• Breaking News

    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Icebrood Sylvari

    Guild Wars 2 Icebrood Sylvari

    Icebrood Sylvari

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:45 AM PST

    The upcoming balance patch be like...

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 04:12 PM PST

    Sabetha and Adina records by Dispossession [dP]

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:00 AM PST

    Sabetha 2:52

    The previous Sabetha record using scourges was a 2:53 set by [DnT] on April 15, 2018 - it stood for nearly 2 years!

    The power of the firebrand comp was shown from [LN]'s 3:04 and [SC]'s 3:02. We realized Sabetha's world record could possibly be up for grabs. I had the idea that DH might be good on Sabetha and we tried it out, resulting in an initial 2:57. This comp is identical to the one used by [SC] in the Gorseval record.

    It is worth noting that the [DnT] kill did not use food swaps, while this kill did. We believe if we grinded hard enough we could have achieved this time without food swaps, but we wanted to move along with our other projects.

    Log: https://dps.report/petO-20200214-213738_sab

    Ryan (Dragonhunter)
    Walrus (Dragonhunter)
    Pupsi (Dragonhunter)
    Golden (Firebrand)
    Rece (Firebrand)
    Vince (Firebrand)
    Lunar (Firebrand)
    Darren (Berserker)
    Glo (Renegade)
    Left (Druid)

    Thank you to those who helped us but were not present in the final kill:

    Cardinal Adina 2:39

    Adina has gone back and forth between us and [LN] by 1 second. With this kill, we managed to beat the previous record by 5 seconds. We took advantage of moa stance to increase thief dps as well as bringing sword over scepter on all Dragonhunters.

    Log: https://dps.report/OceP-20200216-222042_adina

    Pupsi (Dragonhunter)
    Ryan (Dragonhunter)
    Lunar (Dragonhunter)
    Glo (Dragonhunter)
    Walrus (Dragonhunter)
    Loves Sorrow (Berserker)
    Rece (Soulbeast)(different kill)
    Luck (Dragonhunter)
    Left (Daredevil)
    Golden (Renegade)

    Thank you to those who helped us but were not present in the final kill:
    Vince, who was there for almost all of our progress, but had to go right before we got the final kill.
    Darren, who was also there for almost all of it, but could not make the final day.

    Interested in speedruns?

    Join the speedrun community discord, where new records will be announced on discord so you're always up-to-date. Featuring members from SC, LN, dP, and CnD, we are happy to help you and your guild enter the speedrunning scene.

    On NA? Dispossession is hosting community raids in our guild discord, where we will be doing casual speedkill-focused raids. We welcome all competent raiders looking to learn strategies and do fast kills. We want to see you grow, so don't be shy!

    submitted by /u/Open_world_is_shit
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    Isn't it time to update the achievement point rewards?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:04 AM PST

    I mean, maybe 8 years ago one laurel and 2 gold were much, but today with the daily login system that awards a lot more laurels and the daily that gives you 2 gold those numbers just seem very low.

    I think its time to update these to an amount that feels rewarding and worth hunting achievements for. Maybe even add some other nice rewards, but at least update those numbers please.

    submitted by /u/tennoke
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    So far, Icebrood saga feels like a strong living world season

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 04:39 AM PST

    It's not as strong as a expansion for now, it's undeniable.

    But overall it feels more polished than most of season 3 and 4, imo.

    Masteries are way better handled. You don't rush em in 1hour.

    There is a lot of replayability

    The world feels more polished, with secrets and details in both grothmar and bjora.

    They went even further with achievements, scavenger hunts, etc.

    We have more varied and more overall rewards, from armor sets, rare pieces, weapons, emotes. We have more incentives to run those maps than most of season 4.

    They go back to old maps and upgrade and change and add some things.

    Like most, I was letdown by the announcement of icebrood but I must say its not as bad as I feared it would be and I find myself feeling cautionary optimistic again.

    submitted by /u/DemethValknut
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    Exploring Lions Arch

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:46 PM PST

    Upcoming Balance Notes

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:11 PM PST

    In Preparation for WvW On Tuesday

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Hello GW2 Reddit!

    For anyone wanting to, you can join my discord and ask questions about WvW etc, here's the link.

    There is a tldr for anyone who doesn't have an hour to read this post. It also looks a lot nicer than mine because I'm dumb and don't know how to format properly. Here it is, thanks Lythiea.


    I hope everyone is having a great day :) My name is Roy, I sometimes stream GW2, and I have been playing WvW pretty actively for a long time, as well as gotten pretty involved with both the EU and NA communities. I wanted to make this post to talk about the large influx of players to WvW we're sure to see this coming Tuesday.

    Now for anyone who doesn't know, there is going to be a long awaited balance patch coming on Tuesday, as well as a competitive update, which you can read about here, but the main idea is that the first ever in game earn-able mount skin is going to be added to a WvW Reward Track. I expect there to be a lot of players who don't really play WvW normally to be going in to try and unlock it, and that is the reason for this post.

    Now first let me say that I am by no means discouraging players from jumping into WvW for the first time, or maybe the first time in a while, in fact I'm doing the opposite. WvW needs more players, especially fresh players who haven't really experienced the game mode before. And this is a great opportunity for that to happen. In the past, when things like this have happened - the Warclaw itself being added, reward tracks and pips being added - we saw massive queues for at least a few days from all the players who normally never set foot into WvW jumping in to try it out.

    Now I believe that for the majority of players who will be coming to WvW on Tuesday, you probably don't really care about WvW, you just want to get in, get the skin, and get out. And if that's the case, then alright, fair enough, although I will say I think you're missing out. With that being said, there are a couple of things you can and should do that will make your experience, even short lived, a lot better. And this applies to every player whether you're interested in actually trying out WvW or not. My hope is that at least a few people who haven't really ever played WvW before will become interested in the game mode and will come back more regularly after getting their mount skins. We'll see :D

    As for the suggestions:


    This actually isn't the most important thing, but I'll mention it first because I want to get it out of the way: The build you are playing matters. A lot. It matters because playing a good build will not only make you do better as a support or dps player, but it will also benefit the people around you more, as opposed to you playing something that doesn't really contribute. Also, one of the biggest issues with new people joining WvW (and I will mention this further down as well) is 'veteran players' flaming new people for not knowing what they're doing. If you show up on a 5 signet core guardian instead of playing meta support Firebrand, you're going to get yelled at, and there's a good chance you won't be allowed in squad. Now if playing your 5 signet core guard is that important to you, fine, but I guarantee that you, and the people around you, will have a better experience if you put in some effort and bring a build/class that is considered meta. Meta builds, and more, can be found here. I should mention that of course, after the patch on Tuesday, there's a very high chance that some of these builds will no longer be meta, but I imagine that a lot of people will still be playing these builds until they can be updated once theory crafting has finished.


    Now, the absolute 100% biggest contributor to having a better and easier time in WvW, especially for new players, is getting on comms. That means joining the commander on Discord or TS (I don't think anyone uses anything besides those 2) and listening to their commands. You don't need a microphone, communicating yourself can be helpful, but its not always necessary. The important thing is to be able to listen. A lot of commanders are going to be willing to explain things to new players, and its much much easier to do that in voice. Fights also won't seem nearly as confusing if you can hear commands. And finally, a huge part of the real WvW experience, the reason that I personally fell in love with the game mode, is the people. The community is what makes it so much fun, and you lose out on nearly all of that if you don't get on comms with other players. I strongly urge everyone who is new or doesn't really have an idea of how WvW works to get on comms with their commander and group, and definitely ask questions. I will provide a list of as many server TS/Discord that I know, and update it as I (hopefully) get more sent to me.

    Jump in now

    On that same note, I would suggest you get experienced with WvW a bit, before Tuesday. Jump onto your servers TS/Discord, get verified - most servers' TS/Discords require you to verify yourself with an API - get into a map, join a squad. If you've never played it before, it's a good idea not to wait until Tuesday to be your first time. Reset is tomorrow, and while that does mean it will be the laggiest time of the week (prepare for there to be A TON of skill lag btw) there will also be the most people playing and the best chance of you finding an active group to join in with. Even if you just want to run around the map on your mount and figure out how to get around, go for it! Make sure you're asking questions if you need to, there will be people willing and happy to help.

    Ignore trolls

    And finally, as I mentioned before, there are going to be those loudmouthed people flaming in team chat, and saying that all these new PvErs are ruining their game mode. Here's what I suggest you do with those people: ignore them, they're idiots. Chances are, they don't actually care about you, they're just bored or trolling for attention, but what they're definitely not doing, is thinking about the game mode as a whole. As I said, we want, we need new players in WvW. The population is honestly at a pretty low point, and it feels bad. I am excited for Tuesday because of what it's bringing to the game, but also because of the prospect that maybe WvW will see some new faces. Please please please do not get turned off of the game mode by a couple of salty people who don't matter to the grand scheme of things. For every one person who says something mean in team chat, there are 10, 20, 30 more people who are willing to welcome you to the game mode. We all started off as new at some point, it was no different for us. On the flip side I would strongly urge all Veteran and experienced WvW players to, first of all not flame new players and second of all to offer help when needed and when asked for. Its our job to usher in new players.

    That about wraps it up for this post. Again I just want to say that I hope to see some new people in WvW after the coming week, who want to try playing the game mode a bit more after they get their mount skin, and welcome to all the players who haven't experienced WvW before. There are going to be a lot of queues on every server on Tuesday so bring a book maybe ;)

    If anyone has any questions now, feel free to post in the comments, I'll try and answer anything you might want to ask. I also will probably be streaming at least a couple times between now and Tuesday, so if you want to come by the stream and ask you can do that too! (Yes this is a selfish promotion) Also if people could please post TS/Discord links for their servers in the comments that I don't already have here that would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!


    As a note on the TS/Discord, with server links, its not always obvious which voice program you're using, as sometimes its the main servers' sometimes its the linked servers', sometimes its both. I'll try and list the ones I think are mainly used for each server, but I will include any I'm given for each server as well. TS/Discord Links:


    Deso/Underworld - dc.desolation.info (type it into your browser)

    Baruch Bay - https://discord.gg/k7Qmgd5

    Whiteside Ridge/Vizunah - ts.whitesideridge.com

    Seafarer's Rest/Kodash - https://discord.gg/AZp8UNd or kodasch.pw

    Riverside/Far Shiverpeaks - https://discord.gg/c6MYsnA or https://discord.gg/CyJnj9D or ts3.fu-wvw.de PW: fu

    Jade Sea/Blacktide - merdejade.fr PW: mdj or https://discord.gg/V5s9M3F or https://discord.gg/NXVZXUG

    Piken Square/Abaddons Mouth - ts.piken.eu or ts.abaddon-wvw.eu PW: 1b2d

    Dzagonur/Fort Ranik/Arborstone - ts.wvwdzagonur.de or https://discord.gg/sC8TPvC

    Augury Rock/Aurora Glade - https://discord.gg/YchYjHC or https://discordapp.com/invite/trUTaGp or ts.mcmgw2.eu

    Gandara/Fissure of Woe/Millers Sound - https://discord.gg/SPU4N3b

    Elona Reach/Ring of Fire/Ruins of Surmia - elona-wvw.de or https://discord.gg/qCRT79K or https://discord.gg/4swnBa5

    Gunnar's Hold/Drakkar Lake - https://discord.gg/kKJS7zu or wVw.claimkreis.de:1337 - PW: Asura


    Blackgate/Devona's Rest - https://discord.gg/BSf7vyz

    Tarnished Coast/Isle of Janthir - https://discord.gg/Ht2xB5d

    Anvil Rock/Eredon Terrace - https://discord.gg/CZw8xM3 or https://discord.gg/eCyx8R

    Crystal Desert/Ferguson's Crossing - https://discord.gg/gJWPPYa or https://discord.gg/QzHu4Qh

    Fort Aspenwood/Stormbluff Isle - http://discord.fort-aspenwood.com/

    Maguuma/Sorrow's Furnace - https://discord.gg/e35tWrT

    Northern Shiverpeaks/Borlis Pass - https://discord.gg/kyQfGZE

    Sea of Sorrows/Ehmry Bay - https://discord.gg/dnpJejm

    Jade Quarry/Sanctum of Rall - https://discord.gg/pyFV9pj or https://discord.gg/RvAjej3

    Henge of Denravi/Darkhaven - https://discord.gg/YvZvhWd

    Dragonbrand/Gate of Madness - dragonbrand.verygames.net or https://discord.gg/g42pzVe

    Yak's Bend/Kaineng - https://discord.gg/nhmP3PU or https://discord.gg/EHWJrd2

    submitted by /u/Roile
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    [Win] Samarog CM 4:47

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:10 AM PST

    I wish that CMs were minmaxed and pushed for fast times more frequently in hardcore guilds. However, I believe due to stigma, the lack of repeatable rewards, and the inconsistency across the different CMs they are rarely done outside of sales, tournaments, and for stream content. For this reason and quite a few more we decided to go for one and landed on Samarog CM, partially by coincidence.

    Samarog CM is a substantially better designed and more enjoyable fight than the normal mode. Although, it is easy to recover on with the abuse of stability or a healscourge's ability to teleport downed players or other means of rezzing, it requires a lot of awareness and good positioning in order to have a clean kill. Our strategy was pretty standard and simple, to move the boss as little as possible by having good spear locations and having as much dps uptime as possible, even for our fixated and "lock and key" players. We didn't go for a stealth-in strategy, a split phase strategy of killing Guldhem directly on top of his spawn, or a strategy of being able to dps Samarog during his Boop attack after the 2nd split phase, which all would result in a faster kill-time if executed well. As far as the composition goes, I've always been a fan of stacking more than 1 warrior on Samarog CM and normal mode alike. Seeing CnD's newly published normal mode record and stacking DPS warriors was all the more reason to do that as well.

    Our team is a mix of raiders with different backgrounds and varying hardcore and tryhard experience. We wanted to do more CMs and wish to see other groups do them more frequently as well, even if not done in such a hardcore way. We think they are a lot of fun and should see more Dev attention (repeatable for rewards) and community attention.


    Deaxon (DPS Berserker)

    Nero (Dragonhunter)

    Sunny (Druid)

    Visco (Chrono)

    Luna (DPS Berserker)

    LEFT (Daredevil)

    POVs not found:

    Bosa (DH), Taboo (DH), Duarte (BS), Yoshi (Alac Ren)

    LOG: https://dps.report/da07-20200219-230411_sam

    submitted by /u/Deaxon_Meta
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    met these 3 in pvp today :D

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Fractal Jumping Puzzle Skip

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Been playing for 6 years, creating content for 3 years, and have had a new account collecting dust for months.. so here's a new Zero to Hero Series!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:15 PM PST

    Made it to the top of the big tree above Sootberme in Mount Maelstrom without any flying!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:47 PM PST

    Best way to learn about the lore

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:59 AM PST

    I watched various YouTube videos but the lore looks somehow complex.

    Are there any comics or blogs about the story since the beginning?

    submitted by /u/iAntiz
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    Jetski Skimmer Mount? Maybe not suitable for Asura. :)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:29 AM PST

    Revenant Montage

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:26 AM PST

    I love this outfit, I really do but I wish something would be done with those god awful faces and vertices! Please, it's been few months and going hatless hurts :(

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Hacker got caught porting in pvp

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:32 AM PST

    How much DPS will warrior gain with this buff?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Best memory from core GW2? Here’s mine. Spoilers for personal story.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:54 AM PST

    Hey folks! I was just remembering my favorite moment from core GW2 and though I would ask y'all what yours was and share! Spoilers!

    My favorite moment was when I got to the end of the main personal story, and you are cleansing Arah in that cave. I got chills when they turn off the in game sound and only play "Fear Not This Night" piano version while you defend Trahearne cleansing the area. I felt like such a hero. Every time I have played this part on a new toon I still feel the same way and have great memories. How about y'all?

    submitted by /u/Naeturefae
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    Which expansion should i buy ?? Hearts of Thorn or Path of Fire?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:18 AM PST

    A new player here . (actually never even played (the games on download)). i really like the game watching gameplays of it , and i might buy one of the expansions . Which one should i buy?

    submitted by /u/PhOUNdK
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