• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    Guild Wars 2 [Mod Post] With regards to the flood of Build Templates posts.

    Guild Wars 2 [Mod Post] With regards to the flood of Build Templates posts.

    [Mod Post] With regards to the flood of Build Templates posts.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    We have been getting reports on almost every single post about build templates and multiple users have sent us messages telling us to do something about the flood of posts.

    As of right now, we are not going to do anything but continue to enforce the standard rules. There will not be a megathread at this current time. Build Templates are a MAJOR update to the game and there is valid discussion on literally dozens of individual specific topics about them and to shove all that into one megathread is NOT a good thing for the game or this sub. Build Templates are the primary discussion in the game right now and just like how we don't censor discussions on new game updates, we are not doing it for this.

    We are not the official forums, we are not employed by ANet and we are not going to censor this discussion. If you see a post or comment that is against a rule, report it and we will deal with it. But we will not be removing individual discussions or making a megathread for all discussion at this time.

    A reminder that personal attacks against other users or developers is against our rules and very well may result in bans. Any form of hate speech is also an instant ban.

    All that being said, we may make a megathread later this week or next week if necessary if/when there is new content coming in the game. But right now we feel it would be wrong to censor all the various discussions about the templates since there is no other major content right now.

    submitted by /u/neok182
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    Build and gear templates not connected, and no way to do so

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:51 AM PDT

    I was super hyped for the templates and was so happy to finally see them released (never used arcdps).

    I log in and find the worst designed system I have ever seen for this in any game. Builds and gear are usually heavily connected, yet there are no way to connect them! In what world did that sound like a good idea Anet?!

    I was like, "Oh well, maybe they'll fix that later". Decided to do some WvW, jumped into the borderlands and realized that my build did not change. Prior to this release the system automatically swapped the build between WvW, PvE and PvP, now it does not.

    I logged out and immediately after that and haven't logged back in after. I don't feel the urge to log back in either and have actually resumed my subscription for WoW.... Maybe I'll give GW2 a try again in a year, but I doubt they'll fix anything by then as they 100% ignored all the good feedback they was getting.


    submitted by /u/Geiir
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    Instead of a tell nothing meme, here's some direct criticism, ANET

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    What I imagine working at Arenanet must be like

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    Episode mastery statistics according to GW2Efficiency

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    PSA: Do not play with / use equipment templates while within Mad King's tower

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    I just did exactly that during the boring downtime in that lobby. At first nothing much happened. I got a message that I switched, but didn't see much. Then we got ported to the tower. At that moment, all my equipment unequipped - all armor, weapons, rings, everything of one build. I didn't have enough inventory space to hold all of that, it was now "on the floor", ready to be picked up in the usual window, including legendaries and 9+5 infusions. Luckily, the unavoidable "death" due to not caring about the puzzle and thus not moving up the tower and subsequent transport back to the lobby also transported all the stuff "on the floor" back there, so nothing was actually lost apart from my calm.

    And it wasn't as easy as just reequipping all of that again. You cannot equip anything inside that instance. I had to delete other stuff to make room to pick the more important stuff up before leaving the tower, because I didn't want to find out if it was also transported back to LA.

    So in short: don't play with equipment templates while inside Mad King's tower. The hassle isn't worth it.

    submitted by /u/foromar
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    The new blue title 'The Extra Life' is confusing me in pvp

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:55 PM PDT

    I can't see the difference between the color of text between the new title and my team mates names (color blindness), so when there are a lot of players at mid I can get easily confused, and think there's another team mate there, when there isn't.

    It's really nice having colored titles, but it is confusing in pvp - could there be a change please (for example changing the color of the title just for pvp, or having all titles absent just in pvp matches).

    (Just so I'm explaining it, when there is a bunch of text at mid, the title is confusing me because it looks like it belongs to someone on my team, when in fact it belongs to an enemy, and is leading to me being outnumbered at mid, because I have a visual problem).

    submitted by /u/simplestofsimons
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    Alina Lesniks take on Fear not this night <3

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:18 AM PDT

    They didn't want to look bad to release 55k gems of upgrades to max out 9 characters

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    Thoughts on Templates from a platform software dev

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    After spending some time reading other threads and the outrage about Build Templates, I want to add my own thoughts to the mix based on fact ANet gave us, my own experience as a developer, and my own opinions. The point of this is to frame some of what players are complaining about in a way that how official build templates were never going to match up to what GW1 or ArcDPS gave us. Any and all opinions are welcome, but please do not bemean, insult, or treat other Redditors like crap.

    The GW1 comparison

    A lot of players like to compare the new build templates to the GW1 build templates, however many of us are failing to realize that just because GW1 and GW2 use the same underlying engine, it doesn't mean that the games function at all alike under the covers. GW1 and GW2 are so drastically different in design, architecture, and data structure that they really aren't at all alike outside of lore/story.

    In GW1, your armor/runes were still integral to the build (and weapons for the non-caster professions), but still had to be configured separately and were not included in templates. Those templates, being as they only stored loaded skills and attribute point allotment and that is more in line with what ANet released for GW2 templates yesterday (chat-codes, etc). I would argue that the Build Storage system is more akin to GW1 build templates and (as someone else mentioned) that the tabs are more aligned with loadouts. That said, with the ability to store codes outside of the game AND overlays being built to make it easy to save those, I'm pretty happy with Build Templates/Storage as it is.

    With Equipment templates, however, things get quite a bit more complicated. As mentioned above, unless you were running a melee/non-magical ranged player with skills requiring specific weapons, Weapons in GW1 were just glorified "stat sticks" and really only the mods mattered for casting professions. I hated that, I like in games like GW2 and FF14 your weapon choice changes the play style of the character. In GW2, the weapon choice usually makes up more than half of the skills in a build and the gear stats make the actual build effective. While we now see GW2 as an Account Bound game, it didn't start that way. GW2, along with GW1, FF14, WoW, D3, and other MMOs/ARPGs. Despite the amount of account-bound skins, achievements, and gear, what a character could equip is still limited to the Inventory. In fact, the Dev specifically called out the inventory system in GW2 as one of the reasons Equipment Templates are character bound. The very nature of the code and database force this. Basically what this means is that it was determined by the team that the risk of breaking entire inventories was far higher than any business or player benefit that would be gained by re-engineering the entire inventory system (Don't bring up ArcDPS, I'll get to that soon). In fact, we've already seen some of this on a smaller scale where a bug(s) are causing some infusions to be eaten by the game. Imagine that on the scale of entire character inventories disappearing.

    Simply put, GW2 wasn't built with the idea that build templates would be needed (in the beginning). They assumed and wanted all builds to be viable and let players play the "way they wanted". That has had to change since release, but we're talking code and architecture that is 11 years old now. I face the same issues at my job and we're only 7 years old...... there are simply things we can't change due to the risk of losing customer's data. In this case, that customer data is the inventory of every character a player has.

    The ArcDPS comparison

    Ok, this will inevitably come up, so I'll address it now. ArcDPS templates were put in place to solve a problem the players had before ANet could implement it in-game. ArcDPS, however, is a hack and does its work by intercepting calls and updating builds through a hacked DLL and forcing GW2 to load that file (I'd love /u/deltaconnected to weigh in if I'm getting anything wrong). ANet worked with the dev to ensure that the templates didn't interfere with the rest of the game, but ANet also didn't keep up with validating the Arc Templates. Someone with the right knowledge could probably rewrite/reverse engineer Arc Templates to ignore when player is not allowed to change gear/skills (I believe this is one of the reasons that there is a delay). I'm not going to rant anymore about Arc. It was good for what it did, but it was still a "Use at your own risk" plugin. ANet gave its approval to the plugin one time and still said "Use at your own risk" even then. To rely/expect an external hack to dictate ANet development was never realistic. The Arc Dev has freedoms that ANet devs (and as a company) doesn't. There is a common misconception that companies with money have more freedom with what their devs do, but that's simply not true. We never stop having work to do and have to prioritize that work AND make sure that none of it interferes/conflicts with existing code.

    The FF14 (or other MMO) Comparison

    The final comparison I want to address is the comparison to other games, most notably FF14. FF14 has a robust class and build template system. I love what they've been able to do with it. However, as with GW1, these are apples to oranges comparisons. FF14 is almost entirely character-based rather than account-based. This makes it easier for their build templates to lump everything together (not to mention the lack of upgrade customization to the level of GW2's) as they only have to worry about that character and not all characters. Same applies to most MMOs that have a template-like system. Many of the complaints I see revolve around Account-bound legendaries in Equipment Templates.

    Other technical limitations

    As mentioned earlier, Equipment templates have some serious technical limitations that ANet had to account for, but couldn't entirely ignore due to how important equipment is to a build. From a gear sharing standpoint, a set of gear with specific upgrades and specific skins are pretty unique in and of themselves making it damn near impossible (or just difficult) to make it so players can share the gear templates (as of today anyway). Additionally, like all other MMOs, what gear a character has equipped is tied to that character's inventory and is unique to only that character. Since characters don't have universal access to their bank, then moving legendary gear from character to character will probably never be a thing as the system would have to be programmed to actively remove the gear from another character, move it to the bank, pull it out of the bank into the current character's inventory, then into the template. I don't see that happening as it's overly complex.


    Yeah, this. I'm not going to harp too much about this as I already have for the last month. Devs are not cheap and they certainly are far more expensive now than they were 11 years ago during GW1's heyday. A reality I've learned from being a developer is that the business is cared about the business' survival. Sometimes that means making decisions that don't sit well with customers or even devs. But it's the reality. Without a business, there is no game and nothing for us to play. Our CEO, a former developer himself, has said this multiple times "I'd love to do everything right the first time, but our customers rarely want to wait and, let's face it, we need to put food on the table."

    Again, No one is expected nor has to agree with me, but can we at least be excellent to each other? No insults, no berating, etc.

    TLDR - there really isn't a way to sum this up in a TLDR

    submitted by /u/EagleDelta1
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    Community reaction since Templates launched.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Three crashes back to back and then this. GOTY

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:27 PM PDT

    Yeah, this is big spook time

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:10 PM PDT


    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    ANet has continuously failed its playerbase, and their greed will be the death of this game.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    I have been an avid Guild Wars 2 player and supporter since launch, amassing around 3700 hours played, 4 legendaries crafted, all professions geared out, and explored most end game content. While many of my friends have moved on over time, I have never seen a mass exodus quite like I have seen as of late.

    As my title indicates, I am of the strong feeling that Arena Net is going down a path that will only end with a heavy majority of their players seeking other titles to fill their MMO needs. Over the years, I have watched update after update cater not to its core players, but to the whales that will pay for convenience. Be it the lack of engaging and rewarding content, high focus on gem store items, poor implementation of build templates, or just the lack of things to play for across all modes, the game is not going in the right direction to sustain any sort of long term growth.

    Honestly, I've grown tired of it myself. I want to continue playing, but the point of an MMO is to play a game with a community that is working towards a common goal. This game no longer has that. Like I mentioned before, most of my friends have quit, my friends list is all gray, except maybe one or two people that still login. I feel like all I have been logging in for as of late is because of FOMO, I login to do my daily CM/T4 fractals, and my daily for gold, and then I log out. I find myself questioning why I am even bothering at this point, because I've basically done all that is worth doing in the game. It's not a good feeling for an MMO, and my motivation to login has all but diminished at this point.

    And this sadly is Anet's doing. They've given their dedicated players nothing to continue playing for. While I commend them for their Living Story additions, and the new mounts they added (I love the skyscale), once these things are finished, theres no reason to return to them. If you need to farm gold, they can be alright for that, but after awhile even that becomes unbearable. Most events give no meaningful rewards, and have been nerfed into the ground so that they almost don't feel like theyre worth the time.

    And it doesn't help that their sole focus is on the Gem Store. There are just entirely too many things being flooded onto this store while actually earning in game rewards and skins is all but forgotten. I wish I had an avenue to unlock some nice mount skins that weren't just opening my wallet. We still cannot unlock a single mount skin that is tied to some sort of progression in game. I also think outfits are one of the worst, and most lazy additions to the game, and have reviled them since their release. They've now taken armor collection and mixing and matching looks the laziest route they could have, and removed one of the more unique aspects that players enjoy. I get it's costly/time consuming to make armor skins fit each race correctly, but mass producing cookie cutter outfits takes all the uniqueness out of making your character yours. I get it, they have to make money; but it feels like the game has pretty much just moved toward a 90% focus on gem store, while drip feeding us anything to work towards in game. Between their awful lootbox uses (black lion chests and RNG mount skins on their initial release), it just shows that greed reigns supreme right now for them.

    And lastly, the content drip, and their changes to things that make the game less fun. Lets take for example the recent changes to the aquatic fractal. Sure, it was relatively easy; but Anet's idea of a fix for this is ramping up the difficulty 2000%, making it take entirely way too long while being a tedious chore, with no change to the actual rewards themselves. I have not done the aquatic fractal since I first cleared it with the new changes, because it just isn't FUN to do. This is a great example of what ANET has been doing for the past couple years. Path of Fire was a great, fun, game changing expansion, and it feel's like that was the last time the game actually focused on fun, rather than what we're dealing with now.

    People that raid are having to wait nearly a YEAR between releases. PVPer's have nothing to play for, while they've been begging for a 2v2 queue for a very long time, their voice falls on deaf ears. WvWer's have not seen a significant update to the game mode in idk how long. I can understand why PVEer's, WVWer's, and PVPer's alike are leaving en masse. Anet is not delivering FUN content, is not making changes in any significant amount of time, and is focused solely on gem store content.

    And finally, we get to the latest release debacle with build templates, which we see ANET creating a problem in their game, only to try and sell us the solution to it. The community already left ANET behind on this one, creating and using a solution that worked fine for them, only to have that ripped away so that it could be monetized, all while being an inferior system. This sets a bad precedent moving forward, because quality of life things like this should never be locked behind a paywall. Other MMO's aren't doing it, and ANET shouldn't be either. What was a highly sought out and requested QOL improvement that could have been a great addition to the game, has become another debacle that has infuriated the community. Sadly, I have 0 faith ANET will actually see why this is a huge problem, and believe they will continue down the path of attempting to milk their community while they still can.

    This got a little ranty, sorry for the length. Even with all this said, there are still so many other problems with the game (like class balance and nerfs), but I just needed to get my frustrations out, because I used to love GW2, and now it feels like I don't even have an interest in logging in anymore.

    TLDR: Anet has consistantly ignored it's community since POF release, focused too much on the gem store, while ignoring community plea's for meaningful content. They've made the game not fun or enjoyable to play, and I feel that most player's have little to no reason to play the game anymore.

    submitted by /u/GunmetalAK47
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    As an initial step, it may help if every template slot had a PvE, WvW and PvP version

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    There are a lot of things to fix with the equipment and build templates but perhaps if every slot we get or buy would actually allow 3 individual templates - one for each game mode (PvE, WvW and PvP) - we would then have a max of 6 slots per character for each game mode to an 18 total + the autoload for each game mode could be resolved as well.... the pricing and everything will be more OK?

    submitted by /u/Vthal
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    Disconnect Issues

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:03 PM PDT

    Is anyone else disconnected every 30ish seconds? The game's practically unplayable.

    submitted by /u/SecondWorld1198
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    Thoughts on the recent backlash

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    I'm gonna get crucified for saying this, but I have to get it off my chest.

    I feel relatively neutral about the Build Templates at the moment, though that feeling may change as time goes on. I do not support ANet for this decision, nor am I writing this to white knight them. The way they have chosen to implement this feature is definitely questionable.

    What I wanted to say:
    I've been subscribed to this sub for a few years and have progressively commented or created threads less and less. I know I'm not the only one to consider it a cesspit and I can say from browsing various other gaming ( and other type ) subs that this one is one of the more unpleasant ones to visit ( excluding the obvious extreme ones ).

    It's okay to be passionate about the game and to criticize where criticisms are due, especially when ANet has done something that is very clearly a poor decision. Sometimes you have to scream at them to be heard. But the frequency with which I see negative threads, people bashing ANet, low effort memes and screenshots on the front page, while people asking legitimate questions or sharing creative videos get downvoted in to invisibility is just unreal. To top it off, there's another outrage every few months followed by people writing their own obituaries that are likely to take others with them and driving off more who were thinking about trying the game.

    People constantly talk of the content droughts and how PvP and WvW are empty and it just makes me feel like if everyone keeps up the pitch fork mobs, they're going to kill their own game. It isn't any wonder the population feels like it's dwindling when the players themselves are constantly driving everyone off.

    I'm not defending ANet's poor decision making because many times I agree at least partially when complaints are made. But GW2 is still a great game with a lot of potential and people should start sharing their positive experiences more, and others supporting it, if they want the game to prosper.

    GW2 is going to completely collapse and the remaining player base will be devastated. And it won't be because of content droughts or poorly thought out decisions on behalf of ANet, it will be because the overwhelming negativity of the player base will have driven everyone off or scared everyone away from ever trying.

    I know these thoughts will only be a drop in the ocean, and it's likely to get swarmed with those who are absolutely infuriated with the Templates, but I had to say something in the hopes it could at minimum cause a ripple in the water.

    submitted by /u/CoconutRacecar
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    Why is the trading post so insanely slow

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    Only 1 year ago I could buy things nearly instantly in massive quantities. I just wanted to buy 30k of an item, and it takes like a whole minute just to put in an order for 250 even at insta-buy.

    Meanwhile I'm getting constant log-in server errors that happen only when interacting with the trading post.

    submitted by /u/-Ow
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    Even though you can only buy 6 Template slots currently, the system has been designed to expand up to 10 in the future.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:48 PM PDT

    Changing traits now puts all your charged utilities to cooldown :(

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    As a FB with lots of mantras, whenever I want to change my build during fractals (each encounter may require different strategies), all my active mantras get put on cooldown, and I must wait for 30 secs for them to refresh.

    And the mistlock thing is not placed everywhere so relying just on it is not a solution. I want the old method back!

    submitted by /u/transcendcosmos
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