• Breaking News

    Friday, April 2, 2021

    Guild Wars Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 4 has a GW1 poster

    Guild Wars Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 4 has a GW1 poster

    Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 4 has a GW1 poster


    I sure love Ascalon.


    I sure love Ascalon.

    Would be a shame if a magical nuclear annihilation happened.

    Glad You can go back once a year tho.


    submitted by /u/Ionenschatten
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    Does anyone have screenshots of Pyre (or any other Charr) from the side/profile? I need it for an art reference and I can't find a single picture online and don't want to reinstall just for this.


    Is there another game that has running in it?


    It was the most interesting part of Guild Wars for me, but I don't remember any other game that has that kind of player interaction.

    submitted by /u/SumnerIowa
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    Seeking Mesmer Advice (build, etc)


    TL;DR - Looking for a Mesmer build that I can play through most content with (HM, Dungeons) with Heroes.Note: I don't understand any of the PvXwiki, or the abbreviations on the build templates, and google searches have left me a bit lost.

    I've dabbled a bit in GW over the years, after GW2 came out I decided to do the 30-point HoM. Found a guide, ran a SoS Ritualist and did most things I needed to achieve that. However, I feel like I never really got to enjoy the stories in the game or really experience the content.
    (Especially because the guide had me bouncing all over the different campaigns for unlock efficiency)

    What I intend to do is start a Mesmer, work through Pre-Searing for Legendary Defender of Ascalon, move through Prophies, and get some Heroes from Nightfall after reaching Lion's Arch to help through the Campaigns. I have a general understanding of how to go about doing this, and that shouldn't be an issue.

    What I'm looking for is a solo build (that I will run with Heroes) that is sorta new-player friendly and works well enough to get into Hard Modes, as well as tackle some dungeons, or do Underworld Farming, etc - perhaps a build that I can grow into?Doesn't have to be optimal just.. enough to access most all facets of PvE.Even after all this time, I still don't really understand gear setups/runes either, so if the build has a guide that accompanies that, even better!

    The option for solo is because even though I've had my account since 2005, I'm effectively a newb, and would love to experience this content at my own pace. I've joined a couple groups previously on the Ritualist and just felt like dead weight/lost a bit in what I was doing.

    Thanks for your time in reading this, and any suggestions or advice is welcomed.

    submitted by /u/SaintsXIV
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    It's April 1st!


    Classified Information


    I have written down the announcement update message in plain text - assuming I have the "L" and "i" and "0" vs "O" correct. I plan to solve this and update with spoiler - good luck!

    TGlzdGVuLC Bhbm Qgd W5kZXJz dG FuZC4g VG hhd CBBbm5 paG lsYXRv c iBnb 2xlbSBp cyBvdXQ gd Ghlcm UulEl0 IGN hb id0lG hb id0lG JllGJ h cmdh aW5lZ CB3 aX RoL iBJdCBj YW4n d CBiZ SByZWF zb25lZ C B3aX RoLi BJd C Bkb2 Vzbid0l GZIZWwgcGl 0eS wgb3 l gcmVtb3Jz ZSwg b3l gZmV hci4g QW5 klGl 0lGFi c2 9s dXRl bHk gd2lsbC Bub 3Qgc 3RvcC wgZX Zlc iwg dW50aW w gU2Fy YWggY W5klE d3Z W4 gYXj llGRl YWGu

    submitted by /u/WeareSpray
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    April Fools 2021 Canthan Corona Virus


    Lf guild


    Are there still any lgbt guilds active? I'm just returning after around 10years and was wondering if some of the old lgbt guilds are still around.

    submitted by /u/dujalcollie
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