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    Tuesday, January 28, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 GW2 New Patch Bingo - Guaranteed all squares version

    Guild Wars 2 GW2 New Patch Bingo - Guaranteed all squares version

    GW2 New Patch Bingo - Guaranteed all squares version

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:12 AM PST

    It took me over a year...but I finally made my first legendary, Astralaria!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 05:57 PM PST

    Anet’s Hype Train

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Guild Wars 2's Biggest Problems (WoodenPotatoes Opinion)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Predictions for today's patch.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:07 AM PST

    Video about Crowd Control, Defiance Bars and Stun Breaks for Casual/New Players

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:14 AM PST

    if hard mode existed

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:54 AM PST

    After reading comments on wp's newest video and the reddit thread about it, i have question:

    Would you do a hard mode of story, if there was no extra rewards? would you do it solely for the enjoyment of having it be a more challenging experience?

    submitted by /u/gereden
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    Useful sites for new and returning GW2 players

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:06 AM PST

    GW2 community and content creators are amazing and always ready to lend a hand.

    I wanted to put a small collection of useful sites for new and returning players to help them to complete the various objectives with ease, and improve the gaming experience.

    1) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page

    The awesome Guild Wars 2 Wiki : there's all about the game, including guides / timers for events, achievements, trading link for every object... ecc

    2) https://www.ayinmaiden.com/gw2

    The reference guide for every achievements, jumping puzzles, events, unlocking mounts... with videos, images and suggestions. She is simple awesome.

    Together with Wiki, these two sites cover everything you need to complete EVERY objective in game. Always updated.

    3) http://dulfy.net/category/gw2/

    Even if is now outdated it's still a great site for every achievements untill War Eternal Update

    4) https://www.gw2fans.net/

    Quite new and promising site like Dulfy.

    5) https://gw2efficiency.com/

    Using your API key (How to get your API Key ) It shows everything about your account even if you're offline : pg, item equipped / in bags , bank items, gold, guide for crafting Ascended / Legendary weapons/ armor...

    6) http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/

    Build Editor for every class

    7) Builds:


    https://snowcrows.com/(for Raids)


    Under news section of MetaBattle it has a nice guide for in-Game Events and Living story.

    8) http://gw2timer.com/

    This site is like the google maps of Tyria. It keeps track of all the major events as well as containing a graphical guide to the position of resources, jumping puzzles and much more.

    9) http://www.thedaemonarmy.com/

    Simple site to show where to go to complete PVE, WvW and Fractal daily achievement quickly.

    10) http://tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/gw2-taco/download

    TACO is the AWESOME Guild Wars 2 Tactical Overlay : it's like a GPS that guide you helping to explore the maps, complete the achievements, finding resources, unlocking mastery point ecc

    11) https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy

    THIS is the reddit link where the author explain how this project increase the fps in game and how to use it.

    12) https://reshade.me/

    Post-processing injector for games and video (not only GW2) that increase the overall graphic quality.

    13) https://gw2crafts.net/

    Quickly level the crafting professions.

    Credits and tons of thanks to the sites owners / content creators / Wiki guys / reddit users here.

    submitted by /u/monzese
    [link] [comments]

    Content, Difficulty & Rewards - Guild Wars 2, Monster Hunter! (Suggestion for a new type of PVE content)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:00 PM PST

    Hey y'all, just recently watched WP's vid on GW2's current problems (edit: Heres the link) - specifically the boring, nonreplayable, overly-easy content of Living World, & lack of rewarding content in general - & having played a shit ton of MHW: Iceborne recently, I realized that monster hunter's content seems like the perfect fit for the hole currently missing in GW2's content. Originally I was going to write a youtube comment, but the post got so fucking long that I figured I would post it here instead and try to get a discussion going. Since the post is still mammoth-sized even for reddit's standards, heres a TLDR: Rehash existing/create new boss fights (from living world, raids, bounties, open world etc) to build essentially a copy of monster hunter in GW2: 10-50 minute fights in instanced versions of any current map, soloable or 5-manable, unique boss loot is used to craft monster-hunter style tools, runes/sigils that counter boss mechanics along with unique cosmetic/prestige rewards, & general rewards like ascended mats, $$.

    OK, now the long version:

    I feel like, for content, GW2 could learn a lot from monster hunter, both in terms of rewards & gameplay. What MHW really nails is pacing, difficulty, gameplay satisfaction & rewards, which turn a simple system into an elegant one with incredible levels of replayability - imo, GW2 is lacking in every single one of these areas at the moment, & are the main focal points of WP's video. GW2 already has excellent, fast paced combat mechanics that, at its best, require players to properly dodge lethal attacks, position themselves properly, & make second to second decisions about whether they can maximize their dps without themselves or their teammates dying. Additionally there is a rich build system with lots of variety in gameplay and plenty of room for min-maxing (even without any true stat-progression) & players are required to memorize complex rotations & have a ton of both class & encounter knowledge to truly excel at endgame. This - on paper - is essentially equivalent to MHW - besides the fact that you are trading dark-soulsy combat for MMO style combat - so I believe one could translate monster hunter's content into GW2 pretty directly: Namely, 10-50 minute boss encounters that can be solo'd or 5 man'd, with unique rewards.

    A player would sign up to hunt a specific boss solo or with up to 4 other players, get placed into an instanced version of a map (could be any map in the game), then have to track down & kill the boss within a time limit & with limited deaths. They should be balanced such that a skilled player who has learned the encounter sufficiently could kill the boss in 10-15 minutes solo (faster with a full team of equal skill), whereas a more casual player should be able to kill the boss within the time limit & without too many deaths by playing cautiously while learning the fight mechanics & their own class. Messing up a mechanic should hurt a player enough to cause them to play defensively while they recover, losing time on the kill; Messing up multiple mechanics in a row should result in a death - this way the encounters are difficult enough to be satisfying & force players to learn the encounters, but aren't so unforgiving that newer players avoid the content altogether. Monster hunter manages this well by making the monsters hit hard, forcing players to run and heal for every hit they take, but they give players enough healing potential that they have a low chance of actually getting KO'd if they play it safe. For guild wars I think this would look more like attrition, allowing players to tank one big hit for free every cycle of their heal cooldown, but forcing players to run (or use encounter-specific mastery style abilities - I'll go into this when I discuss rewards below) if they take another one beyond that.

    I think there are a ton of boss fights in-game that are already well suited for this mechanically, but they either have tiny health pools (living world fights, dungeons/fractals) or are tuned to be impossible to solo or even 5 man efficiently (open world bosses & bounties specifically, where you literally can't go toe-toe with the boss because they'll kill you in two auto attacks). This system - difficult, instanced, repeatable 10-30 min boss fights that can be played efficiently both solo & with a group - would completely solve both the difficulty & replayability problems of GW2's content; Suddenly you have content that you can hop into whenever you want that provides challenging, satisfying gameplay, reuses the older maps (and interacts with them - you have to track the monster efficiently!), can be played solo or with a team (no more raiding social anxiety barrier), & forces you to learn both your class & the fights if you want to kill things faster than the time limit. Now, onto the rewards!

    While I would love for this system to have a fully fleshed out, monster hunter-style reward system with unique armor sets & weapons for each boss, considering how little new armor we get I think this would be too much for the devs to handle outside of a new expansion release. HOWEVER, I believe that some mastery-style rewards, new sigils/runes, proper pathways to ascended/legendary gear, & encounter design with specific gear in mind would make a huge proportion of the gear in the game far more useful, without needing new gear for each boss.

    In my opinion, there should be 4 driving forces behind reward design for the player that answer the question "Why should I kill this boss/do this content?": 1) Making my next encounter easier/allowing me to do harder content 2) Showing off my achievements, 3) Variety in gameplay & 4) difficulty gating. Monster hunter does all 4 of these very elegantly - 1) each boss has its own unique gear set with unique stats and rune/sigil-like bonuses, allowing you to pick and choose the next reward you want to chase based on how the gear will improve your build, 2) these gear sets have unique visuals and require you to kill the boss to get it, giving you prestige for wearing the gear, 3) in order to vary your gameplay, you need to kill more bosses to craft new weapon types, builds etc, & 4) you need to kill the easy bosses before you get to kill the harder ones. For GW2, fitting these reward systems into the rest of the game isn't as easy - you can't provide statistically better gear without breaking the games core philosophy & there isn't room for unique stat types that wouldn't be outperformed by the already existing META options, and I think only providing new gear with redundant stats even with unique skins would quickly become boring. So, how do we make rewards that players actually want to get?

    1) Rewards that make your next encounter easier

    For this, I suggest "mastery-like" character upgrades (even though I hate the current mastery's in GW2 - stay with me here) along with mechanics that encourage a greater variety of build options, and enable players to craft new builds. This ones long so heres a quick summary: New abilities that counter specific boss mechanics or make monster hunting easier, new runes/sigils made for monster hunting specifically, & ascended mats/gear to create new sets.

    The failing of mastery's is that most of them are boring, specific to content that is only ever played once, & provide absolutely no benefit to the content that players actually want to improve at, namely pvp, raids and fractals, instead only serve to artificially gate story content or open world exploration (side note: I don't count mounts/gliding with the rest of the masteries - these are actually cool). So, instead, these "mastery like" upgrades should be focused on providing answers to specific boss mechanics, or general utility. Also, these upgrades should be crafted with materials looted from specific bosses rather than just with exp and mastery points. For example, killing an earth elemental boss gives you materials that let you craft a portable "bunker" type ability that lets you tank through large AOE mechanics that would otherwise be lethal, improving your efficiency by letting you stay close to the boss during these mechanics rather than running away and wasting time. Or, loot from a nature elemental grants you a passive ability that allows you to instantly res upon death once per encounter; maybe an ice boss makes the floor slippery, but you've crafted spiked boots that let you ignore that mechanic; maybe a dragon-blood infusion allows you to gain health upon absorbing unstable magic motes, & lo & behold, the ley-line anomaly boss spits out a ton of them. So, the rewards are specifically focused on improving your subsequent encounters - without directly improving your stats - and bosses are specifically designed to allow for rewards that counter their mechanics. I believe these mechanic-specific style abilities would also be broad enough to not fall into the trap of the current masteries, even if they can't be used outside of this monster hunter system; The ice boots could be used for any ice boss, the bunker ability could be used for any boss with a massive aoe, and the free rez ability is useful for all bosses. Also, difficult mechanics (especially with solo play) could encourage build variety using gear already in the game - if you need to kill a boss to get a certain upgrade/skin/title etc, and that boss is shitting on you with tons of conditions, then maybe you want to invest in some condi cleanse runes/sigils/traits/abilities. Just look at videos of top-end players soloing Lupi or fractal bosses - they pull crazy shit out of their ass to counter specific mechanics & allow them to solo successfuly. This inspires players to keep playing after they've crafted their "meta" set & all their mastery-like upgrades, because they could do even better by crafting specific sets for individual bosses. So, to promote this, bosses need to drop ascended mats/gear, or provide loot that can be traded in for gear directly. Keep in mind that all of this will still fall into the disappointing territory of the current mastery's/meta gear if the encounters aren't difficult enough to inspire players to actually use these abilities/try new builds - the rewards are pointless if they aren't needed.

    2) Prestige (showing off my achievements to others)

    This ones pretty simple - just make new skins, titles, achievements, maybe a new legendary backpack to provide some system-wide progression. Again, I doubt we could ever get a full new armor set for each boss, but maybe we could have cosmetic sets for each "boss category": i.e, all bandit-type bosses drop mats to craft bandit-style gear, all crystal-dragon minion bosses drop crystal-style gear, etc. Arenanet seems to be really bad at putting out new gear though, so this will probably be a bust.

    3) Chasing Gameplay Variety

    Variety in gameplay means the rewards promote trying new builds & new alts (akin to new weapon types in MHW). For this, bosses need to drop ascended crafting materials and ascended gear so you can build new sets for your other characters/builds, giving players motivation to try out the content using different playstyles. Old content can become fresh again when you use a completely different build to do it, so the monster hunting system itself should give rewards that let players do this. Also, boss fights themselves should lend to gameplay variety: Your typical fractal 5-man comp will probably still be the go-to for these fights, but maybe the solo-experience requires a more unique setup.

    4) Difficulty Gating: You need to kill the easy bosses before you unlock the hard, more rewarding ones

    What I mean by this is that you have to kill each boss before you unlock the next one. In monster hunter, this provides three things: First, an easy learning curve for beginners. In the beginning, even the easy bosses should be somewhat difficult for newer players because they have to learn the mechanics, their classes, and they don't have a lot of the character unlocks that will make the fight easier. Secondly, it provides continuous motivation to get each bosses rewards as you defeat them. Because the next boss is almost always harder than the previous, and you need to kill each boss in order at first, going too fast through the bosses without bothering to upgrade your gear in MHW can lead to you stonewalling on a boss, motivating the player to go back and farm the previous bosses for their rewards, powering up their character, then trying again with better gear. Thus, even though late-game gear makes the earlier sets irrelevant, you probably still crafted a bunch of the early game sets on the way to the endgame. In GW2 this could look like upgraded mastery abilities, or runes & sigils - you unlock the basic ability from early-game bosses, but further upgrades require materials from later bosses. & thirdly, difficulty gating provides prestige & satisfaction for getting to later bosses - yeah, the early-game bosses were cool too, but you really were just farming them so you could get to the really badass ones that drop better mats, cool skins/titles, & have the really nice ability upgrades gated behind them. Monster Hunter also has a Low/High/Master Rank distinction - progressing through one Rank into the next allows you to fight harder versions of the same monsters. I think this system would be the best for GW2, defeating all the bosses in easy mode unlocks hard mode which gives bosses more mechanics, damage, health, etc.

    Final Notes:I think the rewards in GW2 need to cover a few things: Every boss should have some value; You need to target specific bosses to get specific rewards; there should be loot both system specific (think masteries) & general (ascended mats, $$$), and rare drops (ascended gear, skins, infusions, etc.). Basically, the system would need to avoid the "Citadel of Flame Syndrome" where players only kill the one most gold/time efficient boss and every other one is ignored. A lot of the reward structure from (1) & (2) above would help with this: Players need to kill a specific boss to get a specific material, so they can build a tool that helps with a variety of bosses, or to craft a specific cosmetic reward/prestige item, so that boss encounter will still be played even if another boss gives more $$/hr.

    Thoughts? What do you think, could a monster hunter style system fit into GW2? Would you be interested in farming long, difficult boss encounters on repeat instead of your daily fractals/open world farms? Lets discuss!

    submitted by /u/eeezzz_baby
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    Anet is it time to create a couple of new fractal CMs , anything ?!?!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:32 PM PST

    How much more money do we have to pay exactly ?

    No seriously .

    submitted by /u/Gemstore-paypigs
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    Wyvern Roost Scepter Skin is missing

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:28 AM PST

    So...haven't used a build with a a scepter in a while, yesterday wanted to use that skin and found in nowhere.

    Anyone having that problem as well?

    submitted by /u/TomeRiddle
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    A while back, I did a concept music score for the Tequatl the Sunless fight. I remastered that track recently. Take a listen? :)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Anyone know what happened, it just went from 140k to 80k in one day period

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:05 AM PST

    Interesting find at a thrift store today. Never knew these were a thing. Even has a code on the inside for GW2 beta.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:35 PM PST

    I wish Anet would put in a reasonable solution for the Merchandise collector achievement.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:19 AM PST

    I know they increased the drop rate, but it was clearly not enough to drop the price of the Gaze of the Khan Ur (currently selling for the low low price of 7500g!). Nothing about that skin justifies its insane price. The skin itself can only be used by Charr and the achievement rewards an item that you can get from many other sources.

    I'm not asking that they increase the drop rate from the Charr artifacts or that they move the achievement to a different category. All I'm asking is that they increase the sources of the drops. All it would take is to let it drop from the Strike mission, in the same way that you can get the Ebon shoulder skins.

    submitted by /u/Kantoku83
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    Just got to 80 (first time/played GW1 like 10+ years ago) and I have some questions...

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:41 AM PST

    A) should I be trying to get all hero points filled in beserker? (I have a mount)

    B) what can I do to get better armor because I feel like I'm the weakest in groups? (30 gold/50,000 karma)

    Also: Don't hate on a noob lol, this is overwhelming and I really love the game.

    submitted by /u/tommy_ketchup
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    [SAND] Leader & Geode Queen "Muirellthe Moon" on Guild Origins and the Importance of Community (Podcast)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:09 AM PST

    help please

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:21 AM PST

    so tried necromancer - elementalist and mesmer and i like 3 of them but not sure which one to pick i like mages i like to deal dmg in big areas and help other people when doing damage which one should i pick ( btw i like to play with staff mostly )

    submitted by /u/EmilynTheMage
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    Yo why does nobody want to do serpent’s ire?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 05:02 PM PST

    Well it's not really why it's just that I need it for redeeming IG-6417 and either nobody wants to help me do it or we can't find all the zealots in time. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/rSkylo_Ren
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    What would this build's rotation be if I traded scepter for an axe?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:07 PM PST


    Try to ease on the lingo, please :D. I'm a returning player and a kind of guy that doesn't care to understand the build he's using as long as it's efficient.

    submitted by /u/AnotherSmartNickname
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