bash 2021.

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    GuildJen's Fashion Contest + Screenshots Guide

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit!

    I'm doing a new Fashion Contest on my Discord server and I thought to share it here too!

    Prizes: 2000 Gems (Sponsored by Arenanet)

    Everybody is welcome and can participate until June 11 by posting up to two screenshots, then five finalists will be showcased on a video, community will vote with chances to win extra prizes as well!

    More details and rules here: https://guildjen.com/event/guildjens-fashion-contest/

    Screenshots Guide: https://guildjen.com/2021/04/15/how-to-take-the-best-screenshots-performance-graphics-and-camera-guide/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/8NZNRvC

    submitted by /u/GuildJen
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    Just started playing with a few friends, Do you have any advice to have the most fun?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    My character is a silvary engineer. I dont have money atm to buy anything (If I play more I do ofc intend to buy things) but I was wondering if you had any advice, like doing certain quests, or a way of playing to have the must fun, or the best way to get the best stats, etc.

    Also I was wondering, is engineer more of a support or an ADC?

    submitted by /u/Sky-is-here
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    Strike Mission: Cold War. Be aware of the Icy Echoes effect.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    Icon on the buff bar of the boss

    Icy Echoes

    When hit, causes the attacker to deal damage to allies in a radius around themselves. No attacker can cause this effect more than once every 2 seconds.

    I see many people dying very fast to this effect and they don't seem to understand what is going on. I believe this mechanic is new in the game.

    It's one of the 3 effects present on the minibosses and always present at the final boss of the strike mission. If you are taking heavy damage and don't know why, it's from this effect. Don't stack too much on each other. Spread around the boss, similar like people do it at Whisper of Jormag. It's a bit more difficult to see the bosses hitbox circle but it's doable. Use the player's hp bar or nameplates as indicators. Do not go away from the boss, go around it to still stay in range of buffs and heals.

    The other two effects are Lethal Coalescence, the "green circle" mechanic that splits damage to players in its radius and Flash Freeze, a chilling pulse damage that occurs occasionally and can be jumped over. It is indicated by 3 outgoing shockwaves, basicly count to 3 and then jump over the 4th which is the actual effect.

    Enjoy the strike.

    submitted by /u/ReplacementMother138
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    Any way to see map completion per character?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    I've tried to google how to see map completion for each character for each area, but cant seem to find it? It shows in percentage how much ive explored, but doesnt show which zones I am missing etc.

    submitted by /u/MikeJezZ
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    Returning gw2 vet

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    So i played a bunch of gw2 back when it launched and during HoT. But PoF didnt really interest me after playing it a bit. Now im gonna try it out again and have a couple questions.

    • How is WvW? I remember last time i played it felt kinda dead and that let me down cause i loved WvW.

    • How is the leveling experience? Im thinking of just making a new char to ease me back in instead of getting overwhelmed with my max level elementalist main.

    • Is the game alive/good still? I really want to play with populated guilds and have a lot of ppl around for world bosses abd random events. I saw WoodenPotatos was reslly let down by the most recent living world thing, but that seemed like just a lore perspective.

    submitted by /u/Uptownsage
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    Gracias Eil, y animo!!!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    Gracias por todo el trabajo duro que hiciste para apoyar a la comunidad hispanoparlante, una pena y una gran perdida que este recurso ya no pueda estar disponible cuando era de mucha ayuda para mucha gente.

    Animo, y ojala, por el bien de nuestra comunidad, que eventualmente surja una solucion que permita que podamos volver a disfrutar de tu trabajo y el esfuerzo que pusiste en el siga rindiendo frutos.

    "Thank you for all your hard work and supporting the Spanish speaking community. A great loss and a pity that this resource is no longer available when it was of so much help for so many.

    Cheer up, and hopefully, for the community's sake, a solution will come up eventually that allows for us to enjoy again your work, and all the effort you put into it keeps on yielding good results."

    Edit to add info: *The most prolific content creator in Spanish got his YT channel down, apparently for copyright issues, not official versions available, this is just a thank you post."

    submitted by /u/TacoEnCanada
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    GW2 shutting down my/your internet!?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:41 AM PDT


    this problem is starting to really bother me. Every time I start Guild Wars 2 it will shut down my Internet. Let me include my steps;

    1. Launch GW2
    2. Login
    3. Start Game
    4. Character Select Screen
    5. Select Character
    6. Loading Screen
    7. In-Game
    8. Disconnect

    Now, I can solve this problem most of the time by restarting my computer. But as soon as I am in-game my Internet just stops, like if something is blocking GW2 but I have no idea what.

    Now if it works, I am not allowed to close the game, because when I do, the problem will repeat itself and I have to restart my computer until it works. I can't reset my router because that clearly did not work.

    I have also seen that this problem has been present for some years by for some other people when I googled my problem. Sadly, I couldn't find a solution...

    submitted by /u/Bojjang
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    So I'm getting into the true end game(fashion wars) and I have a question

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    About armor templates do armor templates retain transmuted skins and infusions? Or do I need to keep the seperate armor in my back for outfit switching purposes?

    submitted by /u/jacktheripper1991
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    How do you keep track of your long-term goals?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    I am a generalist player, I do a little bit of everything (PvP, WvW, Raids, Meta events, etc.) but I can't play more than a few hours a day. I recently figured that even though I've been playing the game for years I have never consistently focused on specific goals.

    For example: I started crafting three different 2nd generation legendaries, then started the PvP legendary back, and recently got into raids and also started the legendary armor "journey".

    The only milestone I have achieved is a 1st generation legendary I crafted with the gold/materials I ended up with by playing the game a lot.

    I often get confused on what I'm doing, what am I doing it for or what I need to save materials for, etc. I feel like I need some structure to be more efficient and organized!

    So my question is: what is your method (if you have one) to keep track of your progress towards your long-term objectives? (mostly meaning crafting legendaries, but also achievements or other in-game milestones)

    submitted by /u/hexash
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    The Great Apes of Orr

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    While searching the internet for medieval, Muslim creatures of myth and legend, I landed on the "Dead Sea Apes" wiki page. This page needs more citation, but it mentions a fable where Dead Sea dwellers were transformed into apes for breaking the Sabbath. Could this fable be the inspiration for Orrian Gorillas?

    Gorillas have always seemed out of place in the Persian/Arabian-inspired locations of Orr since Gorillas are associated with Africa and rain forests (especially considering that Gorillas do not exist in Elona or the Maguuma Jungle).

    submitted by /u/The_Shiniest_Skritt
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    Is the Effect "Flame Blast" from Sigil of Fire also a Blast Finisher?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:49 AM PDT

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