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    Monday, July 20, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 The Truth behind Fashion Wars

    Guild Wars 2 The Truth behind Fashion Wars

    The Truth behind Fashion Wars

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    I need this as a skin.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Heart of thorns still beautiful

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    my quick latest version of someone's elementalist

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    One of my Old elementalist drawing (2017)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    The Commander And Hoarding

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Just a sylvari vibing

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    PSA: The Snow Crows website has been updated for the latest balance patch :)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    I normally go for more realistic looking armor sets, but I finally decided to have fun with designing a sylvari!

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    Why does this game not have the same online presence as other successful games?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Just to preface this; I have about 500 hours on GW2, but haven't been playing it lately. I kinda go through phases with MMOs - I'm sure a few of you can relate to that!

    Despite all the positive reviews etc this great game received at launch and it's reputation as one of the best MMOs out there to this day, it has a very distinct lack of presence on content platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. There are a few exceptions such as WoodenPotatoes on YouTube and maybe Mukluk on Twitch, but even these guys are small content creators in the grand scheme of things on their respective platforms.

    I just find it very confusing, as GW2 is an incredible game and some of the best value I've ever got for my money. However, because there aren't many big dedicated GW2 content creators out there it makes the community feel kinda hollow imo. I think if the game had more dedicated and successful content creators and personalities it would help loads of people keep more in touch with the game and thus the community would grow both in numbers and in personality.

    I just don't understand why GW2 doesn't have this presence. Do you agree or disagree with me? Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/CyborgSheeep
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    Just had my first raid

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Just had my first raid

    And I absolutely loved it (exceeded my expectations). I don't think I've ever played GW2 so intensely before.

    We tried to bring down Gorseval the Multifarious for two hours but in the end we weren't able to. Some attemps we came pretty close. But that actually didn't really matter, I enjoyed each and every attempt and every mechanic during the fight. Perhaps it also had to do with your squad; mine was very friendly, clear in their explanation and helpful.

    Motivated to improve my own play and excited to try again next time.

    Wanted to get this excitement out and share it with you guys :)



    Forgot to add a screenshot of my party:


    submitted by /u/Jysunity
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    Quite old but funny picture I found in one my of hard drive

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    New Class on chinese client?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 18 - Timberline Falls

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    18 of 51 - Timberline Falls - Level 50-60

    Timberline Falls is one of those few maps that we have evidence of before 2012. A map of the zone was presented at a talk on Arenanet's event design in 2010. You can also spot Harathi Hinterlands in there. What's unusual about this is that the map's design seems to be in pretty much final form. It's clearly missing some of the finer details (such as the 'Only Zuhl' jumping puzzle, since jumping puzzles were added fairly late towards release, by and large) but the overall structure is all there.

    This map continues our 50-60 group, in the Shiverpeaks/norn track. Although at this point, the maps in this region become untethered from their respective races. We see this really starting with this map, Sparkfly Fen (which is next), and Mount Maelstrom as we approach Orr.

    Theme/Concept - 8/10

    One of the ways which we can sometimes spot the themes of these maps is by looking at the in-game description or the mail received upon completion of map exploration. In this case we can see that it is another 'wild frontier' themed map, a bit like Brisban Wildlands. That means a focus on different peoples pushing up against each other in an untamed environment.

    That's all represented here to great effect - this map has some of the highest density of different races and organizations butting up against each other of any map. We've got dredge, skritt, hylek, quaggan, grawl, krait, norn, largos, ettin, asura, destroyers and risen all with a substantial presence on this map and either their own settlement or their own dynamic events. That's a lot.

    The other concept that really drives this map is a geographical one. This map is really intended to represent the transition from the high Shiverpeaks down to the coast. In the 'Movement of the World' article before release and other comments, there was much made about the 'Steamspur Mountains' being separate from the Shiverpeaks 250 years after GW1.

    While that never panned out - the phrase isn't mentioned in any dialogue or in-game text that I'm aware of - Timberline Falls still really represents for me something distinct in its visual style. If only they had the 'mist' technology that we saw in Desert Highlands when they made this map. In some ways, this map is the direct prototype of Highlands.

    Overall, in its design and visual style it really plays out both of the concepts it wants to really effectively.

    Lore - 6/10

    In its GW1 lore, the map doesn't have much - but what it does have is solid. Large sections of this map don't line up with any GW1 area. However, Rankor Camp is represented as appropriately named ruins. Nearby areas bear some names of the npcs that were there in the first game: 'Ural's Delve," for example.The ruins of the Deldrimor War Camp that should also be on this map are not represented.

    Additionally, the whole thin western slice of the map from Krongar Pass down to Malorean Wilds is intended to evoke a zone in GW1 called Snake Dance. It was notorious for being incredibly long, thin, and dangerous - as one of the routes lower leveled characters were escorted to Droknar's Forge.

    In terms of GW2 stuff, we've got a lot going on on this map. First and most importantly is Fort Concordia. Not only is this fort the location of the founding of the Pact between the three Orders of Tyria - but it's also one of few places where Living World Season 2 changes were made in vanilla maps. The whole fort has been destroyed by Mordrem. Awkwardly, there is no acknowledgement of that in dialogue from the NPCs, or any change in their behavior or the events around them.

    Additionally, there are some other fun tidbits. We've got one of the only largos on this map, one of only four in vanilla maps that I know of - an assassin in the southern lake. We've also got the strongest example of a Krait tower and obelisk that we had in vanilla. Before release there was an implication that the Krait towers and obelisks had something deeper and more interesting going on - that potentially there was some powerful dark god magic happening there. Aside from being involved in the Toxic Alliance storyline that hasn't really panned out, but regardless we have our finest example of a tower here.

    Finally, we've got some great quaggan lore! The quaggan nursery added after release has some fantastic dialogue and songs.

    Design - 8/10

    Timberline Falls has a two-lane structure for much of its length, and players are intended to follow the rivers southwards and down until they join in Nonmoa Lake and the Malorean Wilds. The combination of the lanes and the geographical changes, following the river, gives player progress through this map an unparalleled sense of flow. It just feels 'right' to follow a river valley and go downhill - it's something in the lizard part of our brains. Combine that with a strong event density and a number of caves to keep things interesting, and you've got a great time exploring.

    On top of that, it naturally brings players together. Even though we might argue that the play space is somewhat reduced from a more 'open' map, the river system keeps players interacting - and on top of that both lanes come together in Nonmoa Lake for the meta. It's a very natural feel - finding the krait witch and banding together with players from all over the map after you've each explored in your own lane, making your way down the mountain.

    I also want to highlight the design of the caves themselves on this map. One of the things that makes caves or other secret areas exciting is seeing a small entrance that eventually opens up into something astonishing and huge. Sharkmaw Caverns in LA has this feeling down perfectly. It's the same here: 'Only Zuhl' is an enormous jumping puzzle, and its entrance paces things perfectly - small at first and then slowly widening and widening until you get to an enormous lava-filled chamber. It's the same with Melaggan's Grotto and the quaggan village to a lesser extent. Just great exploration fun.

    Gameplay - 7/10

    If you're not as much into exploration and events for their own sake, this map may not be for you. The events are a lot of fun, don't get me wrong. There are some really memorable ones here - some of the most memorable in the vanilla game. The grawl event with the false god and the giant cliff head sticks out, as well as the event to stop skritt from brewing beer, the giant crab island, and fighting the largos assassin. But despite all that it's still a vanilla map without the reward structure built into later designs. So whether it's 'worth it' to play on this map is going to depend on your style of play.

    The meta for the krait witch is an interesting one. It's actually a step more difficult than your average meta event, for small groups. Not only is the krait witch herself more challenging than many actual world bosses, but the meta involves underwater combat (which many players struggle with) and then a jumping puzzle to get up to the boss herself. It's really a great time, but quite tough if you're by yourself or with one or two others. It's a shame that the rewards are not commensurate with the experience.

    A couple other gameplay notes. This map as I understand it has some great farming for high-priced mid tier materials - you can sometimes find players running around gathering here. Additionally, the 'Zuhl' jumping puzzle is not only quite engaging and huge but also often overlooked based on its placement and hidden entrance. Don't miss it. Third, the Coddler's Cove jumping puzzle is a blast. Challenging, but one of the most fun JPs in the history of the game, as far as I'm concerned. It's got a perfect mix of being small enough that you can see your goal the whole time, and the actual jumps themselves requiring a lot of technical skill.

    There is a 'Treasure Hunter' item on this map - at Rankor Ruins. It's unlocked after the associated event.

    Art - 8/10

    Timberline Falls is gorgeous - for a vanilla map. Again, it's such a shame that Anet hadn't developed their mist and fog tech before this map - because it's all it needs to really push it into one of the best looking maps in the game. It combines everything that's great about the look of the Shiverpeaks with a clear, cohesive environment that makes sense - which is sometimes lacking in GW2 map design. The art was fairly clearly inspired by Arenanet's Northwest Coast environment - the conifers blanketing the green slopes just underneath the snow-capped peaks.

    Throw on top of that the krait tower, the giant cliff head, and the beauty of Coddler's Cove and you've got a real winner.

    If there's one thing we can say against this map it's that like many vanilla maps it has started to show its age. Desert Highlands does everything this map does, art wise, but better. The ground cover is a little sparse for a coniferous forest - some better tech or resources for ground plants like we see in Drizzlewood Coast would have been much appreciated.

    Long Term/Retention - 3/10

    All players who play the personal story have to come here eventually. That's a point in this map's favor. It's the first of many of our maps that will have that going for it. Additionally, it does have the aforementioned Treasure Hunter achievement item and the gathering routes.

    But beyond that? This is one of the least populated maps in the game. For that very reason for many years it had a consistent botting problem. There's just not a lot of reason to come here. A mount race involving the lake on skimmer would have done some good for it. I believe there's also some Sunken Treasure achievements that can be done here - though I'm not familiar myself. The krait witch meta would be one of the first ones I would put forward for a bit of a modern mechanics makeover, turning it into a full world boss. Perhaps throw in some Toxic Alliance overtones?

    Overall - 7/10

    Timberline Falls is a great map. It's got such a strong sense of progression from the top of the map to the bottom, and it has had that all the way back to 2010! It's got a great sense of flow, some really strong visuals for vanilla GW2, and some neat puzzles and secrets. It's score is really dragged down by the lack of a strong reason to visit it these days.


    That's it for today! Next week, we'll be headed to Sparkfly Fen.

    What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others?

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    Suggestions for decorations

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    Hi! My sister (who don't have reddit) just reached scribe level 400! She's looking for suggestions for what to craft for our guild hall. We have the gilded hollow. Any ideas are appreciated!

    submitted by /u/War-Kitteh
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    gw 2 and VPN

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    This is an update to my post from yesterday when I was unable to access my account. I received an answer from anet this morning and my account had indeed been caught in the security sweep and subsequently blocked. I have done nothing against the TOS, and so was perplexed as to why my account has been been blocked.

    Well it seems that the reason my account was flagged was because of my use of a VPN. Now although the use of a VPN is not prohibited, it seems that they are often associated with malicious/fraudulent activity. And so I suggest that anyone using a VPN turn it off when playing gw 2 as it could lead to a block on your account during security reviews.

    submitted by /u/hockeysgal
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    Fractal chests drops

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Drop research from opening 1000 fractal chests of each type. (334 days of doing fractals)

    [Detailed drop spreadsheet]

    [Inv after opening pic collection]

    [Video of opening]

    Estimated material profit w/o tax: 2113.4679 (2113g 46s 79c)
    Estimated material profit after 15% tax: 1796.4477 (1796g 44s 77c)
    Vendor Trash: 209g

    Mystic Coins: 188
    Accessory: 42
    Rings (Reg and Inf.): 318
    Armor Chests: 42
    Weapon Chests: 25
    Endless Fractal Tonic: 1

    Combined Drops

    Drops Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Total
    Resonating Silver 1000 2000 3000 4000 10000
    Fractal Encryption Key 1193 1206 1200 1197 4796
    Pristine Fractal Relic 1000 1000 1000 1000 4000
    Tome of Knowledge 22 57 88 108 275
    1x Ascended Salvage Tool N/A 10 49 74 133
    5x Ascended Salvage Kit N/A N/A 3 31 34
    20x Ascended Salvage Kit N/A N/A 2 6 8
    Unidentified Dye N/A N/A 43 78 121
    Chest of Black Lion Goods N/A 24 27 51 102
    Refined Alchemical Precipitate N/A N/A 18 24 42
    Beta Alchemical Precipitate N/A 60 39 67 166
    Prototype Alchemical Precipitate N/A 169 74 162 405
    Glob of Ectoplasm N/A 30 90 233 353
    Mystic Coin N/A 27 69 92 188
    1 Agony Infusion 2000 2000 3000 3000 10000
    3 Agony Infusion N/A 15 14 32 61
    6 Agony Infusion N/A 3 5 13 21
    9 Agony Infusion N/A N/A 1 5 6
    Mist Offensive Potion N/A 52 23 31 106
    Mist Defensive Potion N/A 61 16 50 127
    Mist Mobility Potion N/A 51 18 31 100
    Large Mist Offensive Potion N/A N/A 8 24 32
    Large Mist Defensive Potion N/A N/A 9 12 21
    Large Mist Mobility Potion N/A N/A 8 32 40
    Deldrimor Steel Ingot N/A 5 9 19 33
    Elonian Leather Square N/A 5 9 32 46
    Bolt of Damask N/A 4 13 17 34
    Vial of Linseed Oil N/A 7 14 32 53
    Stabilizing Matrix 925 853 900 885 3563
    Ascended Accessory N/A N/A 9 33 42
    Ascended Ring 73 125 N/A N/A 198
    Infused Ascended Ring N/A N/A 69 51 120
    Ascended Chest 0 6 17 19 42
    Ascended Weapon Chest 0 5 5 15 25
    Fractal Weapon Skin 2 11 N/A N/A 13
    Golden Fractal Relic N/A N/A 2 7 9
    Gold Fractal Weapon N/A N/A 6 22 28
    Celestial Infusion (Blue) N/A N/A N/A 0 0
    Endless Fractal Tonic N/A N/A 0 1 1

    Calculating Gold

    Item Amount TP* Vendor Human Readable
    Resonating Sliver 10000 0 0.0003 3c
    Unidentified Dye 121 0.0522 0 5s22c
    Refined Alchemical Precipitate 42 0 1 1g
    Beta Alchemical Precipitate 166 0 0.5 50s
    Prototype Alchemical Precipitate 405 0 0.2 20s
    Glob of Ectoplasm 353 0.1801 0 18s01c
    Mystic Coin 188 1.6539 0 1g65s39c
    1 Agony Infusion 10000 0.0093 0 93c
    3 Agony Infusion 61 0.0783 0 7s83c
    6 Agony Infusion 21 0.7264 0 72s64c
    9 Agony Infusion 6 6.0328 0 6g3s28c
    Deldrimor Steel Ingot 33 4.502 0 4g50s20c
    Elonian Leather Square 46 5.6347 0 5g63s47c
    Bolt of Damask 34 3.2959 0 3g29s59c
    Vial of Linseed Oil 53 0.4444 0 44s44c
    Stabilizing Matrix 3563 0.2919 0 29s19c
    Total 2113.4679 209
    Total After 15% Tax 1796.4477

    * Prices were taken on 10-7-2020 as the instant sell from TP.

    submitted by /u/Z_Gong
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    2 accounts locked out after using GeForce Now

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    On Friday I decided to try GeForce Now using an alt account. This is an account that I'm on everyday for login/daily rewards, always on a PC on my home network. An hour or so after playing via Geforce Now, I tried logging in playing locally and was met with the error "The code you entered is invalid."

    I contacted support and their response said that the account was "caught in our regular account security review", and would be unlocked. It also included some spiel about VPNs being bad. But that got sorted, and back to normal.

    Being fairly certain that GFN was the cause of that lockout, I decided I still wanted further confirmation. I have an old F2P account that I made a while ago, which I used to test. Yesterday I played a little both locally and through GFN. This morning, that account is now locked with the same error message.

    I know GW2 was on GFN, then pulled along with a bunch of other games when nVidia moved the service to an opt in model. But since it's now back on there, that means Anet has opted in to allow players to use GFN. I would expect that nVidia's servers would be exempted from automated account locking from the "different" login locations. That is how this service works, and Anet choose to participate in it, after all. Yet, here I am getting 2 accounts locked out for trying out GeForce Now for 10 minutes.

    I guess the lesson here is that Anet's security reviews are absurdly overzealous and make no effort to take into account a game streaming service that the company explicitly opted in for. Or that many people do use VPNs (sometimes a necessity on networks outside our homes) or might log in from mobile connections. This would have been a more understandable stance in 2012, but we no longer live in a world where "you logged in from a different IP one time" is an acceptable reason to automatically lock/ban an account.

    submitted by /u/mr_stealth
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    I finally saw it in person

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    I've read so many times about the hackers in pvp. I kept thinking lol yeah right I've never seen it before.

    Today a mesmer was permanent invulnerable sitting on the point dancing while we all wailed away at him then clipped through the ground and didn't see him anymore.

    I don't play pvp much so I guess I've never seen it until today but damn, that's so annoying why cheat in unranked?

    submitted by /u/Whozaka
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    Starting GW2

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I am planning on starting GW2 with a friend today and I'm wondering what's the best EU server to join? We are quite interested in PvP in all forms so we would like a decent population. I'm not sure how GW2 servers work though, I've mainly played WoW prior to this.

    Any and all help is appreciated!

    As a side note, what's a fun class to play?

    submitted by /u/xDevastation1988x
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    Looking for someone to play with!(EU)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I am rather new to gw2,I played this game for 3 months and I love it alot! Before I played with 2 friends but now they are too busy and I realised I really enjoy playing with people ,it makes the game more fun! I look for someone to do PVE stuff :metas ,dungeons,collections such as skyscale beetle!(finished story as well) The timezone for me is GMT+3 ,and I usually play in the evening . I am playing daily ! Add me if you would like to gane togheder: xAlicesx.2413

    submitted by /u/Zyntthe
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    Question about gems for real money.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    It's been a few years since I played, I did buy gem keys you could enter in the black lion market, but back then I only paid 18 euro, and I can see they are being sold now for twice the price.. Why??

    submitted by /u/nizma23
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    Returning to gw2? Wvw specifick

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    I come from the old days of gw2 played mainly wvw in eu server seafarers rest.

    Ive returned previously after bith expansions to do the story and then to find out wvw was kinda dead for the server. I was watching a youtube vid about top guilds of wvw and it brought good memorys and i might wanna reinstal.

    But hows the wvw atm in eu? And specialy how do smaller groups ( 5 player to 10) compete

    submitted by /u/toyne
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