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    Tuesday, February 18, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 One more ben at anet

    Guild Wars 2 One more ben at anet

    One more ben at anet

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:27 AM PST

    Faith in the gw2 raid community is restored.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:15 PM PST

    Faith in the gw2 raid community is restored.

    So, today I noticed an lfg with a single person asking for help killing VG. Turns out he had about 4 masteries and less than 500 AP, but I wanted to help him.


    I grab some guildies and the rest of the squad quickly fills. In the end it took us only one pull and the Monsieur himself survived till the end.

    Monsieur Soif, with 400 ap and a dream now has his first LI

    submitted by /u/Aech97
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    I miss this legend and all his apple jokes.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 01:08 PM PST

    Up to date builds

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:29 AM PST

    Hello there, im new player just installed the game and im looking for builds. I saw metabattle , but i see there are low votes on the builds. Is there a famous one or any youtube guide up to date?

    submitted by /u/g3shh
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    WvW Roaming videos

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Got a new graphics card recently that comes with shadowplay, so I've been saving random clips while playing WvW for the past month or so. Finally looked through the folder and put together 3 quick videos if anyone still likes solo/smallscale WvW videos. (I've been watching some while working, and figured I could give it a try) I'm not a pro, and not even that great but maybe someone will enjoy it while they are also stuck at work. =]







    All I have left to make now is a compilation of the best failures I've collected so you can all see how hard one thief can get pancaked.

    submitted by /u/Rogue-Spectre
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    dps meter question

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:46 AM PST

    are there any dps meters that are allowed to use in this game

    submitted by /u/variancegears
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    Question on mirage weapons

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:46 AM PST

    Newly experimenting with condi mirage spec on my mesmer (historically mostly played power chrono on him).

    Axe with pistol/torch is really fun. However sometimes I like to have a range weapon handy for certain situations. Which is generally considered better, staff or scepter? Both their ambush skills look condi friendly. Their primary attacks both also seem to be condi friendly, with staff having more boons generation it looks like.

    I haven't tried it yet, but I like the idea of with scepter being able to still use both pistol/torch. I'd probably put my torch with my axe, and scepter with my pistol. The block on scepter looks nice to have too.

    I experimented with staff a little bit, and you sure can toss out illusions/phantasms quickly, and that chaos field is great.

    Is it just personal preference, or is scepter or staff generally considered far superior for condi mirage?

    submitted by /u/Jasper-Vale
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    Strike Mission rare drops

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:38 AM PST

    Do the rare drops of the Shiverpeaks Pass (Shoulders of the Ebon Vanguard Choice Chest, Seal of the Chilly Chaise, Hatched Chili Pepper Home Instance Node) or basically any Strike Mission only drop with the daily achievment (once a day possible drop) or can they be farmed? I'm asking before I spent a whole day runing Strike Missions for nothing

    submitted by /u/Muginoo
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    Ball of Gunk trader bugged?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:38 AM PST

    Trader Germatchk is in the skritt cave but not available as a merchant. All the events listed in the wiki that should enable him as merchant dont spawn at all (waited 30 minutes and not one of them started)

    I just want the item to do the stupid bunny achievement in the hot story...

    submitted by /u/Meikinator
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    Tips for the whisper strike?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:21 PM PST

    I'm finding this hard. Chains are brutal before 25% and some of us wipe.

    Especially less than 25% part is brutal. Getting to greens while orbs stop you from moving then you get to a green and 3 wipe then cc finishes the rest.

    What do better players do to kill the boss? I pug on my dragonhunter.

    submitted by /u/jpredd
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    HoT Completion Question.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:23 AM PST

    If I take the Order of Whispers themed backpack after completing "Prisoners of the dragon" does it make it Impossible to get the other two backpacks for the collections?

    submitted by /u/DamonF7
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    Say hello to the moon under the map; she is a bit coy

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:59 PM PST

    Incorrect achievements count in GW2 Efficiency

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:07 AM PST

    Incorrect achievements count in GW2 Efficiency

    It's really bugging me the difference between in-game achievements count and the GW2 Efficiency count. As far as I know, the difference is coming from the historical achievements (past festivals achievements, season 1, etc.). Is it GW2 Efficiency fault or ArenaNet's API fault to have such a huge gap in the points?



    submitted by /u/TerterBG
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    How to improve CC awareness in PvE

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:28 AM PST

    So after getting mowed down by fire because a tag led a zerg to matriarch and zergs never bring CC I thought it might be good to start a thread on this. Not the usual "why casuals no git gud?" sort of thing, but a discussion for why awareness of this gameplay mechanic is so bad and what should be done. Here's my suggestions.

    1. The community should stop calling it CC. Crowd Control is a TERRIBLE name for a thing you do that is targeting on ONE GUY. If I was a new player at matriarch and people started screaming for crowd control, I'd assume we needed to ignore the boss and take out the adds. Matriarch is not a crowd. You're not controlling her. I get the need for shorthand. Maybe BB for break bar? SB for stun bar? DD for defiance disrupter? I dunno. But CC sucks.
    2. Anet should stop calling it a Defiance Bar. Call it a stun bar or something. Defiance bar tells the player nothing. A stun bar you break by stunning, and it's not a far leap to infer that dazing, knockdown, etc. would also work. How do you break a defiance bar? Shake your fist at it? Organize a protest? Sternly worded letter? Bad name. Change it.
    3. Every tooltip for every skill that impacts Stun Bars needs to say so. "Headbutt. Rage. Stun your target and stun yourself. Gain adrenaline etc. etc. This skill inflicts high damage against enemy Stun Bars." It's not hard, and it prevents this elaborate morris dance that has to happen every time you explain CC to a new player. Just label which skills impact Stun Bars and which don't.
    4. Stun Bars need to give some form of feedback. When I first started regularly fighting matriarch, so few people did it that I could see the impact of my CC. I'd throw head butt and a big chunk of her bar would come off. But usually, group events are so big and bars are so long that it's impossible to tell what effect you're having. Flash up a number the same color as the bar. Or make an animation of part of the bar changing color before fading to represent your specific impact. Something. Right now it's all shrouded in mystery. A tutorial by itself won't cut it. We need to be able to easily see what effect we're having.
    5. Every PvE weapon should have a Stun Bar skill. Yep. Every single main-hand or two-handed. Why? Because you don't need CC in casual PvE (we can change that later, but the availability and awareness needs to improve first) so most players walk around without it. Even most of the dps builds on various sites only include CC skills as an optional extra. So if you're tooling about bjora, doing events in a perfectly viable build that happens to not have CC and then you get into the Drakkar fight, you're not going to be able to change your build. So make it impossible to never have zero applicable skills.

    So picture it: You're tooling around in your new player build of more of less random skills, and suddenly the shatterer fight breaks out, and people are shouting about Stun Bars. Hey, wait a minute! One of YOUR weapon skills says something about Stun Bars! Let's use that one! Oh hey, it worked! Maybe the other weapon has a stun bar skill too! Let's check... Oh, hey, it does! Use that too! You contributed! What a positive experience! Wonder if any of your other skills do that...

    If all of this catches on, then and ONLY THEN can you look at making the stun bar a more common part of the PvE experience, but for right now, the accessibility on this is just godawful, and it's not entirely Anet's fault. Mostly, but not entirely.

    submitted by /u/FortressCaulfield
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    [Request] The best level 80 boost profession? I've a reason for asking.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:37 PM PST

    Edit: Ah, I should've mentioned in the title that this will be for open world PvE as I shan't be doing PvP or fractals.

    Okay, best to be up front about this one. This is going to take a little parsing, so be patient with me. I like Guild Wars 2, I'd like to play more of it. I've done fine with it so far, I've completed Path of Fire and many of the achievement grinds but I'm finding it a little tough in living world season 4.

    My Mesmer is doing okay, survivable for the most part, but I wonder if I could be doing better. The problem is? I don't want to get involved with any guilds. I have my reasons, and I'll tell you them. The first of which is that I'm autistic and that means I'm empathetic to a fault, I can't take drama and I get hurt easily. I don't like seeing others suffer. I've also experienced a lot of abuse as an autistic person, so I expect to be treated poorly and for people to be manipulative by default, as such I'm not one to throw myself into social situations.

    I'm quite partial to the socialising that passively occurs in events but that doesn't lock me down with any obligations or responsibilities other than to do a good job and to try to be helpful to the other players in the area. As I said, interactions with manipulative and sociopathic people have left me very waring of how one can become bound in social situations. I'm very wary, leery, and flighty by nature. I can also be too trusting despite wishing I were more distrustful, so it's really in my best interests that I don't get involved.

    As such, without a guild, I seriously doubt that crafting gear is going to be something I can do solo. What I want out of the game is just to be able to enjoy the story content and play my charr character without too much of an impedence to my enjoyment. I've found the characters I enjoy conceptually the most thus far are my Mesmer and Holosmith. I prefer my Holosmith as a concept but I've found they can be very squishy sometimes, Champions Dawn in Istan handed them their arse. My Mesmer is far more survivable and easy to work with but doesn't always feel as fun to play.

    So I suppose I'm looking for advice to make it easier on myself. Going from the perspective of being stuck with a level 80 boost character, and some minor tweaking plus elite specialisations, what would you recommend? I'm not really seeking help getting better gear, I ask you to understand that. That's just working my way into a debt that I won't know how to repay as the worst price is of all is free, and I'm not one to just walk away from a debt. I like to pay all my debts up front when I can. So that's not what I'm after.

    I'm just wondering what advice seasoned players can offer that could make my time in the game a little easier considering that I won't have access to guilds and I won't be doing anything that requires me to socialise in a group (such as fractals).

    I can't really play the game any other way because the limiting factor in this case is quite literally trauma. I play Guild Wars 2 because I like the story, I like playing non-human characters, I like exploring, getting those achievements, vistas, mastery points, heroic challenges, and whatnot. It's how I like to play. Honestly, aside from The Elder Scrolls Online in its earlier days, I don't feel that most MMOs really cater to my kind of person. I know I'm a small demographic. Guild Wars 2 almost does, though.

    Of course, I may be operating under a false premise of needing a guild to acquire all I'd need for crafting simply because I'm so used to other MMOs. Just understand in whatever advice you offer that I don't want to engage in interactions with another. Passive interactions are fine, but if I'm asking for something... that makes me extremely uncomfortable. This does too a little bit, if I'm honest. Still, advice is easy to offer and my post can be passed over by those not interested so I don't feel like I'm posing an imposition or creating a social debt for myself here.

    I'll open the floor to the SubReddit community then, with my thanks.

    submitted by /u/StonedKrows
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    GW2 Wiki

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:49 AM PST

    In general, how quickly does the wiki get updated? I ask because I'm keeping an eye out for several items that I have been waiting for on the gem store and in the statuettes. If they become available will the wiki show that right away, or is it possible I could miss it if they were only available for a limited amount of time?

    submitted by /u/NateEbling
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    Official website sign up/ sign in broken

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:33 AM PST

    Hi my friend is trying to create an account for this game, but for the past few days there's always some error. He's tried using different computers, wifi networks, etc. Anyone else having similar issues?

    submitted by /u/vabbian_prince
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    Question about outfit?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:30 AM PST

    I'm looking to buy "Grenth's Regalia Outfit" I want to ask you guys. It's is worth speed gems on outfit or buy something more usefull?

    submitted by /u/Kucma22
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    Another average vid. :) wvw

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:29 AM PST

    my bet is t1 will be fa/nsp/sos until relinking.


    submitted by /u/SovArya
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    Everyone send photos you take. Lets see who got the best photo.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:44 AM PST

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