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    Sunday, July 26, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Winterberries

    Guild Wars 2 Winterberries


    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:46 PM PDT


    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    I can not be the only one who wants this skin to replace my engi turret

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Sometimes the forums give us gems like these

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    [TIL] There is an Invitation to Festival Vendor

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    I've been playing on and off for the past couple of months, only becoming more active in the last couple of weeks. Doing so, I forgot to log in for SAB and missed out on the Invitation item for the achievment.

    It bummed me out to have to wait a whole year for it, but I moved on. This morning I remembered there were skritt vendors in LA that act as festival merchants. To my suprise and joy, one of them sells the invitations to each of the previous festivals!

    So, in case you also missed the festival, but have plenty of that festival's currency, you to don't have to wait a year for it to come back.

    submitted by /u/Durranos
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    Liminal Moorhound, another item in the collection. What is your favorite jackal skin?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Asc. Bufffood Guild UI

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    It would be quite nice if the UI in the guild menu actually told you what each food does. You know instead of just saying:


    Gourmet feast: Double-click to serve "FOODNAME" to anyone nearby. Feast stays active for 5 minutes.

    It says:


    Gourmet feast: Double-click to serve "FOODSTATS" to anyone nearby. Feast stays active for 5 minutes.

    As the name is anyway already above in the title.

    submitted by /u/Valfaros
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    Me searching for that one vista

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    The best thing about Drizzlewood Coast is that elite mobs are big.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    And thanks to that you can actually react to their tells. Even if it's completely unnecessary, it's fun to interupt / dodge them when they don't melt immediately. Can't do that to elites on other maps because the tells are literally invisible underneath all the visual clutter. It would be lovely to see more of those mobs in future maps, preferably with some more impactful skills.

    submitted by /u/BibbyTheBobofruit
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    Never heard of this game before - just downloaded it, about to start it, no idea what to expect!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    Hey all!

    Looking for some advice; as the title suggests, I've just installed Guild Wars 2 with absolutely no idea of what it's going to be! I'm hoping for a modern day Runescape vibe. Would love tips or advice to help me get started :)

    If anyone wants to be friends (can you play with people on like a server?) please let me know ! I'm 21F from Melbourne, Australia so it's almost 7pm local time here.

    Would love advice even picking a character! Lol

    submitted by /u/fivesexofsummer
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    Highly active WvW servers EU?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm just wondering which EU servers are really active in WvW? As in they have 24/7 zergs or groups and stuff like that. The server I'm on is essentially dead until late evening which isn't the best for my situation. I'm not really too fussed about 'the best' I just don't wanna be the only one on a map when I'm playing haha.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/Eggzeyy
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    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 19 - Sparkfly Fen

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    19 of 52 - Sparkfly Fen - Level 55-65

    Sparkfly Fen is a victim of its own success. Prior to Tequatl Rising in September of 2013, this zone was a sleepy corner of the world. Tequatl was a world boss, sure, but it was widely agreed that the rewards for world bosses at the time were undertuned.

    Following Tequatl Rising, though, this map exploded in popularity astronomically. This is only really comparable to Bloodtide Coast or Blazeridge Steppes. Especially at the start of the rework, before it was later turned down in difficulty, the new Tequatl was the kind of fight that had guilds posting 'first kills' on reddit. It was a phenomenon.

    In a way, living next door to such a titan has meant the rest of Sparkfly Fen has languished a bit in obscurity. That seems a shame - there's a lot going on here.

    This map is part of the 'Convention Demo' club, having been part of pre-release publicity tours back in 2012. It was the highest level zone that we had seen at the time, and so we all tuned in to sometimes grainy handheld footage of it on show floors. The main focus of those demos was the pirate ship attacking the Vigil fort up north - an exciting promise of 'dynamic events' and all they could do, for us back in 2012.

    The map itself is getting to the high levels - only one more (Mount Maelstrom) in this 'southern group' before we hit Orr. There's a parallel group up north - Fireheart Rise and then Frostgorge Sound - but most players will be pointed down here either by the personal story or by the pull from the enticing (80) symbols hovering over the Orrian zones just to the south.

    Theme/Concept - 8/10

    Sparkfly Fen, even more than its higher level counterpart Mount Maelstrom, is the 'last stop before Orr'. The map is dominated by the undead and even Orrian ruins - the first glimpses that players will have of the kingdom. Wisely, the artists have chosen to keep the ruins on this map decrepit almost beyond recognition - EXCEPT the Orrian temple underwater. You are rewarded by what feels like a place lost in time if you venture beneath the waves.

    That's generally what this map feels like. It's mysterious, it's dangerous. In many ways, the 'good guys' have already lost on this map: the hylek have by and large been converted to undead before the player got here. They're rallying behind their last line of defense. We've arrived at Act 3 of the movie. In that context, it makes the Tequatl fight even more cinematic - if we lose here, the last hylek survivors are surely done for.

    In some ways, it actually makes this map 'darker' than the Orrian maps. In Orr, it always feels like we, the Pact, are winning. Slowly but surely, we're taking the shrines and beating the undead back. Sparkfly Fen has more in common with Bjora Marches in the way that it feels like we might win today, but it's a hollow victory. We've already lost so much.

    If Sparkfly Fen is a movie, it has to be an Indiana Jones crossed with one of the better zombie horror films. We're plundering ruins in 28 Days Later.

    Lore - 5/10

    Sparkfly Fen has some interesting lore, but not from GW1. There is a map that corresponds with this one in the first game: Sparkfly Swamp. But the two have next to nothing in common, save the presence of hylek. Sparkfly Swamp was the domain of the toughest dinosaur enemies in the first game, as well as a number of asura crews. There is one asura lab here (Hexfoundry Unhinged), but the connection is loose at best.

    Instead, there's a great deal of interesting lore to do with the Orrians, the hylek, and the sylvari. We get the only mention of the 'Frog' Spirit of the Wild here, in a conversation between a norn and a hylek up north. We get a glimpse into hylek social structure at the tomb of hylek nobility. We get some of their religion at their temple - which will come into play in an aggressive way in LWS2 and HoT. The same hylek we're saving here will become crusaders hell bent on converting itzel and nuhoch in HoT.

    We get a good amount on the Wyld Hunt sylvari here, on the connection they feel to Orr and the responsibility they feel to stopping it. Having awoken along with the sunken continent, they feel a responsibility for it. That story thread is going to have surprising staying power, all the way to Siren's Landing in LWS3, where sylvari are the main group trying to tame and repopulate the post-Zhaitan Orr.

    Finally, we have some references - vague as they are - to who the Orrians are and what their presence was here.

    Design - 7/10

    Sparkfly Fen's structure hides a density of action. Separated by large bodies of water, caverns, and large rocky hills, the areas of this map feel disconnected. This is not like Bloodtide Coast where we can easily see from one area of the map over to another. We're crowded in here by tangles of forest, ruins, mountains and swamplands.

    That means that it's harder to put together the 'flow' of events here. There are not one, not two, but three metas on this map; one of which is the world boss Tequatl. One of those metas - at the Aztrozintli hylek city - is surprisingly complex, requiring a success of three simultaneous defense events, and falling back to increasingly desperate defenses of the core if that fails. The northernmost meta is the aforementioned undead pirate ship.

    Again, the environmental design here leads to a feeling of 'stumbling across' these metas. That persists across the rest of the events, with surprisingly large chains such as the attack on the Lich's Tower easy to miss. There is even an optional chain that interacts with the Astrozintli defense - defending an estranged hylek town, and then bringing them to the main event like the Rohirrim at Pelennor Fields.

    This goes for non-event content, as well. Not only is there a large post-launch jumping puzzle here - one that looks beautiful, I might add - but there's a really well hidden mini-dungeon as well. There's even a third unmarked jumping puzzle in the southeast with no associated achievements. I almost prefer it that way - it fits the theme of the map so well. When you discover it, it brings that feeling that many of us get the first time we come across a jumping puzzle - like you must be the first person to discover it.

    Inevitably, players are funneled down to the Tequatl fight. But I wonder about the extent to which this is less encouraged by the design of the map itself and more by the popularity of the event within the community. It's surprisingly difficult to find the Tequatl fight if you don't know where you're going. Part of that is definitely the overall 'density' of the environment on this map.

    Gameplay - 8/10

    I find Sparkfly Fen to be a blast for a vanilla map. Sometimes, gameplay stands on its own regardless of context - but on this map the gameplay is enhanced by the story and the drama. The Astrozintli defense events, the undead infested hylek villages, the Tequatl fight- all of it is enhanced by the feeling that something horrible could happen at any moment. That if Astrozintli falls, the hylek are really done with for good.

    Separately, it's hard to talk about gameplay on this map without talking about Tequatl. Built by a team lead by Crystal Reid (responsible for Triple Trouble, Tequatl rework) that later formed the core of the Raid Team for the first round of Raids (Forsaken Thicket), we can see the evolution of the game's PvE content in this fight. Its success created Triple Trouble, the Marionette fight, and set the stage for Raids in general. The Tequatl fight's importance to the design history of Guild Wars 2 cannot be overstated.

    The core conceit of the overhaul is that, up until this point, World Boss encounters were made less interesting by the 'zerg' structure. Even in cases where there were two enemies to punch, players were easily capable of balling up and wacking an enemy until they died. In the Tequatl Rising fight, the team challenged the zerg to diversify their roles or die. Some players need to be in turrets. Some need to defend the turrets. Some need to hit the boss. On top of that, they introduced a phase change that had the same idea - split up, defend, or die. All of this was tied to a punishing timer - that was later made less strict. This would later evolve into the 'lanes' mechanic in the Marionette fight.

    Elsewhere in Sparkfly Fen, it's true that the gameplay is not revolutionary. As I said before, its fun stems from the dramatic ties to the environmental storytelling. While the Astrozintli events are surprisingly complex chains, they are still simple wave defend events.

    The minidungeon, likewise, is well hidden but not particularly complex. It's definitely one of the smaller minidungeons. The Hexfoundry Unhinged puzzle gets two thumbs up though for being an actual 'puzzle'. Be on the lookout everywhere on this map for small hidden chests - there are a number of them scattered about.

    Art - 7/10

    I struggle with judging the art with maps that have a heavy presence of Orrian undead. There's only so much Risen and associated art assets we can take. Sparkfly Fen - despite the effective use of the undead for its theme and storytelling - is really pushing the limit on this. By the time we get to Mount Maelstrom and the Risen there, you will definitely be over undead swamps.

    Elsewhere though, the art strikes a great balance. We get some really neat hylek architecture that isn't replicated anywhere else. We get some cool ruins in a quantity that we don't find on other maps. Hexfoundry Unhinged and the Verarium Delves look great. On top of that, we have the Tequatl fight itself - which has always been one of the game's most cinematic encounters, even back to 2012-era trailers. It's framed perfectly. It is clear that the designers were thinking in terms of film 'shots' for this one.

    So it's a bit of a tradeoff. Your personal enjoyment of the art on this map is going to depend on your tolerance of undead walking around in mangrove forests at this point in the game.

    Long Term/Retention - 10/10

    Sparkfly Fen has the kind of retention problem that other maps would love to have. It has one of the most stable map populations in the game. Squads doing Tequatl at reset are never going away.

    But I do question whether that is at the expense of the other content on the map. Players think of this map, I would hazard a guess, as more of 'the one with Tequatl' than anything else. Very few players hang around after the dragon fight - the zerg has other metas to do.

    There are some rewards that keep the population up here. Astrozintli is the only place you can get sun beads - a crafting item required not only for hylek weapons, but also for a couple legendary and other rare crafting quests. I partly wish that hylek weapons could not be traded on the TP - to help boost the population here pursuing the hylek weapons collection. Interestingly, this is one of the few vanilla maps for which there is no Treasure Hunter achievement item.

    Overall - 7.5/10

    If you've only visited Sparkfly Fen for Tequatl, you should give it another look. The Hylek culture and events on the map are engaging, and the undead pirate meta is fun. There are some interesting odds and ends on this map - a ghost in a tower that feels like it should be more of a reward than it is, and a jumping puzzle that doesn't count as a jumping puzzle. This is another map that should have received better rewards across the map when Tequatl was updated - especially in light of updated design philosophy on map-specific rewards. A new Hylek weapon set with token currency - and a more involved Hylek meta - would go a long way to making this one of the strongest vanilla maps in the game. The population is already there - just focused on the dragon.


    That's it for today! Next week, we'll be headed to Fireheart Rise. Better pack some burn ointment.

    What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others?

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    How to weaponswap these days without it automatically removing everything?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    I've just come back to the game and have been struggling a lot with the equipment templates. I used to switch weapons before the fight to blast might etc. but I noticed that doing so removes sigils and more importantly infusions from my legendaries, leaving me with not enough AR for the fight...

    Anyway to prevent that? Almost seems like using legendary weapons is a detriment instead of a benefit.

    submitted by /u/kaan_baki
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    Best duelist in PvP (conquest mainly)?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    Trying gw2 for the first time since its first release months.

    Coming from WoW, where I'm a decent pvp rogue (2.4xp if that means anything to anyone). I love its stealth mechanic, burst capabilities, and all the control finesse it offers (subtlety spec). I also really like that it's always relevant in PvP and PvE.

    I've been looking at gw2 guides, and Thief seems to be a mediocre at best duelist; dueling isn't its role, it prefers to gank, which is not super appealing to me.

    Guardian seems to be considered great in GW2 in all content, but it seems like it could be overrepresented. I'm also not a fan of paladins; are Guardians fun? Are they good duelists?

    Warrior appeals to me, but I've read they're in a very rough spot in PvP (and have been for a while), but A tier in PvE. What's their role in PvP? If PvP is my focus, should I ignore Warrior?

    Revenants seem interesting, but a little too edgy maybe. Are they FotM, or will they remain relevant in all content for the foreseeable future?

    Necromancers seem cool, but I've also read they're not exactly in demand for PvE. I'd rather not struggle to find groups for Fractals when I eventually do them.

    Would rather avoid ranged classes. Ele and Engi seem to have too many buttons to press anyway.

    submitted by /u/OMGWhatsHisFace
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    [Art] Guitar Asura piece I did for myself :3

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Need help finding a armour skin

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    The other day I saw a player wearing what looks like a stalker type gas mask with a ragged cloth hood. It was underwater so I assumed it was aquatic headgear. I can't find it in the wardrobe under that or normal headgear. Can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/Aardwolfz
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    Zerg bombing with [Dive] @ 2020

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Got finished by Vishen Steelshot :-)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    I've never seen that before. Mobs can finish the player:

    I got downed at Vishen Steelshot ... a guildy tried to res me -> Vishen finished me! :-)

    submitted by /u/lordchilli
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    Does anyone have 8x phospholuminescent infusions stacked on a female human character for me to see in game?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    All the videos I found online are super old and I saw some comments that ANet nerfed the glow and I couldn't find one with female human also, does anyone have this combo?

    submitted by /u/starshipsneverfall
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