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    Friday, November 22, 2019

    Guild Wars 2 Cold March | Whisper in the Dark Fanart

    Guild Wars 2 Cold March | Whisper in the Dark Fanart

    Cold March | Whisper in the Dark Fanart

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:58 PM PST

    Let's talk about the elephant in the room: Essence manipulation.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:58 AM PST

    Alright so Essence manipulation. This whole new mastery system that Arenanet made big deal out of and they even said this on their developer blog:

    > Trust me—you're going to need the extra power.

    Am I the only one who hasnt used this 'extra power' even once? Every monster is basically couple Autoattacks away from dead and meta bosses are not that much harder or complicated either.

    Only reason to actually get these masteries, is just one time unlock so I can get daily chests added to my list of dailies to complete.

    These are my thoughts on the matter. I have big hopes that these will turn out to actually be useful outside of chest prying, but they already used word "trust" and this is what it led us to.

    submitted by /u/AwiesGoesRawr
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    With each passing day, Jormag's tactics grow more sinister.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:26 PM PST

    Easter egg maybe??

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:28 AM PST

    After the meta in Bjora marches and we go Asgeirs legacy i found a spot where you can use the Raven lens.
    If you use it there you will see Asgeir attach a line to the Jormags tooth laying on the ground and start dragging it down the hill.
    Anyone else seen this?
    I tried looking around for more spots like this thinking it might be a hidden achievement or something but didn't find any other spot.
    Haven't seen a post about it here yet but thought is was cool

    Sorry I don't have a picture, or precise location.

    submitted by /u/Trollkarln
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    Head of Sales has left ArenaNet

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:27 AM PST

    Anet does a good job at conveying grief and emotion

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:29 AM PST

    Edit: I guess the story is a sore subject here, I was really just focusing on the emotional aspects and not the overall story/writing. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone!

    I wanted to praise Anet on how well they conveyed grief and emotions in the latest story chapter. The way Marjory reacted after hearing Belinda's voice had such a powerful impact on me that I had to stop what I was doing for a minute and process what just happened. Also in the aftermath how she didn't feel like she was ready to help anymore and her desperate attempts to get ahold of Kasmeer for support was done especially well. If you go back to previous seasons you can really see how the loss of her sister has impacted her as a character. I can relate a lot of Marjory since I also know the pain and heartache from losing a sibling, how a Anet expressed that is very relatable to my own struggles.

    Another instance of good writing was last season when we thought Aurene was dead (I know, it didn't last very long) and each character in the story had a different reaction, from hatred to disbelief to overwhelming sorrow. Not everyone grieves the same way and Anet did a really good job on conveying that.

    Thank you Anet for the story so far and keep up the good work!

    submitted by /u/tryhardarchitect
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    Tom Abernathy (Narrative Director) on Guild Wars 2's episodic way of story delivery, character's death, and patience (from his Twitter compiled)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:18 AM PST

    A build for every profession - How to carry the Strike Mission: Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:43 AM PST

    Disclaimer 1: None of these builds are intended to be top dps. These builds are damage and support hybrid builds, tailored to the first weekly Strike Mission encounter. The goal of these builds is to buff the group, protect them against the mechanics from the Kodan and to deal damage at the same time. The intention behind these builds is to singlehandedly carry your squad to victory as much as your profession abilities allow. I know that video guides are more helpfull and a textbased one but I'm not a content creator.

    Disclaimer 2: I will only post skills, traits and weapons in order to keep this simple. This means no stats, runes and sigils because I want to make new players focus on what their profession can do and not what your gear can do. Copy the build and already feel an impact, that's the goal. Correct stats enhances build. For power builds you aim for 80% crit chance before fury and after traits and upgrades by using berserker's and assassin's gear. I recommend Strenght Runes for the Warrior, Herald, Deadeye and Tempest. A sigil of accuarcy is often needed. The renegade and chrono will benefit from more boon duration with diviner gear and/or pack runes.

    In the following I will present mostly one build for each profession that have the highest possible overall impact on the Strike Mission by making your squad stronger with offensive boons and profession buffs and more durable with protective abilities and defensive boons. I tried to use as many power builds as possible since berserker/assassin's gear is way more accessible than viper/trailblazer. There will be two conditions because they are just too good to leave them out. You might see commanders seperating the squads into 2 subgroups. The intention behind this is boon prioritization. If you have two warriors using For Great Justice (affects 5 players) in a 10 players subgroup it is not garuanteed that everyone will recieve might and fury.

    Open world builds are all about selfbuffing, but this is group content now, therefore I will show you how to be biggest teamplayer no matter what you play. To quickly copy paste the build you click on the hyperlink, then on the Anet symbol at the bottom to access the chatcode and then in your hero panel rightclick on one of your build tabs and select the paste option.

    This encounter is all about handeling projectiles and knockback+knockdown. Every build will, if possible provide group or squadwide stability (immunity to cc), aegis (block next incoming attack) and projectile block/reflect. This will basicly be taking a dps meta build and adding those abilities while explaining how to use them.


    Phalanx Strength Core Banner Warrior


    When comparing core warrior with its elite specs it turns out that the elite specs have nothing to offer for this encounter apart from damage, which is not the point of this post. This build will buff all 10 players with banners while providing might, fury and even more power for your subgroup. It provides you with an extra block and good cc for the last phase thanks to mace. You will stack a lot of might with greatsword. Banners increase the squads stats by 4000 just by existing (or 2000 in a 5 man group), very very strong. For this reason the warrior has been enslaved to carry his banners since he can remember.

    Weapon usage: Swap back and forth between greatsword and mace/axe to spam Hundred Blades and Whirling Axe, stay in gs as much as possible. Mace 2 is a block, mace 3 and f1 in mace are cc, axe 4 gives quickness.


    • We use Strength to increase the damage output, especially after using a burst (F1) skill and give ourselves might when we crit with a greatsword. Currently Peak Perfomance is uselss in this build but it with the next balance patch it will always increase damage by 5% and additionally by 15% after using a physical skill, so it will be free +5%.

    • The Discipline specialization further increases our damage with the major traits Warrior's Sprint and Doubled Standards and Axe Mastery. The minor trait Fast Hand is unique to warrior, reducing our weapon swap from 10 to 5 seconds.

    • Tactics is where the magic happens: Phalanx Strength. Whenever you gain might, you grant might to other players. With Forcefull Greatsword in Strength the warrior gains might everytime he crits with a gs. This trait synergy makes you spam might constantly. Empower Allies gives your subgroup a unique buff that grants 100 power, that's equal to 3.3 permanent might.

    Skills: Heal yourself and get a full adrenalin with To the Limit, buff your squad even further with For Great Justice for more might and extra fury. Place your banners near the boss. When you have to move you can pick up banners by pressing f, reducing their cd by 60% and plant again somewhere else. Only use the elite skill, Battle Standard, to rezz by placing it on top of the down player(s). This banner does not increase stats, it "only" maintains fury swiftness and 3-4 stacks of might as long as it is up but those boons will be already coveres (swiftness not so much).

    Notes: Only use burst skills when your entire bar is full to maximize your damage output. Use one before doing a gs2+axe5 combo. There is nothing you can do as a warrior to help your squad deal with mechanics, all you do is buff them, but since warrior is the buff lord the squad will forgive you. If you think fury will be no problem you can go even further beyond by picking a forth banner. Banner of Defense if you want to make your squad tougher or Banner of Tactics if you want to give everyone 1000 extra health and their boons to last a bit longer. Both are very good here.


    Protective Dragonhuter


    Do you want to guard over your squad like they are your children while beating up those who try to hurt them? Then this is the perfect build, it might even be overkill in terms of support. With this setup you will be capable of negating basicly the entire damage output from both bosses at the same time.

    Weapon usage: Greatsword is raw damage. Since there are no adds to be pulled you can use gs 5 simply for damage. Sword 2 keeps fury up for your subgroup and if you time sword 3 correctly you can negate an attack from the Voice of the Fallen. Shield is a beautiful weapon here. Shield 4 applies the boons protection and aegis to you and 4 friends. Aegis blocks the next incoming attack and when timed correctly you can block an impactful attack for everyone. Shield 5 creates a giant bubble around you that envelops your entire group. Everyone in it will be protected from projectiles. Shield is big guardian roleplay.

    Traits: There is nothing much to say about the traits. They are basicly all damage multipliers. Increase damage output on burning enemies, crippled enemies, enemies standing on your symbol, enemies teathered by your f1. All of this across 3 traitlines.

    Skills: Lithany of Wrath heals you based on your damage output. Hit them hard and get full hp, easy. Procession of Blades is simply for damage. Stand your Ground gives 5 stacks of 10 man stability (and retaliation). This skill is very powerfull as you just press a button and for 6 seconds no one can be knocked back or knocked down by Claw of the Fallen. Use it when the Hammer boss approaches you or you him as he can't cc you without getting closer. Wall of Reflection casts a line on the ground that refelects projectiles, so either place it right in front of Voice or while fighting Claw place it between Claw and your group. The elite skill Feel my Wrath is used for 5 man quickness and fury, spam this skill.

    Notes: Try to land your high damage skills under the teather effect of Spear of Justice. The perfect combo on gs is trap, f1, 4, 2 inside the hitbox. For sword it's trap, f1, 2, 3. Combine the burst with a weapon swap when you can. F2 is an aoe heal, use it to heal allies in need. Activating F3 gives everyone aegis and casts a small shield in front of you that blocks attacks for you. While fighting Claw you can activate it to block a hammer attack with aegis and turn around so that the shield in front of you blocks the arrows from Voice.


    You can take the support aspect a step further and go Firebrand. You will have a lot aoe aegis application with Mantra of Solace, you can slot for more quickness with Mantra of Potence instead of Sword of Justice. The tomes, especially F3 are overloaded with support. Stability, swiftness, reflect bubble, resistance, extra toughness. It's all there. It's less damage and more support. Higher boon duration benefits this build. One of the strongest builds right now is Condi quickbrand, combining high dps with permanent quickness on 5 people. I want to focus on power builds but this one is too good to leave unmentioned.


    Alacrity Renegade


    Only two professions can grant this boon, the revenant is one of them and as a Renegade he can grant it to 10 players. You might see an lfg specifically asking for this kind of build. Alacrity Rev or Alacrigade, that can be you.

    Weapons: Sword/sword for damage and a long evade on 3. Do not use 2, it's not worth it. Staff for heal (2,4), block (3) and one of the strongest cc skills in the game (5). When the cc phase starts you simply dash through both with Surge of the Mists, demolishing their defiance bars.


    • With Charged Mists in Invocation has the ability to give you 25 extra energy after swapping legends when you where below 11 energy. Try to trigger this as much as possible. You can now stunbreak when swapping legends.

    • Devistation has a unique profession buff, Assassin's Presence. It increases your subgroups ferocity by 150, that's equal to 15% more crit damage. The rest of the traits damage increasing modifiers that only affect you.

    • As a Renegade you can give 5 players in a small radius alacrity with F4, Orders from Above. The trait Righteous Rebel improves this by raising the target cap to 10, increasing the radius of the skill and the duration of the boon. You want to use this skill off cooldown. All for one applies to aoe protection when using a renegade skill (6-10). Blood Fury gives you fervor when gaining fury, which means more dps.

    Kalla skills: Your elite skill, Soulcleave Summit, is a powerfull aoe life steal without internal cooldown. Everytime someone affected by it hits an enemy he deals extra damage and heals for a little bit. When you legend swap to Kalla you instantly use this skill and try to keep it up for as long as you can. It highly increases your groups sustain and also the dps for pretty good amount. Your heal skill heals you and then pulses 10 times for a total of 3690 aoe heal on 5 allies, it's good. Darkrazor's Daring is a pulsing aoe cc. Use it on the last phase. Icerazor's Ire pulses damage and vuln. Razorclaw's Rage makes allies attacks apply bleeding. It scales with your condition damage which should be 0 baseline so don't bother using it, Ire is better in this build. Purifying Essense aoe removes 3 conditions, you cleanse the immobility. The elite drains your entire energy which is good for Charged Mists for the extra energy on weapon swap.

    Ventari skills: 6 is your tablet. You can command it to move around and it heals allies it touches on the way. Natural Harmony heals in an aoe for a bit (you have 0 healing power) but it's still good. Protective Solace makes your tablet summon a barrier around it that blocks projectiles. Since you can move the tablet around you can place it how you think is best.

    Alterntive: Jalis skills: Forced Engagement sends chains to enemies, applies two conditions and for 4 seconds you recieve 33% less damage from the chained enemies. The conditions deal a lot of breakbar damage so you can use them as while walking to mid for cc phase. Inspiring Reinforcement casts a road that pulses stability for 5 players for a long duration. I think you can almost keep up perma stab as long as everyone is on the road. Use it against the hammer swinging Claw. Vengefull Hammers to pulse damage around you and take 20% reduced damage. Keep that up as long as possible. Elite Skill Rite of the Great Dwarf reduces 50% incoming damage on 5 targets for 5 seconds that stacks with protection. Big value when it get spicy. It's also a stunbreak for you.

    Notes: F2 gives aoe might, use it when you have 5 stacks of fervor. F3 is propably not ideal because it costs 35 energy and the bosses have a small hitbox, so most of the attacks will miss.


    If Alacrity is covered you can become the Boon Lord and upkeep regeneration, fury, might, swiftness and protection to 10 players while extending people's boons thanks to Glint. Glint's skills are called Facets. Press them once and they pulse a boon, press them again (consume) and they activate a strong effect. Activate consume skills before swapping legends to gain 25% increased damage output (from Facet of Strength) and a pulsing damage aoe (Facet of Elements). The passive boon generation remains for 6 seconds after swapping away from Glint. Your consume healskill converts all incoming damage into healing for 3 seconds. True Nature (F2) in Glint increases the duration of outgoing boons from everyone and consuming the skill extends all boons by 3 seconds. Big value.


    Buffer Soulbeast


    Merge with Rockgazelle to gain offensive stats. This build buffs the squads damage by 5% with Frost Spirit and increases the precision of 5 players by 100 (almost 5%). Thanks to stance share we can give stability and dps increase to others.

    Weapons: Greatsword for damage and a block. Hilt Bash recharges Maul, so press 2,5,2 for big damage. Dagger/Axe for projectile reflect on axe 5. Not a fan of either of the ranger mainhand weapons so I just picked dagger because Soulbeast.


    • Skirmishing: Primal Reflexes rewards good dodges with more dodges, Spotter for 5 man precision increase, Quickdraw to quickly charge a weapon skill after weapon swap. You want aim for axe 5 and gs2 after a weapon swap. This way you can use axe 5 twice before going back to gs and then use 2, 2, 5, 2.

    • Beastmastery synergizes with Soulbeast as you gain the buffs that were meant for your pet. Two-Handed Training to improve your greatsword, Honed Axes to improve your axe.

    • Soulbeast buffs your stats by merging in addition to the Beastmastery buffs. Always merged with Rock Gazelle. You gain access to stances and the ability to share the stance, in this case Dolyak and Wolf. Using F3 grants you quickness and fury thanks to Live Fast and gaining quickness extends your exisiting boons with Essence of Speed.

    Skills: 6 is your heal that extends your existing boons because you are your pet, Frost Spirit for squad dps increase. Use the command skill after you are not in range of the spirit anymore in order to teleport it back to you. Sick'em increases your damage when merged. Use it while activating F3. You will grant yourself quickness and then you quickly use your big damage skills in gs and axe as explained before. Elite skill is a dps increase for your subgroup. It triggeres an additional attack every 1/4 seconds when attacking under this effect.

    Notes: Use axe 5 in a way that you damage the boss and negate proctiles for your team. Make yourself familiar with the radius.


    Engi is tough to balance damage and support. It's either strong and selfish or weak and supportive. It's hard to find a middle ground. I picked Scrapper because Gyros are cool, but I am still not happy with this one.

    Elixir Flamethrower Scrapper


    3 Gyros to help the people, an Elixir to buff them and a hammer and flamethrower to deal damage.

    Weapons: Hammer has damage, a reflect on 2 that has to be well timed, block and barrier on 4 and cc on 5. Flamethrower for auto attacks, maybe pick Bomb Kit instead for more damage (swap Juggernaut for Modified Ammunition in Firearms if you do so). Mortar Kit because the others are not that great.

    Traits: All traits are about passive damage increase. Using a Flamethrower buffs you with Juggernaut in Firearms and all the Scrapper traits. As a Scrapper you gain bain barrier whenever you deal damage, so keep on hitting.

    Skills: 6 is an aoe heal, F1 gives aoe protection. 7 is your flamethrower and f2 is useless since you have no condition damage, just use it whenever you want, someone might profit from more burn on the boss, Elixir B to buff yourself, F3 to buff allies, especially with stability against hammer Kodan. Bulwark Gyro for massive barrier on yourself and reducing incoming damage on allies, redirecting the damage to you. Use in high damage situations like the last phase with break bar. F4 protects against the bow attacks AND hammer cc. Priorizite the bow because you got F3 for stability. Elite is Mortar Kit. Use F5, Function Gyro, to rezz people in need, it rezzes everyone that you manage to target.


    Mightshare Deadeye


    This double pistol Deadeye uses stolen skills to give 10 man might and fury and can block projectiles. Spamming unload restores initiative naturally, this way Maleficent Seven in Deadeye is not needed and this build can focus on buffing allies instead of itself.

    Weapons: Apply vuln with 2 when engaging a boss, spam 3, use 4 for cc.


    • Deadly Arts allows you to use stollen skills twice. This synergizes with Fire for Effect in Deadeye

    • Critical Strikes increase damage. I selected Invigorating Precision for selfsustain but feel free to pick No Quarter for even more damage

    • Deadeye is all about stolen skills. One in the Chamber provides you with one after using a cantrip and Fire for Effect grants 10 man might and fury everytime you hit the marked target with a stolen skill.

    Skills: The cantrip heal for more stolen skills, Mercy to recharge your mark when you have to swap targets, also grants a stolen skill. Signet of Agilitiy simply for more precision and also for the strong active effect that could save your life. It restores 2 full endurance bars to 5 players. Smoke screen to defend against Bow Kodan, Thieves Guild for dps.

    Note: Always maintain your mark on the target, use stolen skills to maintain might. Using a stolen skill stealthes you and gives you Malicious Sneak Attack in your weapon skill 1. Try to use stolen skills with 5 malice stacks for maxium damage on the the new Sneak Attack.


    Boon Chrono


    Of course dps chrono works too, but a boon chrono carries harder, that's what this post is about. 10 man quickness and boon extension, 5 man alacrity, protection, stab, and aegis. Boon duration gear like Diviner is recommended.

    Weapons: Scepter is your clone generator just by auto attacking, block and evade attack with 2 which creates even more clones, deal damage with 3. Shield has two channeled blocks that apply aoe protection and gives quickness and alacrity while stunning enemies. Focus is there to provide projectile block with both skills. You can't controll where your phantasm spawns but you can place the line wherever you want.


    • Inspiration to make your Signet of Inspiration affect 10 man, your focus skill reflect and your rezzes trigger Feedback, which is also a reflect. Whenever you use a signet you gain distortion (Blurred Inscriptions). Whever you gain distortion you apply aoe aegis (Inspiring Distortion). Time your SoI with your enemy's attack to maximize the value of this powerful skill, boon extension plus aoe aegis.

    • Illusions makes your F1 have an ammunition mechanic, which means you can shatter more often. Phantasmal Haste is not important because you will swim in quickness regardless. Malicious Sorcery makes you generate clones way faster, meaning you have more shatter material.

    • Chronomancer takes the clones you generate with your scepter and turns them into aoe quickness when shattering thanks to the gm trait Seize the moment. Imroved Alacrity for faster skill charge for you and All's Well That Ends Well to make your wells aoe heal.

    Skills: When possible use the heal signet in focus becauses it recharges your phantasm, meaning you can reflect more often. Signet of Inspiration extends boons all boons by all players by 3 seconds. Use this off cooldown. The mantra provides aoe stab but can be swapped for mimic to copy SoI for even longer boons. Well of Recall for alacrity and Time Warp for 10 man quickness.

    Usage: I don't want to go too deep into how boon chrono works. Get one or two clones at the start, use shield 5 and activate Continuum Split wihle casting it. Now in CS use Time Warp, Well of Action, Signet of Inspiration. You will leave cs automatically and yours skills are back. Use shield 5 again, WoA and SoI again. Save Time Warp for the next CS. Generate clones the entire time and when you have 3 use a shatter, preferably 1 and 2. When you shatter you grant aoe quickness.




    This tempest provides boon extension, might, protection, damage reduction through Frost Aura, aoe stunbreak and heal. Nike's Might God Ele works almost identical but his is condition based(and stronger) while mine is power.

    Weapons: Scepter Warhorn. I don't want to talk over 20 skill now but in summary scepter provides damage, toughness and heal while warhorn provides 10 man boon extension, 10 man might and fury share, healing and damage.


    • Fire is all about damage

    • Air shares fury and with Fresh Air you recharge your air attunement everyime you crit while not being in air. This is important because overloading sends the attunement on a 20s cd.

    • Tempest is used for the supportive abilities of an aoe stunbreak with Gale Song and the might and protection that come with overloading in fire and earth. Overload Air is powerfull aoe while water provides heal.

    Skills: Wash the Pain Away for aoe heal, lightning hammer for damage (skill 4 and auto attack), After shock for aoe magnetic aura to reflect projectiles and Flashfreeze for the 10% damage reduction, both auras are 10 man. Elite is the glyph for more damage, can we swapped for Rebound! to save allies from going downstate.

    Note: Basic Fresh Air Tempst. Use Air overload as much as possible, in air bridge the time until it's ready with the lightning hammer if possible. Overload boons (might from fire and prot from earth) are 10 man, spam earth 4, keep earth 2 up for extra toughness.


    Condi Heal Scourge


    Reaper is too selfish, the only support it can provide in this fight is Corrosive Poison Cloud.

    This scourge combines the ideas of a condi and a heal scourge. Barrier is very strong in this fight and with transfusion you can teleport downed players who have bad positioning without risking your own life. It provides stability and high uptime of projectile block. Scourge has many ways of providing might but even all of those combined are not enough to maintain good uptime.

    Weapons: Scepter for damage, torch for damage and might. Use 5 when boss has many conditions, this increases the might output. Warhorn is for cc and life force. Scepter 3 and torch 4 also generate lf.


    • Curses increases condition duration and reduces recharge of Corruption skills of which we are using 3. Plague Sending transfers two conditions when entering shroud. These two conditions will be the selfafflicted bleed and torment from Blood is Power.

    • Blood Magic in combination with Scourge allows you to have your F4 skill always at hand. Activating it will teleport downed players to you thanks to the trait Transfusion. When you now press f to rezz someone you will trigger a Well of Blood because of the trait Ritual of Life. This well will aoe pulse rezz everyone it. Big carry potential. The trait Vampiric Presence provides a small group wide buff that makes everyone affected by it steal some health. A bit of sustain for everyone.

    • Scourge traits are all about condition damage and cd reduction of Punishment skills.

    Shades: 1 to place a shade, do not spam it because once a shade is placed your shroud skills will only trigger in the shade aoe. 2 to cleanse the immobilize, 3 for barrier that needs to be spammed, 4 for transfusion that should be only used when needed, 5 is your shroud that should be combined with Blood is Power.

    Skills: Sand Flare for big aoe barrier, Blood is Power for might and conditions, always use it after activating shroud (Plague Sending to transfer your own conditions away), Trail of Anguish for stability. Make sure to wiggle around so that everyone touches the trail. Corrosive Poison Cloud for projecticle block, almost 50% uptime. Elite for dps.


    I hope those builds will help you. Always stand on tag.

    submitted by /u/Zosin
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    So I tried sPvP last weekend...

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:27 PM PST

    I had a fucking blast! According to my match history I had never done sPvP before last weekend so after reading some complaints I decided to just slap that "Fuck it" button and jump right in. Dear God, it was such a rush.

    I ended up playing about 23 matches in total I think. I won maybe 60-70% of those matches. I played every match as a power weaver. I started adapting my build as I went, though I don't think I changed by traits so that's on me. Win or lose, I enjoyed the experience and learned quite a bit.

    My favorite moment was my very first kill in my very first match: I rushed out to cap the nearest point with another dude on my team, we capped it and he rushed to the middle. I was feeling a little lost since it was my first game and since we took the middle point I decided to hang back in case someone trying to sneak behind and cap the point behind us. I waited ackwardly for maybe 30 seconds and figured maybe no one was coming when I peaked around the corner and saw a mesmer running to the point (may have been a mirage). I got behind him as he ran in and as he sat on the point I jumped him with Ride The Lightning followed by a quick succession Pyro Vortex+Flame Uprising. All the damage seemed to hit him at once and he dropped instantly. I then played wack-a-mesmer with his downed clones until I popped him. I must have gone on to kill just that mesmer 10 more times throughout the match and got a killing blow on at least every member of their team. No pun intended, but I was on fire.

    Anyway, for the rest of the night I had similar high and low points. Made a couple a friend's that ended up queuing with me for the rest of the night. Had a couple of crushing victories and defeats. Learned to hotkey better. I hope to augment my traits this weekend and see how I fair. I saw a few frustrating things, like there was this thief that seemed to chain-evade everything I threw at him while simultaneously teleporting around trying to Ninja-kill my guild Lord on one of the maps. On another map I saw a dude at half HP and figured I could ambush him and finish him off. Didn't realize it was a Guardian. I did my same opener and as I finish my combo I realize his health bar hasn't moved while I'm the one who was downed. But overall I really enjoyed sPvP and I'm amazed I haven't tried it in the seven years I've been playing this game.

    submitted by /u/EdyKhaos
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    Is the Saga just like living story seasons?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:10 AM PST

    I remember during their announcement, they made a big deal about it being a "saga", but in game it's listed under the typical season stories and appears similar. Is it any different?

    submitted by /u/dyerej93
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    Bjora Marches TacO Marker Pack

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

    It took me a little bit longer, but here it is as usual😀 Bjora marches awaits😀.


    *Eternal Ice Nodes - Farming Route *Raven Lens Scholar *Bjora Marches Treasure Hunter *Essence Looter *Hunting Champions *Bjora Marches Historian *Luminary - all puzzles with routes *Raven Barrier Shrines *Mastery Points

    TacO & Markers Installation

    • Download the latest version of GW2 TacO
    • Extract TacO from the archive somewhere - I recommend guild wars 2 folder.
    • Download ALL-IN-ONE markers pack from my website.
    • Move downloaded tw_ALL_IN_ONE.taco file into the POIs folder inside GW2TacO folder. Override if asked. You may have to allow using archives from other sources in the file properties.
    • Launch the game in Windowed Full-Screen mode and TacO as an Admin (do not work on Mac).
    • You can toggle my markers in TacO menu ->Tekkit's Guides ->

    Check this for more in-depth TacO guide

    If you like my work, you can support me here:-)


    submitted by /u/sankurix
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    Jormag Ultimate Procrastinator (Comic) (Spoiler)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:38 AM PST

    Tiered Achievements and Beyond

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:09 PM PST

    This change is unexpected, yet just what was needed to make achievements more appealing. How do you guys feel about this much needed change to achievements in the latest episode? If anything what do you think they could improve on with tiered achievements that they aren't already doing now?

    Implementing things like this for future weapon/armor sets will draw more people to do these things but what else could they touch upon for other types of achievements that aren't specifically those type of rewards. I.E. Lore books for story, meta events XP boosters perhaps.

    submitted by /u/Mistlocked_Stranger
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    Patch with no release notes

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    I was playing yesterday afternoon. When I logged in later in the evening (around 11:50PM EST) there was a patch that downloaded, but nothing in the Release Notes.

    I posted a question in the official forums and someone mentioned that this happens all the time - though I've never noticed it.

    Anyone else get an "undocumented" patch?

    submitted by /u/ccrashh
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    Portal tome

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:24 AM PST

    Anyone know if they are planning to release a portal scroll tome like they did for the season 3&4 maps?

    submitted by /u/Alcalt
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    With the newest episode it seems lost an opportunity by releasing additional sigils.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:21 AM PST

    Sigil of Fallen Slaying and Sigil of Aberrant Slaying.

    We already have Sigil of Icebrood Slaying and Sigil of Wraith (Sons of Svanir) Slaying.

    Of course they could release it with next episode since it will expand map.

    submitted by /u/Martian_on_the_Moon
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    The 2 biggest issue I see with this community

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:18 AM PST

    1.I like this content so you are not allowed to dislike it and vice versa.

    One thing I see a lot is that when people are unhappy with stuff that going on they often try to address ANET about the issues they see in the game, but then people come out and attack that person for voicing their concerns. ANET is a multi million dollar company that does not need players to defend them by attacking others, there is no reason to go after another player who often is legitimately having issues with something ANET is doing even if you personally are not. Same thing on reverse but I often see those with issues complaining about ANET rather then attacking people who enjoy the content.

    2.Because I don't play this content, it does not matter.

    Some people just want harder content, them getting their harder content won't stop casuals from doing their daily's, doing Strike Missions or world bosses. Casuals will still be able to play the game at their own pace. Hardcore players aren't saying to stop development on Living World/Saga content but just to deliever what ANET has promised and support these parts of the game that ANET created not leaving them to the fate of base game Dungeons.

    I have been playing and part of this community off and on since months after launch, I really like this game but going after people for not playing the same way you do, just does not help anybody.

    submitted by /u/Look_at_this_mess
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    EXP ??

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:55 AM PST

    I used lvl 80 boost on my guardian and Im currently going through central tyria doing story so I can get mastery points. For awhile I was spamming fractals so my EXP bar is maxed out.

    Does the excess EXP get banked, or is it wasted? Trying to decide whether or not to just focus only on getting mastery points or doing other stuff.

    Was looking through past threads couldn't find the answer, sorry if it has been asked before.

    submitted by /u/Uzuke
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    500gold 1v1 tournament starting in 2,5h from now! (eu)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST

    Signup link:


    GW2 PvP EU is a new eu-based organization that will be hosting regular 1v1,2v2 and 5v5 tournaments on european side of gw2 pvp.

    We're hosting our first 1v1 Asura Arena tournament this week with an overal prize pool of 500 gold.

    Here's a short list of rules that will be enforced during the tournament:

    Class you start with is what you finish with. Cannot change your traitlines. The traits within your desired traitlines can be swapped around. Matches will be concluded in best-of-3 series. The gas map mechanic of asura arena will be in effect as of minute 2 into the map. Usage of rampage is banned Usage of condition amulet while playing mirage is banned. 

    The sign ups are closing on 6PM CET and the tournament will begin at 7PM CET. See you all there!

    submitted by /u/triiplemint
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    How to get to the otherside of Bjora's Marches.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:27 AM PST

    I've created a video of how to get to the other side of Bjora's Marches. There isn't much there, or really anything at all. If you're still interested anyway and want to experience the flattest terrain ever, here's a video guide.

    Bjora's March Map Break

    It's my first video at editing anything, so don't mind a few non invasive effects.

    submitted by /u/NoiseyToy
    [link] [comments]

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