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    Monday, December 28, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 GW2BLTC will stay online after positive community feedback

    Guild Wars 2 GW2BLTC will stay online after positive community feedback

    GW2BLTC will stay online after positive community feedback

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:22 AM PST

    I made a thread yesterday about GW2BLTC going offline at the end of the year but after some positive feedback from the community, u/jolu_thief decided to keep the project running.

    Since the other thread now has an outdated headline, which i cant change, i thought i make a new one for people that missed his announcement.

    He also posted a donation link in that comment to cover server costs, thats why i didnt want to delete the old thread.

    If you want to support this app, please consider donating.

    submitted by /u/rude_asura
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    Shimmering Aurora chronomancer

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:38 PM PST

    A collection of some of the highest hits I've delivered/received in WvW, mostly on players, some on NPCs, (and one from Drizzlewood).

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:11 AM PST

    Lamia norn ele

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Friends started playing and I cannot be happier

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:23 PM PST

    We ended up having them run cliffside today. They were geeking out on the mechanic of carrying the hammer and one of them ended up even running up the blast steps without falling off. At the end I had them watch the Colossus get freed. I told them to /bow after he turned around for the achievement. Man.. They were flipping out.

    our small gaming group has bee going strong for about 8 years. 4-9 typically play different games throughout the year almost every week/weekend. We have hopped from poe, csgo, battleroyales, etc.. A couple of them finally decided to try gw2 and they have really been enjoying it.  
    It honestly feels like I have started playing this game over because I am living vicariously through their fist time playing. They have been playing for a couple of weeks and we ran fractals for the first time. They were awestruck with the time and effort put into the levels.
    It might be short lived but, this game still finds a way to bring people together.

    submitted by /u/xanderlynn
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    The Commander And The Thief

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:30 PM PST

    Wintersday Themed Jumping Puzzle

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:31 AM PST


    I've been decorating my Guilds Guild Hall for quite some time... so i thought the community may like what i'm doing...

    Hit me up with some comments

    Marry Christmas!
    peace out

    submitted by /u/woosksha
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    How many characters do you have?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:27 PM PST

    I'm curious on what the average number of characters for each player is. I see people all the time talking about their "mains" and "alts" so

    How many characters do you have? What's their levels? How often do you play them, and what have you done with them? What's your favorite? I want to see if the way I play is normal.

    Edit: How do y'all afford so many characters slots

    submitted by /u/SaltyCherrios
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    A real plush griffon?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:17 PM PST

    So a lot of people in my guild really love the plush griffon and would love to see it made into an actual stuffie, like the stuffed quaggans on the merch store. Idk if this is the right place to put it, but we're curious if other people would want this too, and if there's a way to get this idea to arenanet

    submitted by /u/Westernspy11
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    Let's talk about: Necro's Blood Bank

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:02 AM PST

    I know this was probably addresses numerous times, but haven't seen specific discussion on this in a while, and I'm a firm proponent of being vocal about an issue until it gets fixed.

    The rude TL;DR -

    What in the actual mindfucking hell is this goddamn aberration of uselessness? I literally want to hit my head against the wall whenever I look in its general direction.

    The eloquent elaboration:

    As you might know, Blood Bank is a grandmaster trait in Necro's Blood Magic traitline, and it transforms 100% of excess healing into barrier.

    So, what's the issue with it? Well, you see, the issue is that when you think about it a bit, it turns out it's both mechanically and logically completely useless. And then when you try it out, you find out that, surprisingly, it's actually hella useless trait in general. And it's supposed to be a grandmaster trait, on top of that.

    Situation A:

    You are "struggling" to maintain health. The trait is literally useless as it does nothing as you are not on full health.

    Someone might argue that they don't want to accidentally waste heals by overhealing themselves, but you're not really "struggling" then if that's a real, palpable danger, no? And even then it would be a matter of debate how much useful that is due to duration of Barriers.

    Situation B1:

    You are at full health. The trait is literally useless since you are obviously not in danger of dropping dead.

    Situation B2: You are at full health and you expecting to be hit by a massive attack so you want to top off just in case. So, lets consider everything that goes into this line of thinking:

    - You need to actively and precisely time your heals

    - You need to actually know the specific mechanic of the attack you're about to get hit with and know without doubt that its going to kill you (otherwise, you can just simply follow one of the base principles of the game, in this case that being "pop off heal when you notice that you are low on health", which you will notice is a helluva lot simpler to follow.)

    - on top of previous, you're out of dodge/can't dodge it

    - on top of previous, you can't use the very class-defining mechanic of Necro, which is an entire goddamn second healthbar

    - even then, you're introducing a very real risk of entirely wasting your heals

    And also the fact that if "sudden, really painful attacks that might kill me" are an issue for you, you can simply use Unholy Sanctuary which requires about 100% less thinking in advance and 100% less risk of popping off heals when you shouldn't, and it also heals you afterwards, so is in general just better all-around panic option. (well, beside the fact that you'd have to use Death Magic traitline, which is an entire separate discussion on uselessness, but its not like Blood Magic is bristling with versatility and potential)

    Honestly, this entire trait looks to me personally like it was made for situations that don't exist, and as basis for mechanic combos that also don't exist. No matter how hard I think, no direct upgrade on this mechanic, even with separate traits, can actually make it good. But there are about million other ideas with which it could easily be replaced and/or upgraded:

    - gain barrier equal to X% of damage dealt

    - gain barrier whenever you inflict vulnerability (or any other more or less specific set of condi's)

    - gain barrier equal to health portion of any lifesiphon you trigger

    - gain barrier when you activate wells/with every well pulse

    - deal damage in AoE whenever you receive barrier

    - receive lifeforce equal to % of incoming or expiring barriers

    - increase duration of barriers on yourself + any of the above effects

    - any number of lifesiphon or bleed-related effects, since the trait-line is literally called "Blood Magic", and move personal-barrier-handling to Death Magic. (in all honesty, I find it a bit silly that base Necro has next-to-none barrier capabilities, while Scourge is shitting them all over the place, so having a base Necro have certain amount of strictly personal barriers could easily serve to bridge this gap)

    /end rant. I had to get this off of my chest, as someone who has mained Reaper ever since HoT, it just pains me to see these kinds of shenanigans played on likely one of most often seen classes in game.

    P.S. on separate but related topic, and a possibly unpopular opinion but: the existence of second healthbar mechanic was a part of every balance decision regarding Necro's ever since the game came out, and still during these 8 years it was almost continuously regarded as literal cancer in WvW and PvP while being sub-optimal in any and all endgame PvE content.

    The more I think about it the more I'm certain that lifeforce in its current form was a mistake and should be removed/reworked entirely. Just give Barrier on Shroud activation and thats enough to open the entire Necro class to an entire world of positive rebalancing.

    I'm personally rooting for more class mechanics, as I don't think having an equivalent of single weapon kit (and activation/deactivation of it) provides enough opportunities for diverse class-building options. (personally, I'd like to see some kind of unique utilities while in shroud, something like having unique utilities depending on which traitlines you are using)

    submitted by /u/DeityGamesJesus
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    What is the best build to solo Forging Steel strike mission?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:04 AM PST

    I want to complete the achievements and since the event scales I prefer to do it alone (except for the CMs obviously).

    The builds I've been thinking about are:

    • Power Reaper
    • Trailblazer Scourge
    • Trailblazer Renegade
    • Trailblazer Firebrand

    I know that they're all good for soloing hard bosses in open world and they should all have good AoE damage (scourge and renegade may be lacking a bit in comparison) but I want a build specialized for Forging Steel in particular.

    What are your suggestions and recommendations?

    submitted by /u/Tur_In
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    What do you do with extra items in 2020?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:12 AM PST

    I know this has been asked before, but everything in search is pretty old, so I was wondering what's the best thing to do with rare, masterwork, and fine armor and weapons. Salvage, TP, sell?

    submitted by /u/drunkspace
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    No authentification mail

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Hi guys! I have just tried to log in for the last 30min. and due to me staying at my parents' house over new year, I have to verify the new network. However, I haven't received a mail from anet... Anyone else with the same issue?

    submitted by /u/Minute_Banana_3066
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    Anyone else only getting 8 gifts instead of 10 from the first tier in Wintersday Gift Vendor??

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:28 AM PST

    I noticed it the other day. You can buy 10 per tier, per day, that makes 100. But I'm only getting 98, not sure how long it's been going on for, but only noticed it one day when I had no presents in my bag as I expected to see 100, I then paid closer attention and noticed the error is in tier 1....


    Be interested to know if anyone else is experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/EchoFalls27
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    GW2 guides from 2012!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:36 AM PST

    Super unstable FPS

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:09 AM PST

    Hi im running with a 2070 and a i7-8700k at 1440p, but im getting super unstable frame rates, varies from 120+ to around 30. What are some settings I should consider lowering to maintain more stable frame rates?
    ps: I only play PVE.

    submitted by /u/Cbice1
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    Unsuccessful with Unofficial Add-on Manager

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:40 AM PST

    The issue I'm getting is that it is unable to locate the bin or bin64 folder, but I am absolutely certain that I have the correct path chosen. I have wiped and reinstalled the entire game on my computer. GW2 is installed on my D: drive and I have the bin64 folder selected in UOAOM, File path: D: Program Files/GW2/bin64. I have tried deleting the bin folder and relaunching the game, then closing the game and using the Manager to install the dx12 and arcdps with no success. What do?

    submitted by /u/Xauu
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    New Guild Wars 2 player, how to play with friends?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:52 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Couple of my friends and I started playing Guild Wars 2 today, we all chose an European server, but we couldn't see each other when we were in a party.

    Does it matter if we are not on the same "World" and how can we join to play together?

    Also, if we choose different races each, will that affect our ability to play main storyline quests together? I'm guessing the side quests and world quests are available to everyone.

    submitted by /u/TvvistedFate
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    [Wintersday] Missed Secret Toymaker sign-ups due to real life, want to give back

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:51 PM PST

    Hi all. I missed the Secret Toymaker signups for this year due to real life issues cropping up. I did a giveaway in-game the other day across all of the starter maps to newbies, giving out dyes and things, and finished it in LA. I want to give to someone who's missed the signups as well. I feel bad that I missed the signup. You don't have to give me anything in return, I just want to participate in some small way.

    Thanks, and have a Happy Holiday. No matter where you are, no matter who you are, stay safe.

    submitted by /u/MrWubzy
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    LF Personal Guild Bank (Treasure Trove Upgrade) Guide/Resources

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:31 AM PST

    I have a personal guild bank with the 50 slot guild stash, looking to solo(ish) upgrade to the 150 slot guild bank by adding the 100 slot treasure trove. Does anyone have a guide/link to the cheapest way to accomplish this? Never ran a guild or dealt with upgrades before. I want to learn how rather than just buying a guild.

    submitted by /u/BrokenEffect
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