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    Guild Wars Celestial Mini Guide Quick & Easy - Canthan New Year 2020

    Guild Wars Celestial Mini Guide Quick & Easy - Canthan New Year 2020

    Celestial Mini Guide Quick & Easy - Canthan New Year 2020

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:27 AM PST

    Alliance Battles & Fort Aspenwood

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Just reminding everyone of our weekly games.

    Alliance Battles are every Friday starting at 5 PM EST. Players gather and form teams on Kurzick side, so if you come and see Luxon empty, don't fret! :)

    Fort Aspenwood games start at 4 PM EST Saturday & Sunday (although they often start a bit earlier as they begin as soon as enough players arrive).

    Everyone is welcome to join in!

    See you there!

    submitted by /u/maverikva
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    Necro norn and dread mask

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:27 PM PST

    Can anyone post a picture of male necro norn armor with a dread mask? I wanna see if it has clipping with it. Also if you have a suggestion of necro armor to go with a dread mask I would like to see as well! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/PoisonBones
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    GW Prophecies D&D Campaign Notes

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:56 AM PST

    So, several people have commented and DM'd asking for my notes and everything with how I've been running my GW: Prophecies D&D campaign, so here are the notes for the first 6 "chapters" of our campaign. We play for 4 hours per session, and this much of everything took us probably 9 combined sessions.


    I DID NOT CREATE THE ART OF THE STATUES IN CHAPTER THREE. I found the art on the Internet and just sized them so that if I printed them out onto cardstock I could cut and fold them to be the right sizes for terrain pieces on the map.

    There were a lot of things, especially in the early chapters, that I had to on the fly adjust difficulty down a little bit. Sometimes the players rolled horribly and I rolled particularly well, and sometimes it just took them more resources than expected to get through something, and then having them do more would have been a bit much. They also don't have a cleric or wizard in their party (hurray one bard that does it all), so if you have a proper, balanced party you may not need to do as much of that. I did also preface the entire campaign in session 0 with, "Running away is always an option. Sometimes, it may be the correct option."

    As people comment or ask questions, I'll edit this main post with any answers.

    Some general things:

    I adapted Prophecies to fit D&D, not the other way around, generally speaking.

    There are no dragon born or tieflings. Dragons, as we know, "don't exist" in the world of Tyria. Tieflings would be assumed to be some form of demons and attacked on sight, basically.

    Players are all aware that each has a secret, but none know the others' secrets unless they've chosen to divulge them. I try to put hints to their secrets whenever it makes sense.

    Hobgoblins and orcs work well together, as hobgoblins are smart enough to subjugate the orcs and get them to do as they want. All the orcs in my Tyria also speak goblin. None of the hobgoblins speak orc (inferior language and all). Tactically speaking, orcs' ability to bonus action dash into melee works very well with hobgoblins' ability to then get their bonus d8 damage on their longbow shots.

    Naturally, a lot has been improvised and deviated from the notes as I wrote them.

    I have given the players many an enchanted arrow. Each arrow has symbols of a different god and an inlaid gem in the head. When a PC uses the arrow to make an attack with their bow, they roll their attack and damage. If they miss, figure out where the arrow lands and use that for the center/direction of the spell. A ruby Balthazar arrow is burning hands. A sapphire Melandru arrow is Thunderwave. An emerald Grenth arrow becomes Melph's Acid Arrow on top of its normal d8 damage, etc.

    Sohothin is a Flametongue that is ALWAYS on (no command word needed, can be sheathed for stealth), gives +3 to attack rolls, and adds 4d8 fire damage instead of 2d6.

    Most maps I just make up on the spot when they have an encounter. For the arena fight,they had a relatively circular area about 80 feet in diameter. I added some boulders to block line of sight, trees to provide partial cover, and a frozen pond in the middle (approx. 30 feet in diameter). Traveling in a straight line across the pond counts as half the distance moved. That is, the 30 feet to clear the pond only takes 15 ft. of movement. Changing direction while moving across the pond counts as double. So, if you move four squares straight forward and then change to moving diagonally, your first two squares will count as 5 ft., but your first square in your new direction counts as 10 ft. Characters stepping on the pond or beginning their turn on the pond must pass a DC 15 Dexterity Saving throw or fall prone in the exact space where they made the check. If a player rolls a natural 1 for that save, I had them not only fall prone but then slide the rest of the way across the ice in a straight line until they either hit the ground on the other side of the pond or hit another character. If they hit another character, they took 1d4 bludgeoning damage. This slide would use up all of their remaining movement speed for the turn.

    Obviously, their are no yak eggs. A character with a low INT score, however, will not know this and will totally accept Zook's quest. They will not encounter the yak with golden fur (which does not actually lay eggs) until they have made it through Borliss Pass and into Kryta.

    submitted by /u/TheRealKaz
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    Is GW DressUp working ?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:07 PM PST

    I can't make it work, I remembrer I used to a few months ago but it was impossible for me today, does it work for you ?

    submitted by /u/Dimdim6
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    python has chr(), I had to use C# :(

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Hell's Precipice help/Builds

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:36 PM PST

    My sis and I are longtime GW1 players who came back to the game after I built her new computer a few years ago. We mainly map and do all mission + bonuses, but in the past worked primarily with henchmen. We each have heroes this time and have Koss/Meloni/Tahikora/Jin/Soskue/Dunkoro unlocked.

    We are doing Hell's Precipice but are having issues with overaggroing. The biggest issue is my sis is a N/Rt but can't play with her Ritualistic skills because she is trying to cap Hundred Blades from Rurik (so Koss isn't so useless) so she is just a Necro. I'm a WoH M/R with a pet for distraction and run Dunkoro (smiting RoJ) and Tahikora (usually Protect AoF, switched to Healing with WoH).

    My question is besides Mesmers (which neither of us have on those accounts) are their other player/hero builds that make this mission and bonus easier to get? I know we could probably power through without too much issue if we didn't handicap ourselves so much, but a problem could also be the way we split our heroes (she was the damage dealers and I the healers mostly) and I'm looking towards all avenues.

    submitted by /u/TheFrankman86
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    +1 Channeling Magic not working

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:44 AM PST

    I can't get my ritualist hero to cast a level 17 splinter weapon on my assassin. I have double, triple and even quadruple checked that he has 16 channeling magic and +1 CM (chance 20%) staff.

    I have cast the spell about 50 times now without the improved result.

    Any ideas? Please try for yourself.

    submitted by /u/akkahu_albar
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    Connecting to ArenaNet

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:39 AM PST

    Anyone having an issue getting passed the load screen?

    submitted by /u/Reeco22
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