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    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 The Icebrood Saga: Champions Chapter 3 Trailer

    Guild Wars 2 The Icebrood Saga: Champions Chapter 3 Trailer

    The Icebrood Saga: Champions Chapter 3 Trailer

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:02 AM PST

    Zach Lute returns to ArenaNet after being with 343 Industries and Microsoft for 2 years working on Halo Infinite.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:14 AM PST

    PVP Bot Season Twenty-Five

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:27 AM PST

    First of all, this will be unpleasant to read cause it's more like a random thought compilation rather than a coherent text. Sorry.

    Everyone heard stories about bots in gold and silver but ever wonder what's below that? No? Well i did and it was a ride.
    The true pvp leaderboards

    I "started" the season at around 760 rating, no decay - got there in mostly ethical ways (no teammate rating was lost in the process). First game had a surprise - 8 bots (5 enemies, 3 teammates), second game was even better - 9 bots. And this continued for quite a bit, somewhere around 1100 was the first game where i had more players than bots. It obviously didn't help that i queued mostly in mornings to increase the chances to get bots.
    Most of these low ranking bots run intentionally bad builds and scripts designed to keep them in low tiers, away from public eyes. Something like core staff elementalist that will instantly use mist form after taking damage and move of node never contesting it. Core rifle engi - same thing, instantly uses elixir s and moves of node (see the pattern there?).

    "But how do you know it's bots and not really bad players?"
    Well that in certain cases can be a bit tricky. I had most of the bottom 2/3 of the list in all my games all the way till high silver and since my goal was not to win but to "spectate and confirm" that's what i did. The usual signs are npc-like pathing, twitchy movement, multiple bots stacking better than any gvg guild ever, 4 bots capping the same node together...
    Map pick - Skyhammer. By far the best map. You simply stop existing when you take a jump pad on side nodes (not mid, it's too low). You can do whatever you want then - sit there watching them cap the node and run off the the next uncapped/enemy node, jump down and get instantly attacked, range attack them and never get hit back (they still use defensive skills like heals and cleanses, staff mesmer will use staff2).
    But the main giveaway is stealth - an enemy in stealth doesn't exist. Leave stealth behind them in range and they do an instant 180 to attack you (necro bots are faster than their minions on this), stealth again and they they do another 180 and go back to their script. This way allows you to pull the strings till a third party comes into play.

    Of course, there might be a few non bots, mistakes might be made. It's a lot harder to get the same players in gold compared to lower ranks (or much higher ones). And most bots in higher ranks are minion necros/scourges and mirages with an occasional random class mixed in like a burn guard.

    Some of these accounts aren't even throw-away gold sellers but actual people who play, ranging from 10k-20k achievement points. With a special mention to this person - That's a lot of ap. A total of 2481 games. It's also more than 2953 raw gold from pips and wins/loses (30s/15s), not counting extra pips from top stats or close loses. And of course there are reward tracks.
    You think that's impressive? Well how about multiplying that by 14 - A whole album of fun. Total games - 30527, raw gold - 35487. But that's only the ones repping that guild, there's a bunch of other accounts that are following the same scripts.

    Another thing to mention - some of those accounts were active for a few weeks (talking about the whole list not just highlighted accounts above), only to be replaced by new bots after.

    A few of these bots are used in wvw, either between queues or just during early mornings, got a chance to hunt a few down. Follows same behavious like in pvp with one addition - they can't see people on mounts. You can run along side them, use the mount spear to put them into combat and get no real response (necro minions will aggro on you, soulbeasts will use moa stance, neither "player" will attack and continue to run towards their next sentry/camp). Mounts work like stealth, dismount within their range and they will 180 no scope you before your character lands on the ground.

    There are tens of bots in wvw, hundreds in pvp, hundreds in silverwastes (core class, level 80, 0 mastery points, has a mount, usually runs around in a group with accounts all fitting the description), thousands in open world either afk farming or node farming - bonus points to those that use port hacks for it.

    I hope this is enough to stay within witch hunting rules.

    submitted by /u/SleepingBoredom
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    4:17 Dhuum record by Dispossession [dP]

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:03 AM PST

    Log: https://dps.report/tDum-20210226-201437_dhuum

    Combined PoV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZSDo8L_WpE

    Individual PoVs (Italics = PoV from slightly slower kill):
    Sirius (Druid): https://youtu.be/q00WvVBm61A
    Contam (Renegade): https://youtu.be/hwebsdy5GX4
    Pupsi: https://youtu.be/G6240NOM2h8
    Prud: https://youtu.be/Wtihase2sbc
    Rece: https://youtu.be/ZaBlFo-PRZw
    Ryan: https://youtu.be/KvKx1Mp0yqE
    Cody: https://youtu.be/fq2Yu5Dk_lQ
    LuxRoy: https://youtu.be/G8Jhh-4RUTs
    Reckoner: None
    Walrus (Berserker): None

    Blink and portal

    • There are 7 seals to channel during the ritual and 7 chronomancers. If every chronomancer can teleport to a seal with blink or portal, we can save about 3 seconds of time spent traveling. This alone is more time than the 3rd best utility skill could speed up the damage phases by, but we can also use blink for increasing dps uptime if afflicted with mechanics.

    • 2 portals are placed prior to Dhuum spawning. The first portal allows the warrior to instantly teleport to the boss after green 1.

    • The second portal lets the Druid come back from green 2 faster to reapply might as it falls off. We also use it for the first 2 bombs. It is placed at a distance where chronos will not lose their clones from going beyond their maximum range.

    How we handle bombs and shackles

    • Bomb 1 goes into the portal the moment it opens, narrowly avoiding blowing up the group.

    • Bomb 2 spawns shortly before the boss hits 60% health. They bait shackles and quickly take the portal before it expires, breaking the shackle. They blow up the bomb early while they are out there to minimize dps downtime.

    • Bomb 3 needs to hold for the maximum duration since bomb 2 blew up so early.

    • Bomb 4 baits the shackles and waits a couple seconds before blinking out so that bomb 5 does not end up exploding before greater.


    • We adopted the tanking strategy of [Aves], having the druid take over as tank after the green so that the renegade can do green 3. The druid remains tank as there is nothing left to kite.

    • After the Lesser Death Mark, we let Dhuum do a scythe swing inside of the death mark to allow phantasms to finish hitting him before he moves. The chronos use sword 4 to block this and it's a dps increase to use it anyway. You can also walk into the death mark for the first 5 seconds after it is placed without being hit by it. You can see the green fire going around the edge of the aoe; when that circle completes, the death mark is activated. This feature allows the warrior to keep hitting the boss from a flanking position and avoid dodging the scythe swing. At this point, we have no currently active phantasms so we are free to move the boss to the center without losing dps.

    • When Dhuum teleports to the middle, he plays 2 animations before knocking us back: rising from the ground and channeling Greater Death Mark, after which we are knocked back. These animations take 2.6 seconds, meaning that if we bring the boss close enough to the middle, we gain 2.6 more seconds of dps uptime. It also prevents Dhuum from teleporting far away from phantasms.

    Other strategies

    • In the pre-event, we send up 2 people per green to attempt to get overflow [Energy Threshold]. Reaching 5 stacks of this buff allows you to exit. If you collect 4 and run into multiple orbs at the same time, stacks past 5 will persist and you can bring them into the next green or even into the ritual phase. Getting this is highly dependent on orb spawn rng.

    • The knockback from death mark sets your weapon swap cooldown to 2 seconds regardless of what it was prior. This lets the chronos swap to focus right before the death mark without losing access to their crucial sword phantasms during the soulsplit.

    • The warrior can generate a fair amount of might with Decapitate + Phalanx Strength during berserk, but unfortunately the berserk timing was just not lining up with the might downtime during the druid's green. This was solved by precasting berserk before green 1 to shift the berserk timing over without losing berserk uptime.

    • We utilized on-heal food swapping since it has been ruled as "allowed" and therefore not using it would allow the record to be taken instantly kind of like when you use soulbeast instead of chronomancer. Since we are already food swapping, chronos are also swapping to 100 precision food when they lose spotter during the druid's green.

    submitted by /u/Open_world_is_shit
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    Drew my sylvari boy

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:53 PM PST

    EoD Elite Speculation 5: Elementalist

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:40 PM PST

    Watch the Trailer for The Icebrood Saga: Champions Chapter 3

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:05 AM PST

    What kills you the most in HOT ?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:48 AM PST

    Revenant needs some Core Love (In my opinion)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 11:01 PM PST

    Now I get it, everyone wants a cool Greatsword for the Elite Spec for Rev, I do too.

    But I feel like weapon variety for Rev is lacking. And yes I'm aware that Eng and Ele have less, but engineers have kits and Ele have 4 different elements to play with.

    I mean most other professions have some choice when it comes to weapon choice (in my opinion) for each build but Rev just seems locked in and it gets stale some times, maybe get a ranged 1H weapon or an offhand for utility. I dunno, something to give a little spice to the core specs.

    Anywho that's my two cents. Probably won't happen because future content outweighs core kits. But I thought it would be nice.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Stach
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    Guild Wars 2 Raid Guides

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:29 PM PST

    Hello Reddit! For a long time, I've been creating a few series of comprehensive written raid guides for my website, https://phoenixuprising.net/gw2-raid-guides/.

    I currently have an introductory series, Raiding 101, that explains:

    • How raiding works in Guild Wars 2
    • The basics of squad composition and support builds
    • What a skill rotation is, why you need it, and how to practice
    • Defiance bars, special action skills, dodging, and consumables
    • Configuring and using ArcDPS, a DPS meter and tool for combat statistics

    I also have detailed guides for every raid boss and encounter including recommended squad compositions, mechanics, roles, and strategies for every group from beginner to hardcore. I know strategies change but I think I've covered the most-used ones in the current raid meta, and I plan to update them when more come to the front.

    In the future, I'll be publishing a lot more raid content including:

    • An advanced series, Raiding 201, for achievements, CMs, and pushing times and strategies
    • A Commander's Compendium for current or aspiring raid leaders
    • A section for tools including custom TacO markers and timers for raids, and an SFTA golem configurer, allowing you to select a build and get details on setting up the golem and troubleshooting tips

    I hope you'll all check them out and learn something new! If you notice any mistakes, missing information, or have technical issues with the site, please let me know.

    I'm working on a Patreon, but in the meantime if you want to support me, you can find donation details on my Support Me page. If you're not in a position to do so, that's cool too! If you enjoy the guides, spreading the word is incredibly helpful as well.

    submitted by /u/FenyxUprising
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    Hi, so I'm new, and I got to level 80 Ele but now looking at builds to start working towards, I'm absolutely confused, can someone simplify it for me?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:15 AM PST

    So, my boyfriend got me into this game and I'm completely hooked, this is my first time ever and I got to level 80 Elementalist by hardcore grinding basically everyday since it was really fun and I really love the class. Obviously I'm gonna go through the expansions but I tend to at least look at what I need to start working towards while I continue grinding, and looking at websites, reddit. I am completely and utterly confused by the builds and the words they use to describe them
    Some of the builds I saw and how they were explained by people who are 1000x better than me is stuff like "Condi Fireband, Sinister, Dire, Fresh Air Tempest"?? This is just to name a few. I know about Tempest and Weaver and such, I know warhorn and dagger, focus, such like that. but the actual builds and how people title them makes me overwhelmed.
    I'm basically just asking for someone to explain to me what some of the common things will be said, titles, abbreviations for things, builds? (I don't even know what WvW is all about either..)

    TL;DR: I am a very fresh level 80 Elementalist who is absolutely confused by the builds and the words used to describe builds that people use these days for the class.

    Erm, so I should specify here what my goals are moving forward.
    For the most part I want to partake in Raids with my boyfriend, Coming from other MMOs I usually have multiple different builds and playstyles to go with them, so I can be the healer, but I can also be the supp or damage dealer sort of thing.
    I have no interest in playing PvP for now. So all of the builds I'm looking into are all PvE, Open world, Raid based.
    I hope this makes sense, I'm just so lost.

    submitted by /u/BigMamaBubbles
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    Some of my GW2 drawings! :)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:31 AM PST

    Icebrood Saga Ep5 Champions Chapter 3 Balance – GuildWars2.com

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:06 AM PST

    Sunqua Peak Fractal CM - Ai Dark Phase - 69 Seconds Speedkill - [qT] [dT] [XVII]

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:10 AM PST

    Hello there!

    We are very happy to present a new fractal speedkill in cooperation with [qT] [XVII] and [dT]!

    This time we went for the dark phase of the Sunqua Peak Fractal CM and beat the old record by a good 7 seconds.

    So far, only one other serious speedkill of this specific encounter by Ns has been published, not only because the fractal is the most recent one but also because the fight has some tedious RNG factors. The RNG includes - but is not limited to - the position on the edge Ai is dashing to at the start and the position she is dashing to after the first dash. Also, a lot of (good) tries went to waste when Ai decided not to stay middle at around 40% and dashed once again.

    Regarding the team composition we went for two condi soulbeasts (sun spirit and moa stance), two condi firebrands (quickness and might) and a condi renegade (alacrity and might). The point was to make use of the higher DPS from soulbeast, compensate the missing alacrity applied by a second condi renegade by using moa stance with stance share and not having to use some weird hybrid support build on any of the classes. Moa stance raises the boon duration you apply by 66% and is used for every fractal precast but only during some encounters themselves (most notably at Ensolyss). Since dark Ai has basically one long phase - which is really unlike fractals - we could not afford dropping boons at any point. Moa stance MVP. The higher group DPS allowed us to completely skip the split mechanic which made the kill far more comfortable. Also, with the high burst DPS we were not as dependend on Ai dashing close to us at the very start and therefore could continue a lot more of tries. This specific comp can surely be outgrinded but how could you not already be totally satisfied with a 69 seconds kill...

    Last but not least, I want to use this opportunity to point out the following: because the instabilities have to be in a certain combination to go for a record we literally had only two possible dates in february to grind. Imagine having to set up a grind date three weeks in advance.. It really makes me sad that fractals - as the great content they are - are artificially made inaccesible to the competing high end community. There already are far fewer teams in fractals compared to raids because most people can't be bothered with the instability hassle. So, in case any of the devs responsible are reading this: please implement some kind of "competition mode" for all fractal CMs which removes instabilities (and in exchange for that does not grant any rewards on completing the fractal). It would make a lot of us very happy...

    Hope you enjoy!

    Big thanks to Tobi [qT] and Alex [dT] for joining the early testing sessions!

    Kill log: https://dps.report/P21Y-20210228-233803_ai

    Participant Role Link
    Tym CSlb (moa stance) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX03q6P1IIw
    Eupneo CSlb (sun spirit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhX6wzYaIdc
    Tantor CFb (stealer of ashes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuD8VoHkWYQ
    Roach CFb (candy man) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGp3LjjZQB4
    Decados CRen (solo alac) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KM5x9mCjyU

    submitted by /u/-t-y-m-
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    The results of the Raid League for February's session

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 11:27 AM PST

    A total of 22 groups have participated this month to face Slothasor and Keep Construct and attempting to get the best kill time they could achieve!

    For Slothasor we have seen the most various compositions but the purple class stacking was still very popular. You can notice even Reapers being played!

    For Keep Construct Chronomancers have dominated the scene and put the mechanics of the boss to shame as they wouldn't even exist.

    If you are interested in playing for fun and challenge yourself, register your group on the discord. You are free to participate from any region and timezone.

    If you're interested in rewatching the livestream: https://youtu.be/YtmQgAuaFSI

    Website Page Results: https://gw2raidleague.com/y21sp1r2/

    Thanks to all the groups that have participated and see you next month for the final session of the winter split of season 2!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/YkxCMWV

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/gw2raidleague

    Website: https://gw2raidleague.com/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZNUZYcL-P6kVznUmq65Itg

    submitted by /u/LINKAZZATORE
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    Introducing: TyriaTribune!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:57 PM PST

    Ahoy Guild Wars 2 Reddit!

    I just wanted to make a quick post outlining the site that I've been working on & what it is & is not intended to be.

    As a long time player of Guild Wars 2 the radio science that we've been getting from Arena Net surrounding End Of Dragons, & Content Updates in general lately, kind of hurts on a cellular level. So I put together a light resource & update site for the community.




    What this is:

    - An simple, easy resource link site that formats well on mobile.

    - A promotional site for items that become newly obtainable. (e.g. The Azure & Crimson Dragonslayer weapons, that got basically 0 coverage in the game last Tuesday when they became cartable. + Gemstore Items, & Other Items: e.g. The Exalted Sniping Bow, Stoneskin Infusion, etc.)

    - A short & promotional page for fun, cute, (hopefully daily) shorts & game updates. When we start getting them again.

    What this is not intended to be:

    - A guide site to replace any of the resources that are linked to on the site. GuildNews.de, GuildJen.com, & GW2Fans.net are all fantastic resources for getting things done in the game & I don't want to take away from what they are doing.

    - Not Monetized. Not that there's anything wrong with that. So aside from the ads on YouTube that are turned on now by default on Google's side, I will do my best to keep the site & all of it's peripherals ad free. This is meant to be a light resource for the community. If you want to support someone please go donate to the sites I listed above. They're doing far more than I am.

    If you finished reading this before waiting to blast it in the comments you're a gem! I really love Guild Wars 2 & hope this can add something to the amazing wealth of 3rd party sites & resources that have already been made by people who clearly love it as well! :D You may now upvote or downvote this into oblivion.

    See You In Tyria! <3 <3 <3

    submitted by /u/TyriaTribune
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    Making an alt after being gone for a couple of years

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:33 AM PST

    I just returned to the game after a long hiatus and rather than re-learning one of my old characters I decided to just make a new one. Since Engineer still seems to be the utility king it was the obvious choice. Anyhow, after checking through all my previous alts I found that I really don't have any crafting skill left to level (except for scribe) and I seem to remember being able to just gobble a large chunk of experience by crafting my way up to cap, would it still be worth leveling something or should I just leave crafting blank and do all gear crafting on my old characters?

    submitted by /u/Thyferion
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    The Ronin and The Knights of Light and Dark

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:21 AM PST

    An Alternative To Midi For Guild Wars 2 Instruments

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:57 PM PST

    Hello There Fellow Guild Wars 2 Music Players!

    I made a simple program that functions in a similar way to the various midi keyboard programs that are available, except it uses a computer keyboard instead!

    Like the midi programs, this allows you to play without having to manually swap octaves. Chords like [2/4/6]/2/4/6/(2/4/6) are played simply by pressing 246 246 246. The main difference with this program is that it uses sheet music in order to tell when to swap octaves.

    How do I use this program? Well, it's incredibly simple. *If you don't have autohotkey downloaded, you'll need to download it first* Just copy and paste music in either brackets and parenthesis format, or in music box arrows format into the UI box. Pressing F1 will load the song (which loads instantaneously) while pressing F2 starts the song (pressing F2 again will pause the song in case you want to swap to playing the normal way). F3 closes the application. 9 and 0 keys remain functional while the program is playing in case a lag spike causes an octave swap to not be registered.

    Here's the link to the program:Guild Wars 2 Midi Alternative!

    *Note* Maximum octave swapping speed is based on your guild wars 2 in game ping. If your ping is very low, you can open up the autohotkey file in notepad, find "Delay = 80", and change 80 to a lower value (typically you'll need a delay higher than 50). Alternatively, if you ping is very high, you can increase the delay. You'll want to mess around with different values for the delay to get a value that works best for your ping. Usually you'll end up with a Delay set somewhere between 25 and 200. I highly recommend tweaking this value until it's at the absolute lowest delay possible that doesn't still cause octaves to be skipped.

    submitted by /u/FlightOfCards
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    Common to have 2 characters the same profession?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PST

    So i just recently got into the game and used a level 80 boost on a necro and have been learning to play him. I love the necro but would it be a good idea to start one at level 1 and level him to 80 to have 2 max necros?

    submitted by /u/-Soulsteal-
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    My charr grew an extra head..

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:51 AM PST

    March Sales Begin at the Black Lion Trading Company

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:46 AM PST

    GW2 crashing on launch after reset yesterday

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:17 AM PST

    So for some reason after reset yesterday GW2 started crashing for me and previously it had been fine.

    I'm using the GW add-on manager and from that I installed the dx12 and radial Mount add-ons. For awhile when I first downloaded them it would crash a few times before launching but then it seemed to fix after an update and has been fine for months.


    This is a link to the crash log if anyone here can decipher it better than I can.

    Thanks in advance for any input!

    Also, just worked overnight shift and I'm headed to bed so I can provide more details in a few hours when I wake up if anyone needs them.

    submitted by /u/m3Zephyr
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    Guild Wars 2 Error code 58 and 1101, Can't enter the game after logging in

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:56 AM PST

    Guild Wars 2 Error code 58 and 1101, Can't enter the game after logging in

    Every time I log in from client and click on Play I managed to get to character selection, but after selecting my character or creating new character, the game doesn't loads up and shows error code 58 and 1101, saying " the game client was unable to connect to the log-in server "..I am from Phillippines and I play at NA server of Gate of Madness I have been trying to fix it for whole day now, please Help !


    submitted by /u/RayDBanana
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