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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Guys, there is still hope

    Guild Wars 2 Guys, there is still hope

    Guys, there is still hope

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:56 AM PST

    Rytlock Brimstone Charges into Battle! - Brawlhalla

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:56 AM PST

    Legendary Chat

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:06 AM PST

    Agent Batanga cosplay I made a few years back, thought I'd share it here too ☺

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    “Upcoming Months” for all the WvW players 1:30:52

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Slothasor 1min 24sec Speedkill by Refine [HC]

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Hello Reddit,


    today I am proud to share the latest project, our newly formed raiding guild "Refine [HC]" was working on - Slothasor.


    Sub 1 Sub 2 Sub 3 Sub 4
    Alcatraz(Weaver) Qbix(Renegade) NCDOPE(Warrior) Ghost(Chrono)


    Log: https://dps.report/vt43-20201128-235943_sloth


    Idea & Strategy

    We had the idea for this group composition a while ago, when most of us were still raiding with another Guild, but never came close to finishing the project back then.


    The strategy behind our kill:


    The kill you can see is pretty close to what we first envisioned it to be. We knew that we want to go with the approach SC did a few years ago, by just eating one shroom. Eating a second one seemed to be too much of a loss for us, since one player would have had to run quite far to even get it.


    At first we considered bringing a might tempest instead of a herald, but figured out that herald is not just better for the multiple boons he brings and way stronger CC capabilities, the class was also able to deal very high damage, which at least matched the tempests damage output.


    Another change we made rather early was the start of the fight. At first we started "normally", so next to the shroom and let sloth walk up. But even though we have been able to phase him there before the tantrum happened, which is necessary to lead sloth into the attack pattern needed to end up shaking only in phase 5, we decided to perform an on boss start, since it saved us a good amount of damage uptime.


    In the previous record performed by CnD, they used the same strategy but with dragonhunters, which have their extremely powerful healing skill "Litany of Wrath". Since we chose weaver, which have no access to such a strong healing skill we found a workaround rather quickly by simply just positioning ourselfs in a way that only the weavers and the soulbeasts get the soulcleave summit buff the renegade placed. Every other class had no problem outsustaining the ticking fields damage, by either their strong heal skills like warrior, or the passive life leech from battle scars on revenant. Only the chrono had to start on the shroom in order to not get his continuum split destroyed by the fields on the ground.


    The problem

    In the process of grinding this run, we later ran into a big issue. As soon as our pace got quicker sloth started to do a shake in phase 4 in every pull. This is obviously bad, since it prevents him from shaking in phase 5 which you need to overphase him and skip the 10% breakbar. After a lot of log analysis we had the theory that the fixation change, that at a slightly slower pace normally happens at the start of phase 4 confuses the AI of sloth in a way, that he does flamebreath instead of the shake there. So we had to figure out how we could force an earlier fixation change in order to achieve the same.


    The solution

    We also knew that stealth is forcing a fixation change. Now the obvious choice was to stealth the fixation at the right moment. To achieve that we needed our chrono to drop mimic as a skill and bring veil instead, since it was the only stealth source we had in the squad, aside from soulbeasts personal stealth from longbow 3, which would have been a massive RNG grind. As you can see in the video the strat worked perfectly fine and we are kind of certain that our theory with the fixation change to confuse the AI is true.


    Aside from the mentioned aspects the boss fight was pretty straight forward. We had to figure out how to optimize our dps by adapting the rotations to hopefully it's best. And had to figure out a sufficient CC schedule. To achieve a really fast CC we not only used the CC skills avaliable from all classes we had. But also the amazing combo system of Guildwars 2, which allowed us to get additional leap finishers thru a lightning field (Inspiring Reinforcements) that perform dazing strikes. This strategy was already used by CnD in their previous run, so shoutout to them for figuring that out.


    The composition

    That leads me to the main tasks of the classes we brought:


    Was an obvious choice for high burst dps every phase. The nature of sloth, with cc bars every 10-15 seconds made it perfect to restart the burst loop, while still being able to fit their CC skill in without a loss. They also shared their fgs' in order to close a low dps gap on the soulbeasts and the herald.



    Due to it's incredibly strong buffs, while still maintaining a high amount of damage we chose not just one, but two of them to provide even more One wolf pack uptime in combination with their stance share trait. The additional 5% damage and the possibility to pull the slubs in with their axe skills also made this class a really good pick. One of the soulbeasts also precasted vulture stance at the start of the fight to ramp up might even quicker, while still being able to swap the skill out for a personal buff.


    Dragonhunter (Slubling Duty)

    Dragonhunter was not only taken for it's good dps. But also, since this class could provide very useful buffs to the group before entering the slubling stance. Namely bane signet and some other passives. Aside from that we used the DHs dragons maw skill to prevent the slublings at the 60% breakbar from being pushed out by the renegade staff 5 CC.



    As mentioned above, our first iteration included a might tempest instead of a herald. But we figured early that a herald provides many useful things. By running sigil of strength the herald was able to use it's Shared Empowerment trait to a maximum, since both share the same 1 second ICD. Aside from providing a large amount of might, the herald was also able to maintain protection, fury and swiftness during the whole fight, while still extending all outgoing boons. The uptime of Assasins Presence also got increased by having a second revenant. Alongside all these benefits the CC capabilities of revenant and therefore Herald are pretty much unmatched so it was an obvious pick.



    Next to the big CC capabilities mentioned above, the renegades main task was to keep alacrity up during the whole fight. He was also responsible for dropping Inspiring Reinforcements to prevent us from being feared by sloth waking up and to increase our squads CC. Occasional usage of F2 also helped a lot keeping the might at 25 stacks. As i already mentioned, the renegade was a big part of our survival strategy not only while we started the fight in the poison fields, but throughout the whole time thanks to it's Soulcleave Summit skill.



    Aside from the obvious buffs from banner of strength and discipline in combination with a lot of CC the warrior was also an additional source of might, thanks to it's nice interaction between Axe F1 in combination with Phalanx strength. This especially helped a lot to ramp up the might quickly in phase 1.



    The 10 man quickness chrono was a perfect pick not just for it's buffs, but also for high cc and the needed stealth source throughout phase 4. Running a scepter allowed a high generation of clones to have enough shatters for maintaining quickness on 10 people, with just signet of inpiration as a boon extending utility in it's repertoire, while still having enough clones to shatter f3 in every CC bar. Obviously chrono was also the class, that had to group the slublings in a way the soulbeasts could pull them in with their axes.



    Overall we are very happy with the result we want to share with you now. Our initial goal was to go sub 1:30 which we surpassed by 6 more seconds, making this run 11 seconds faster, than the previous record done by CnD.


    I also want to thank our Guilds Members Muju and Philipp for participating throughout the whole project. They both contributed a huge chunk to it's success!

    Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.


    submitted by /u/Juliverine
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    A Hypothetical Raid for the Icebrood Saga

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:48 AM PST

    (NOTE: This would not actually work with the way that the story of IBS has unfolded. However, this is merely a "What-if" scenario involving taking the Strike Bosses and combining them into a full-on Raid)

    So I'm going to be blunt: I am enjoying the Icebrood Saga and I enjoy Strikes for what they are. However, in the last year I finally started Raiding and have found a lot of enjoyment in each of the Wings. While I respect Strikes for what they are, I wanted to imagine how they would have worked if they were repurposed as Raid Bosses. This will only be using the Strike Bosses for Episodes 1 and 2 of the Icebrood Saga for total of 4 Raid Boss fights. With all of that said, here is my rough draft of how a hypothetical Icebrood Saga prelude could have been done in Raid Wing 8.


    Premise: Following the death of Kralkatorrik, Scholar Glenna and our merry band of Raiders have ventured into the Shiverpeaks to investigate the site where Jormag fell back asleep while fighting Braham Eirson. Upon arriving in the area they find it crawling with Sons of Svanir and their leader, the Fraenir of Jormag. I feel like it's not beyond belief that Glenna would want to study a site where an elder dragon is confirmed sleeping since hardly anyone ever gets to get close to the damn things.

    Pre-event: The party merely has to clear out a camp of Sons of Svanir to draw out the Fraenir.

    Boss 1: Fraenir of Jormag. One of the things that I was disappointed by in the Strike implementation of the Fraenir is that he loses mechanics from his boss fight in the story. Well, clearly for a raid we can add those back in. In addition to teleports and ground pounds and the ice shockwaves that he does in both his story and stike appearances, I propose adding in his blizzard form at 75% and 50% health. Force the party to split in two to destroy the two blizzard cores on opposite ends of the arena or die to damage over time from the storm. At 25% he can summon the Icebrood Construct (except, you know, threatening) that must be destroyed and then the fight can end much like it does in the final 10% of the Strike

    Following the defeat of the Fraenir, the party enters the nearby forest to follow the Sons' path to Jormag. However they are ambushed by the Boneskinner

    Boss 2: The Boneskinner: I've criticized the Boneskinner Strike for the boss not being mobile enough and the torch mechanic not really being used by anyone who does the strike on the regular. So I propose merging the open world and strike version of the boneskinner. Have him have phases where his breakbar must be depleted or he'll target one of the party (let's say the one with the one who was already tanking for the fight) and instantly kill them like in the open world variant. At certain checkpoints (either time or HP threshold) the party will need to run to a torch around the arena and light it to survive a crippling surge of darkness from the Boneskinner (much like in the Wolverine Trial in Bjora). After being used the Boneskinner will destroy the Torch and the party will need to keep moving to new torches around the forested area, so it would probably require a Samurog CM style approach of leading the boss in a circle around the area as you move from torch to torch. For added flavor, let's make the torches bear the flame of Koda just because that's been neglected since Season 3.

    Following the defeat of the Boneskinner the party emerges from the forest to the shore of a frigid lake. On the other side is the mountain that collapsed on Jormag when it fell asleep, but before the party can arrive they need to cross the lake on narrow ice paths surrounded by deathly cold water (or something similar). There is a crashed Kodan sanctuary they must pass through, and on the inside are two Kodan, a Voice and a Claw that have fallen to Jormag's corruption.

    Boss 3: The Kodan. I actually really like the variety of mechanics that the strike version has but there is no explanation as to who these characters are or why they, the leaders of a Kodan sanctuary, fell to Jormag. Also, despite their numerous mechanics the threat level is very low. This Raid would theoretically resolve both issues. If you make the mechanics more threatening, and maybe add a mechanic where the Claw can knock people back into the frigid lake, I think it could actually be a suitable Raid encounter. (Note: My wife suggested an alternative idea. Have the Kodan be your guides in the area but they become Corrupted by Jormag's whispers as you cross the lake and they turn on you.)

    Finally Glenna and Co. reach the site where Jormag fell. There is a cavern at the bottom of the mountain that is frozen over. Inside it is the Whisper of Jormag with a message for our heroes. It speaks of ill tidings and Jormag's return to power.

    Boss 4: The Whisper of Jormag. Honestly just take the arena and mechanics from the Strike and add it to the Raid with some extra severity thrown in on some mechanics (the tornados really don't do very much right now). Of all of the Strikes this one is the most Raid like already. Just fix the bugs!

    After defeating the Whisper is utters one final truth: Jormag has already awoken and it hungers for magic. It has moved elsewhere in Tyria, but where it has gone no one can yet say...


    Like with the Forsaken Thicket being a leadup to the White Mantle/Lazurus plotline in Season 3 I can see this being an optional but interesting lead in to the Icebrood Saga and Bangar's quest to tame Jormag for himself. If Jormag is weak and hungers for power then it still makes sense why it would travel to Drizzlewood to seek out the Spirits of the Wild. It's not a perfect "What-If" scenario as it would require many changes to Bjora Chapter 1 and some minor changes to the end of Chapter 2, but overall I like the idea of this.

    And of course I must say that obviously this doesn't exist and won't exist and could never exist at this point and none of what I have pitched here has been verified as "mechanically sound" or even "fun". It's just an idea I wanted to write out and share with the community.

    submitted by /u/TannenFalconwing
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    Tried to create Avacyn the Purifier from MtG

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:17 PM PST

    Would you consider purchasing an Infinite Transmutation Stone from the gem store?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:18 PM PST

    This is probably the single item I'd be most willing to pay big bucks for but I don't see similar sentiments often expressed from others. If anything, I see folks laugh about how many charges they have. I'm an altoholic so I do go through them quickly if I'm not careful, and I definitely have been in the mood to mess around with creating themed armor and weapon pairings but couldn't justify burning a couple dozen charges without a clear plan in mind. I thought a poll would be useful to gauge general interest. If you vote yes, what would be a reasonable price?

    edit - people have the right to downvote and they clearly are, but can we get a few yes voters to upvote for the sake of visibility?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ondraedan
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    No one: Orr maps:

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:58 PM PST

    Secret Toymaker 2020 open sign-ups in 48 hours!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PST

    It's soon time for non-stop Wintersday jingles and that means it's time to get into the giving spirit. Secret Toymaker is returning for the 6th year in a row! Don't know what Secret Toymaker is about? Check out everything you need to know on our website https://secrettoymaker.com/

    Our sign-ups will be opening on the 1st of December, 0:00 UTC!!! Rest of the schedule for this year is as follows:

    • Signups: 1st of December

    • Gifting: 17th of December, sign-ups close at 23:59 UTC on 16th

    • Ending: 10th of January, 0:00 UTC

    You can turn on email reminders on your profile page at https://secrettoymaker.com/profile

    Got questions? See our FAQ https://secrettoymaker.com/faq

    Not there? Ask it in the comments!

    Happy Wintersday for everyone!

    submitted by /u/RandommUser
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    Peak Monthly AT content

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:18 PM PST

    Chocobo's revenge in GW2 style ��

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Petition for ranger LB 5 on Pharus to rain down light arrows

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:00 AM PST

    it would look so cool :(

    submitted by /u/xagtusou1
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    After hours spent understanding the future of gw2...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:57 AM PST

    Got my holiday photos done - thanks, Santa!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:18 AM PST

    Problem with monitor only in GW2

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:20 AM PST

    First of all I know this shouldnt be posted here but it only happens in GW2 and I searched on Google about it but none of the solutions work, so I thought the problem may be related to GW2.

    So I play the game normally, but then randomly the monitor goes black and shows a message "the current input timing is not supported", tells me to change my resolution and refresh rate to 1680x1050 and 60Hz, but the problem is that I already have that set. Then I can only fix that by rebooting the PC every time. I already updated graphics driver as well so idk whats the problem. This only happens sometimes randomly so I don't know what exactly triggers it.

    My monitor is a DELL P2210. Also, I have installed 3 addons (d912pxy, arcDPS, reShade) in case that matters.

    submitted by /u/WhereIsWolf
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    Why dont you care about World vs World?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:20 AM PST

    Why do you, reddit, care less about WvW content?

    submitted by /u/ManaSpell
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    Backpack wings, question.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:52 AM PST

    Hello everyone. I would like to ask, how do I equip backpack wings on other characters that I have?
    I have equipped them on my main character. Can't find it on others...

    Thanks a lot for any inputs.

    submitted by /u/National-Ad1511
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